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How to get new schematics for artifice?


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Returning player here. I wonder where can I get more schemtaics for my artifice? I have a weak memory of some vendors, but I cant find anyone anymore. Cheers for any help


Quite a few vendors had been removed so the majority of common schematics come from the usual artifice vendor and also drops from operations, pvp and galactic command crates now strangely enough.


Which schematics in particular were you after?

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The artifice trainers are with the other crew skill trainers:

* Fleet, in the Strongholds and Crew Skills section.

* Coruscant, on the north side of the eastern half of the commercial zone under the Senate Plaza

* Dromund Kaas, in the eastern end of Kaas City (up the stairs behind the stronghold mission holostatue)

* Corellia, in the spaceport

* Nar Shaddaa, in a corner of the Lower Promenade

* Voss, half-way up the eastern side of Voss-Ka

* Tatooine, in Anchorhead north of the Anchorhead taxi, or in the eastern side of lower Mos Ila

* Alderaan, in the House Organa castle area or the House Thul castle area

* Zakuul, in the Old World near where you meet Mona Gale


In all those places, there is also a Crew Skills Trade vendor who sells the white mats for crafting components. There is also one of those vendors on Odessen, near C2-N2, but there are no crew skill trainers on Odessen.

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Some of the "reputation" vendors also sell schematics:


BBA Acquisition Officer (Fleet, Cartel Bazaar)

Gree Reputation Vendor (Fleet, Cartel Bazaar, and Ilum)

CZ-198, in the "Office Terminal" outside the flashpoint entrance.

Section X starting area

Makeb (Orbital Station)

Yavin IV (Coalition Staging area)

Oricon starting area


Downside fo these: you typically need fairly high reputation (Legend or Champion) to buy them.

On the upside, reputation is shared across your legacy, and the schematics are legacy-bound, so you don't need to grind the rep and/or buy the schematics with the character that's going to use them.


There is also one of those vendors on Odessen, near C2-N2, but there are no crew skill trainers on Odessen.
Makeb also has one of those vendors, plus Gathering and Mission Crew Skill trainers, but no Crafting trainers, for whatever reason. Edited by Adric_the_Red
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In all those places, there is also a Crew Skills Trade vendor who sells the white mats for crafting components. There is also one of those vendors on Odessen, near C2-N2, but there are no crew skill trainers on Odessen.


The space station above Ilum also has one. She can even be seen on the Ilum ground map ! :eek: ( At the western border of the vast temple ruins you have to fly through if you want to get to the Gree Event area via taxi ).

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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