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70% Kolto Overload/Adrenaline rush for pt/vg instead of merc/mando


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Won't the mercenary/commando dcds on dps be fixed if you removed the 70% Kolto Overload/Adrenaline rush UT and give it to the powertech/vanguard instead. As a healer I don't use the utility since I want to have uninterruptable UT and another one for kiting. Even without the 70% kolto overload the merc dps will still be a very strong class. The UT gives you like 8s invincibility.


The powertech/vanguard feels like a lost cause during this patch, every other class get strong defensive utilities while yours relative stays the same.

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it's so obvious that i believe devs created kolto surge for PT and just put it to mercs by mistake :rolleyes:


dear bioware, you missed a very good idea for once, kolto surge to PT is a good add for AP and THE ideal complement for pyro to have at least a decent survivability.

Edited by Thaladan
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What utility would they bake it into?


Efficient suit or liquid cooling I'd presume. KO purging stuns right now is actually pretty **** since you lose the stun DR I hate that I have to take it to get the cannons with non crap range.

Edited by Raynezazki
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Efficient suit or liquid cooling I'd presume. KO purging stuns right now is actually pretty **** since you lose the stun DR I hate that I have to take it to get the cannons with non crap range.


Oh, it could probably be baked onto the utility that makes your rockets heal you, too. That'd make sense thematically.

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Merc is a caster and ranged class, PT has insane mobility and giving them same cooldowns would be utterly stupid.

They need some buff, however.


making a PT like a merc on the dcds wouldn't make them much different from a juggernaut, which aren't exactly the strongest class in the game.

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OP is spot on. This is the conclusion a bunch of people have come to in separate threads. There's a suggestion petiton up for it here:




go sign if you agree.


This is such an obvious fix for two different problems. I can't believe that BOTH KO and Trauma Stabs were meant for mando/merc and not one of them for pt/vanguard.

Edited by stoopicus
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PTs are already the best tank, they don't need that.


That's the problem. People attach these giant blanket statements and fixes to a class forgetting that different specs will be affected differently by supposed fixes. People wear blinders and only see what they want to see.

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Sins are definitely the best atm, what are you talking about?


They are trying to divert attention from mercs.


In the end it doesn't matter because the numbers won't lie when BW looks at this, and based on personal observation, they are probably winding up their nerfbat swing for the new year.

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Here's my proposal:


Take Adrenal Surge/Kolto Surge and Traume Stabilizers/Trauma Regulators from Commandos/Mercenaries and give them to Vanguards/Powertechs, BUT make them no utilities, but integrate them to the two DD specs of Vanguards/Powertechs exclusively, so they cannot be taken both and they don't affect the tank tree.


Combine Adrenal Surge/Kolto Surge with the talent Adrenaline Fueled/Automated Defenses. In that way the Dot specs get a proper defensive ability on a fair CD, since you have a nice synergy with the CD reduction, when taking damage.


Do the same with Traume Stabilizers/Trauma Regulators. Combine them with the Reflexive Shield/Energy Rebounder talent. Nerf the CD reduction when taking damage from 3 to 2 seconds, to ensure a fair, not too short CD.


Survivability for both Vanguard/Powertech damage specs is fixed that way and commandos/mercenaries are finally back in line.


Why that change? From what i can remember, all what commandos/mercenaries were really complaining about, was one specific point.

And I'm talking about the good commandos/mercenaries with knowledge and skill of the class, not the guys, who are like: "HURR DURR I BE OP LOL, ME GLOBAL YOU, OH YOU DARE TO STRIKE BACK, OK I POP ONE OF MY SHIELDS AND BACKPADDEL WITH S BUTTON BUT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE CUS I NEED NO SKILL WITH OVAPOWERED DEFS LUL".

And that point was, that they just don't have a proper, useful anti focus ability. Damage was never the problem and neither were it possibilities to kite. Just an additional "Oh ****"-Button.

Echoing Deterrence/Responsive Safeguard is the proper answer. It's usable while cc'ed, it has a fair cooldown and it's possible to counter it (Dots, AOE, CC, LoS), therefore it's not overpowered.


But that must be enough. The rest of the survival of this class must be made out of player skill. Kiting i.e. root, snare, knockback, LoS, insta mezz, E-Net, POSITIONING (Yes, maybe some people can remember this "skill". You are not ment to be on the frontline, even though you can afford it now), offheals, "minor" defensive abilities like shield and the aggro reduce.

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From AP PT perspective, survivability is not the issue, damage is. The changes to range, damage and utilities in 5.0 (and some coming from 4.0) do not work for how the spec is designed to function. A buff to range and damage will be far more useful to a buff to a 180 sec DCD.


Pyro, absent major overhaul nothing can help this spec. Worst spec in PvP, and has been since 3.0. I do not see a change in sight.


As for Merc, the changes seem to be yolo que driven, which does not remotely matter. In competitive play, mara, snipers and dec sins are better as burst specs than arsenal merc.

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Here's my proposal:


Take Adrenal Surge/Kolto Surge and Traume Stabilizers/Trauma Regulators from Commandos/Mercenaries and give them to Vanguards/Powertechs, BUT make them no utilities, but integrate them to the two DD specs of Vanguards/Powertechs exclusively, so they cannot be taken both and they don't affect the tank tree.


Combine Adrenal Surge/Kolto Surge with the talent Adrenaline Fueled/Automated Defenses. In that way the Dot specs get a proper defensive ability on a fair CD, since you have a nice synergy with the CD reduction, when taking damage.


Do the same with Traume Stabilizers/Trauma Regulators. Combine them with the Reflexive Shield/Energy Rebounder talent. Nerf the CD reduction when taking damage from 3 to 2 seconds, to ensure a fair, not too short CD.


Survivability for both Vanguard/Powertech damage specs is fixed that way and commandos/mercenaries are finally back in line.


Why that change? From what i can remember, all what commandos/mercenaries were really complaining about, was one specific point.

And I'm talking about the good commandos/mercenaries with knowledge and skill of the class, not the guys, who are like: "HURR DURR I BE OP LOL, ME GLOBAL YOU, OH YOU DARE TO STRIKE BACK, OK I POP ONE OF MY SHIELDS AND BACKPADDEL WITH S BUTTON BUT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE CUS I NEED NO SKILL WITH OVAPOWERED DEFS LUL".

And that point was, that they just don't have a proper, useful anti focus ability. Damage was never the problem and neither were it possibilities to kite. Just an additional "Oh ****"-Button.

Echoing Deterrence/Responsive Safeguard is the proper answer. It's usable while cc'ed, it has a fair cooldown and it's possible to counter it (Dots, AOE, CC, LoS), therefore it's not overpowered.


But that must be enough. The rest of the survival of this class must be made out of player skill. Kiting i.e. root, snare, knockback, LoS, insta mezz, E-Net, POSITIONING (Yes, maybe some people can remember this "skill". You are not ment to be on the frontline, even though you can afford it now), offheals, "minor" defensive abilities like shield and the aggro reduce.



Send your resume to Bioware Austin PvP balance team asap please. Nice smart way not to make a giant problem elsewhere (like undying PT tanks).


I 100% agree with your post.

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Send your resume to Bioware Austin PvP balance team asap please. Nice smart way not to make a giant problem elsewhere (like undying PT tanks).


I 100% agree with your post.


I think that's a fair change, although I still think those 2 utilities are a tad bit too powerful. I'd nerd the energy shield healing down to ~50% HP, and the kolto overload to around 60%.

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I think that's a fair change, although I still think those 2 utilities are a tad bit too powerful. I'd nerd the energy shield healing down to ~50% HP, and the kolto overload to around 60%.


Fair enough. If it's too strong, fine tuning is always the way to go. But on the other hand...fine tuning has not always been Bioware's strength..



From AP PT perspective, survivability is not the issue, damage is. The changes to range, damage and utilities in 5.0 (and some coming from 4.0) do not work for how the spec is designed to function. A buff to range and damage will be far more useful to a buff to a 180 sec DCD.


Pyro, absent major overhaul nothing can help this spec. Worst spec in PvP, and has been since 3.0. I do not see a change in sight.


As for Merc, the changes seem to be yolo que driven, which does not remotely matter. In competitive play, mara, snipers and dec sins are better as burst specs than arsenal merc.


Well. I agree with you about the High Impact Bolt/Railshot range. Even if it's just for style reason. I don't feel like it would be overpowered, to give this specific ability back their 30m range, but pls don't quote me on this. Someone may proof me wrong...


I cannot talk about Plasmatech/Pyro's damage, since i did't play this spec for a long while, but from my persepective Tactics/AP damage is quite fine. I do not worse, than on my sentinel for example...


What i really miss, is an "Oh ****"-Button, like all the other classes already got. Over the years, Bioware followed the mantra, of giving every class additional, very strong defensive abilities. Unlike 1.0/2.0 nowadays it's theoretically impossible, to kill any class on the first attempt. Some classes got anti-get-globaled-abilities, which work even in a stunlock, other classes, rely on the cc breaker, but at least got abilities, which save their life, when able to act.


Sage/Sorc bubble, Guarded by the Force/Undiying Rage, Scrapper/Operative roll, Commando/Merc Reflect, Selfheal & Reflect for Guardian/Jugger etc, etc. You can name it.

Just Vanguards/Powertechs have to deal with all threats by pure, lets call it "sturdiness". You can pop your shield and Hold the line/Hydraulic Overrides and hope for the best. That's just not enough in my opinion. They need an additional chance to survive heavy bullshît.

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