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I'm not talking out my rear. Bioware should uphold the laws and that means supplying the resources to enforce their policies and the law. Meaning they need to have people policing the chat. They aren't above the law and need to reenforce it. It's like I keep saying this game has minors (children under 18) in it mixed with adults and talking sexually around them or to them is against the law. Doesn't even matter if you know if someone is a minor or not, many have been unjustly persecuted for not knowing someone was a minor and talking sexually. It's stupid and I won't deny that and I wish it wasn't like that but the law is what it is. You made it sound like they are above the law and should not supply the resources to discourage conversations like that.


I'm pretty sure they have lawyers on staff or at least legal consultants. So I'm confident they are not doing anything unlawful. If you believe they are though and want to champion the cause, then you can contact a lawyer and have them look into it to either confirm or deny your interpretation of the law and their obligations. I believe you'll discover that they are under no obligation to do any of things you want them to do however.

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For those concerned about minors, I'd argue it's their parent's job to 'police' their online activities. The game does have a 'T' ESRB rating, which, includes 'infrequent use of strong language', so it shouldn't come as a surprise when that language is used.
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Even today there are still people who support him while he's dead, who wish he could have been around. Is that because they are scared as well, or is that because they believe he could have changed the world for the better?

You should watch men in the high castle season 1 and 2, it's an amazing series.


Brainwashed comes to mind actually. It would be interesting to see their psychological test results. Would very much land in the "easily manipulated" category and that's indicative of lower levels of rational thought processes.


(think I broke the quote link :( )

Edited by Fydgett
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I think it's a big difference to be critical about someone's choices ore something they had no choice in. I also don't think a generalisation like this is in the same corner as derogatory slurs. I do agree it is a generalisation and as such I don't believe it's correct.


My point was I do not believe choice vs. no choice should not factor in to what someone can find offensive.



But just because I believe that a lot of people lack critical thinking, doesn't mean it's meant as a derogatory remark. It's an observation to me, but I do also know people who are religious and do have critical notes. Just not that many..


I've said many stupid things that were offensive without meaning to be. My point was it isn't whether or not you find it offensive, it is how someone else feels it. The poster I responded to said that people who believe in religion lack critical thinking. I am not religious, so I did not take offense. But I can certainly see how someone who is religious could take offense.


But no, I do not agree that her comments were similar to derogatory slurs. That term is too strong for her personal observation because I do not believe she had the same intent.


I believe something can be found offensive despite intentions. The fact that the language wasn't as charged as something like "bible thumper" (cant' really think of any other religious slurs) doesn't change it in my mind. But its subjective of course, so we can agree to disagree.

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Brainwashed comes to mind actually. It would be interesting to see their psychological test results. Would very much land in the "easily manipulated" category and that's indicative of lower levels of rational thought processes.


(think I broke the quote link :( )


@_@ Some people are legitimately racist or sexists, there is nothing more to it. Idk how you can deny it.

He had a lot of loyal supporters and they served him white pride. Brainwashing did happen, but that was mainly on children.

Edited by Eshvara
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For those concerned about minors, I'd argue it's their parent's job to 'police' their online activities. The game does have a 'T' ESRB rating, which, includes 'infrequent use of strong language', so it shouldn't come as a surprise when that language is used.


I would NEVER let minor children play this game. EVER. Some of the violence (in cut scenes) is out of hand as well as the language. I also find it inappropriate that the game explicitly puts the character in situations where sex is strongly implied.


What's even MORE ridiculous is that the word "homosexual" is filtered by default in chat. So there is a filter for ***word*** "homosexual" but no way of filtering the scenes where this activity is actually portrayed/implied. Proof that we live in a society where you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as you don't say anything that anyone might consider offensive.

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Everyone saying just hit ignore is what's wrong with society today lol....you shouldn't have to click "ignore" or even turn off general chat because of racism or homophobia or whatever else is going on/ Simply because, it shouldn't be happening....that is the OP's entire point. You all who say ignore are the reason the world is like it is because you are to lazy or just don't give a crap to do anything about it. Edited by NakodaTheJedi
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Everyone saying just hit ignore is what's wrong with society today lol....you shouldn't have to click "ignore" or even turn off general chat because of racism or homophobia or whatever else is going on/ Simply because, it shouldn't be happening....that is the OP's entire point. You all who say ignore are the reason the world is like it is because you are to lazy or just don't give a crap to do anything about it.


Wrong. In the real world, when I (as a minority) see or hear something that disparages my culture I IGNORE IT. I think to myself, "that person is an ignorant idiot and is not worth my time."


Same thing goes in online gaming.


90% of hate speech is about getting attention. Don't give them the attention they seek and chances are they will slink away.

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Everyone saying just hit ignore is what's wrong with society today lol....you shouldn't have to click "ignore" or even turn off general chat because of racism or homophobia or whatever else is going on/ Simply because, it shouldn't be happening....that is the OP's entire point. You all who say ignore are the reason the world is like it is because you are to lazy or just don't give a crap to do anything about it.


It's different if you met someone who actually held these views IRL. In game, they are only doing it to piss you and everyone else off that they can and get you to acknowledge their tiny existence. They more likely than not do not hold the views they portray. To me what's wrong is the people who allow them to become more than the insignificant nothings they are by responding to them.


I'll show this again link


The first person who responds to a troll is Letter C. Who is really causing the most damage at that point? On the Internet, all any of us who hate the trolls and their "beliefs" can do to affect positive change is to cut the head off by NOT being Letter C. The more people that ignore that person, the less "C's" out there and the less the trolls are allowed to exist.


I don't get what you're seeing as lazy by ignoring them in a game setting where their anonymity protects them. There are no magic words that will make them stop. They're not going to change their behavior because you gave them a stern talking-to. They're not going to feel sorry because you tell them they're hurting people's feelings. Whether you engage them positively or negatively, you are only empowering them.


The absolute most powerful tool you can use against them and their "beliefs" is to ignore them.

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