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<Celestial Argonauts> RP / PvE / PvP Retro-DYNAMIC


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Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello, Celestials and non-Celestials!


It has been another awesome and exciting week in the Celestial world, because the Celestial Troops have been hanging all around the Galaxy!


Snowblind, Gargath and the Primal Destroyer were taken down again for the Celestial power! Because the world boss hunting for the Aratech Coral Mount (click the link and watch the pick, it is so pretty) is still going on for Argonauts and Dreadnauts. If you missed the previous runs but you would like to join, come along, we are going to add more runs as necessary to ensure that everybody get it! (keep up on events). Also we need to keep preparing for the Nightmare Pilgrim challenge! (it looks like he won’t fall like dead fly as the others, more details in the event post)


As the previous week and considering that those World bosses insist to menace the peace in the Galaxy… We didn’t stopped with the bosses for the Aratech. Both Argonauts and Dreadnauts went from Belsavis to Section X to take down Dreadtooth! (And that dreadful essence will give us more fun in the future). Then, the Dreadnauts defeated The First on Dromund Kaas for the achievement, and the Argonauts were up all night to get Lucky! (song reference intended, it just took a couple of minutes) and the Corellian World Boss felt the Celestial power as well! (If you are interested in other World bosses, come to the run and propose them, we will kill them!)


The planetary run came back recharged! On Wednesday, the Dreadnauts invaded the Republic base, taking down not only the champions but the commander! (yes, more plans to make our guildships grow!) And the Argonauts did the same with the Imperial base on Thursday, but the commander and champions weren’t all, because they also went to Gree to keep hunting, and Surgok’k and Gravak’k have been obliterated!


On Friday, the “Introduction to ops” event for the Dreadnauts was a complete success! New players went through the Eternity Vault really smoothly and really well! (If you wanna participate in these events, don’t doubt to tell us, get a spot!)


Also, thanks and congratulations to our World Eaters! (Even though our guilds didn’t place on the board this week, you get benefits just by holding the World Eater rank, check out here and find out how!)


We are glad to see that our guildies enjoy the events we are proposing, but if you want to do something else, please leave your suggestion here! You will also find a list of the events that we are already doing and the events that will be coming soon!


And if you aren’t a Celestial, you are welcome to join the crew! Just click here!.


Until the next week!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello, hello, guildies and non-guildies!


I can’t believe it is Monday again already, the time goes fast when you are having fun, right?? And this week was full of fun for all the Celestials!


The Argonauts did the last hunt of Snowblind, Gargath and the Primal Destroyer, seeking for the Aratech Coral Mount! And now, both guilds are preparing for the Nightmare Pilgrim! (This boss is not as the others, for not saying it is a pain in the ***, and we do need more people for this, are you interested? Please tell an officer that you want to come along!)


But of course we didn’t stop on those, because there are a lot of World Bosses, and each of them put the entire planet under menace! (Saying this is better than saying that we kill for fun, which we also do). This week we went over Dreadtooth again, because farming the dreadful essence is important if we want to get our guildies more achievements! Also, talking about achievements, the Argonauts also went “zeroing in” and melted SD-0 on Coruscant!


The Dreadnauts did their Planetary run on Aldeeran, killing 25 champions! And they also went to Toborro’s Courtyard to annihilate the Golden Fury!


The Argonauts killed the Golden llama as well and after that, they did their planetary run on Makeb! And that wasn’t like any other planetary run we have done before. It was a lot of fun! We had to scout all over the planet looking for sneaky imperials to kill, when we finally found a nice spot to get our champions, we got ambushed!! (To be fair, we shouldn’t have mounted a party in the middle of the imperial territory, but it was worth it!!)


The Dreadnauts made their “Introduction to operations" again, and this time they went to Karagga’s Palace! This is an event open to any level +50 and subscribed to the game (Bioware requirement, not ours) that wants to learn ops! So if you haven’t done it, take the challenge! (Find our more by clicking here, and also this guide will certainly help you!)


Also, the week was full of operations in general! And group for warzones as always! (We are doing this kind of in random times now, but we would love to schedule more of these, so please let us know if you are interested and which times works for you! PM an officer)


Those many Operations and Warzones gave their reward, besides the fun, since the Argonauts ended up in the 6th place on the Makeb conquest board! (If you don’t understand what conquest is so well, this guide will be great for you!)


And as always, many thanks for our World Eaters! Who earned a total payout of 875,000 credits! (You also don’t know what a World Eater is? Find out here!)


Just remains to say that if you want to do any other kind of event, please leave your suggestion here! Also, you can check out what other things we are planning!


And if you aren’t a Celestial and you want to be one, you are welcome to join by clicking here!


Until the next week!!



Edited by SolLStark
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Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com

Greetings again, guildies and non-guildies!


It was another great week in the Celestial world!


The world boss hunting for the Aratech Coral mount is in stand by until we got a solid 16 group for killing the Nightmare Pilgrim, but we hope we are going to get it soon, so if you participated in the previous runs don't delete the mission and if you are new and you are interested on it, please let us know!


We might keep killing other world bosses in the next weeks just for fun and chievos... Err, i mean, because they are a threat for the peace and justice around the galaxy!


But the past week, instead of hunting world bosses we ended up hunting rackghouls, grouping for Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island, and also hunting other many enemies in many other flashpoints in Veteran and Master mode and, of course, operations!


Also, as part of their planetary run, the Dreadnauts adventured deeply in the Rackghoul tunnels to take down The Eyeless and then went back to the surface of Tatooine to take down Trapjaw! (Because we left Trapjaw in peace for several weeks and it was time to end his vacation!) While the Argonauts invaded Karagga's Palace (nothing to do with rackghouls, but we don't like that fire-*** hutt!)


The planetary run for the Argonauts, since the past week, included (and will keep including) a commander run!! Because we don't have enough with just one commander and 25 champions, we need more!! (Just because we want more flagship plans, not because we are bloodthirsty). So we didn't kill only the Imperial commander and champions on Tatooine, we also took down another four, including two named and we hope to take even more the next run!! (keep up on events)


Celestial groups for PvP are becoming more and more frequent, because warzones are more fun with known people! (So if you didn't try warzones yet, you should ask for groups and you"ll see the experience will be so much smooth!)


And the Dreadnauts had another go to the Eternity Vault in the "Introduction to operations" event! (Ops are so much fun! What are you waiting to try them too? Check here!)


Now, talking about conquest, THE ARGONAUTS ENDED UP IN THE THIRD PLACE IN THE TARIS CONQUEST BOARD, yes third!! (I am not really sorry for the caps). Thanks to our world eaters and to all our members for working hard and making it possible! (Do you want to be world eater too? Find out how by clicking here!)


And to finish, just a reminder that you should feel free to leave your suggestions about events here! Because we want everybody to have fun in our guilds.


And also, if you aren't part of the Celestials yet and you want to try the experience, you are welcome!! Just fill an application form here!


Until the next week!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com

Hello again Celestials and Non-celestials!


We have done so much stuff this week that I don't know how to start to tell you! It was another week full of activities and fun in the Celestial world!


The week started with another 16m operation hosted by the Dreadnauts, the past Tuesday it was the turn for Eternity Vault! So if you wanna do 16m ops for achievements, fun or meeting new buddies, guildie or not, you are invited to join! (Keep up with any Dreadnaut if you wanna join or just pay atention to the Empire /allies chat!)


Right after that, the Argonauts came back to the world boss hunting! This time it wasn’t for shiny mount, just for the fun! Err... I mean for keeping the peace all over the Galaxy! And to get done the <Priority Targets> mission as well. This time was the turn for R4-GL, the Nar Shadaa world boss (who also gave us conquest points); then we went Subjetc Alpha on Taris; then we did and incursion to kill the Shellback Nerf on Alderaan (which was interesting); and finished with Dreadtooth on Section X and Rogue Cartel Warbot on Quesh!


The Dreadnauts also had their world boss hunt! Consisting in Trapjaw on Tatooine (who also counted for conquest), Dreadtooth (you are gonna see this name a lot because we really want to farm dreadful essence and masks) and Lucky at Corellia, to get more both Lucky and Unlucky titles for the guildies!


On Thursday, it was the second weekly edition of the Dreadnauts 16m operation and they did nothing more, nothing less than Ravagers!


And after that, the Argonauts went for the Commander + Planetary run! This week it included the Tatooine champions for conquest and 4 Imperial Commanders, three of them were named! (The others weren't at their respective bases, I think they run away when they hear that the Argonauts are approaching!)


The Argonauts also usually do lot of ops, but mostly groupfinder operations with guild members, like we did Scum and Villainy, Eternity Vault and Dread Fortress this week!


Let alone the numerous groups for Veteran and Master Mode Flashpoints!


But it is not all PvE in the Celestial life... Warzones are also taking the starring role! The Gladiators have had lot of practice this week, both in regular and ranked warzones! (Are you interested in PvP? You don't even need to be a guildie, if you can follow a few rules, you can join us for this, just check here!)


Our week didn't end there... Conquest was really great for the Argonauts! We ended up in the 3rd place of the Quesh board! (Yes, we came back to the boards with new impulse!). Thanks to the World Eatersfor their great work, they didn't only achieve honor and glory, they also got a total payout of 1,400,000 credits! The Dreadnauts didn’t make it into the Tatooine board, but many thanks to legacies Insora and Tethkin for your effort, they won the World Eater titles in the imperial side this week! (Find out more about our Wolrd Eater program here!)


The Dreadnauts did also their twice a week “Introduction to Operations”, on Friday and Sunday! Are you interested in ops? Have you never done one of them or just a couple? Read more here so you can join!


I want also to remind you that you are free to leave your suggestions here if you want to do something special in game!


And if you aren’t a Celestial and you would like to be one, just fill an application form here!


Until the next Week!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, these reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules. To see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello, Celetials and Non-Celestials!!


I have never been so happy to bring the news in the Celestial world to you!


Because besides being a week full of activities and fun as usual, this week…


WE MADE IT, YES, WE MADE IT!! WE WON THE CONQUEST ON ILUM! (I am not sorry for the caps the hype is so real)


For the first time since we moved to The Ebon Hawk, we were able to take down a planet! Thanks to all the members of Celestial Argonauts for the great effort they put on this, really, many, many thanks for making it possible!!


And especial thanks to the World Eaters for the awesome work they did this week! Thank you not only for the points earned for yourselves, also because you are always trying to encourage people to do more and more activities! Legacy Lastop in the first place; Maric in the second; and Jerseydevil in the third won the title this week, and got an especial reward of 9,000,000 credits total! Also, another 1,000,000 was spreaded as consolation price between those who hit personal conquest goal but didn’t make it into the podium! (It is time for you too to be a World Eater! If it is not now, when then?? Find here how to become one!)


The week started with an especial edition of the World Boss Hunt for the Argonauts! Since the Gree event was here, we took our snow suits out of the closet to go there! With the help of some allies in the server, we did 16m Xenoanalyst and then we went for Surgok’k and Gravak’k! Also since the world bosses weren’t enough to satiate us and we had a nice group, we did a patrol around the PvP area! (Sorry, it wasn’t our intention to hurt anyone!)


But that wasn’t all, because since we were on a roll and Eternity Vault was the groupfinder operation, we also formed for it to get us some conquest points!


On Wednesday, it was the turn for the World Boss hunt for the Dreadnauts, and it consisted on the Grandfather on Balmorra, the Primal Destroyer on Belsavis and Dreadtooth on Section X (yes, it is never enough Dreaful essence!) then we also put on the snow suit to go to Hoth and get Snowblind and Gargath to complete the <Priority Targets> mission!


On Thursday, the Dreadnauts hosted a 16m open to the server Explosive Conflicts! Firebrand and Stormcaller may or may not have given us a little headache, but hey, it was successful, fun and awesome! Thanks to our friends in the server, always willing to join us in this!


Thursday also surprised us with the new patch and the consequent reset of the conquest boards and objectives... Did it help us to win? We can’t really be sure; I think it only helped in a psychological way! Why? Because we weren’t really going to grind conquest points thinking on winning the planet, but the night surprised us in the second place of the board and that built up our expectations!


So the Argonauts were going to do their typical Planetary + Commander run! And since we were invading Ilum, where we took down a NAMED commander and 25 Imperial champions for the conquest! That made an awesome bump in our conquest points, but since we really, really want to expand our flagship, we didn’t stop there: We also killed the commanders on Voss, Quesh and Tatooine!


Of course, that wasn’t enough to win the conquest since that moment the Argonauts started to get points like crazy! Groups for warzones, flashpoints and uprisings without stopping!


Also, of course, groups for groupfinder operations! Since that’s what pays the most in terms of conquest points, poor Karagga, Kephess and Aivela&Esne (Well, all the bosses in those ops but I am not going to name them all) suffered the Celestial fury and need of points! Poor Xenoanalyst too, got reduced to junk one more time in the week since the objective was reseted.


But conquest is not everything and we also want to teach new members to enjoy more the game, both Dreadnauts and Argonauts also had their Introduction to Operations event!


Also, every time some guildies are online something interesting happens, but if you want to make an activity in a bigger scale and you can’t do it alone, please leave your suggestion here and we can help you to organize it and put it together!


And if you are not a Celestial but you would like to be one, please just leave an application form here!


Until the next week!



Edited by ChidoriOokami
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  • 2 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, these reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules. To see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello again, guildies and friends!!


I can't believe it is Monday again... And we have had another very especial week in the Celestial world!!


Why? How? Because again, yes, again, the Argonauts won a conquest!!


The fact that it is the second and not the first doesn't make it less thrilling!! We want to keep traveling in the conquest train and never get off!


This week was the turn of Taris! And as the previous week, we really didn't think in winning, just in having fun as the Celestials always do. But...


Our guildies are great! And it came out that grouping for flashpoints here and there, and also for warzones, we appeared at the top of the board again! And of course, we worked hard to keep it!


The operations also had a starring role, because we love to do ops, and way better if it is the groupfinder!!


Terror, The Dread Masters, Brontes, and many other bosses suffered this week... Soa deserves a especial mention, we almost feel bad for him, he has waited twenty thousand years only to get smacked again and again for the Celestials!!


Many thanks and especial mention as always to the World Eaters!! We couldnt have make it without them. And they got a total payout of 1,750,000 credits! Also many thanks to ALL the guildies for their hard work, the competition for the World Eater title has been really tight this week and many members worked hard for this win! (Don't you find tempting to be a World Eater?? I can't believe you, click here and find out how!!)


Besides the fact that conquest kept us busy, conquest related activities is not all what we have done during the week! We had our, traditional at this point, commander run!! And poor commanders look like they forgot what the Celestials are capable of, because lot of them were chilling in their bases and we took Alderaan, Hoth, Quesh, Voss and two named commanders on Ilum and Tatooine!


We also have a new event for the guilds that is going to be hosted alternating factions: "Netflix and Chill", consisting in a speed run through and easy ops just to relax and enjoy!! (So keep up in events if you want to join!)


And, can sound silly, but I need to mention that we have finally got a music bot in our discord channel, and we are way too happy with it!


As I always say, the guilds are what they are because of their guildies! So don’t be shy and tell us what you would want to do here!


And if you like what you are reading and you aren’t a Celestial yet, you are welcome! Just fill an application form here!


Until the next week!



Edited by SolLStark
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  • 2 weeks later...

Couple questions for you.


I'm looking for a medium-large sized guild (I see you have an Imp analogue which is a plus) that is active in FPs/Ops/PvP/GSF whether scheduled or spontaneous, and groups up for dailies and other activities on their off time. I saw you guys won a conquest recently (congrats!) and it sounds like something I'd love to be a part of.


I'll check for replies here but you can also hit me up in game, pub side: Nylos

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Couple questions for you.


I'm looking for a medium-large sized guild (I see you have an Imp analogue which is a plus) that is active in FPs/Ops/PvP/GSF whether scheduled or spontaneous, and groups up for dailies and other activities on their off time. I saw you guys won a conquest recently (congrats!) and it sounds like something I'd love to be a part of.


I'll check for replies here but you can also hit me up in game, pub side: Nylos


Hi Kibaken! I am glad you are interested in joining the guild! Have you also checked out our website? (http://cacd.enjin.com)


Yes we are a very friendly guild and that's why we are playing together almost all the time! We have some scheduled events, as world bosses hunting, commander runs or operations... But if there is a couple of us online, we do lot of stuff off the cuff just because we like to play with each other!


I am going to friend you in-game (probably tomorrow because it is kind of late right now) and we can talk more over there! Or you can just go to our website and contact us if you have more questions! :)

Edited by SolLStark
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Thanks for the swift reply (on both threads!) Sounds like you guys might be right up my alley. Do your groups delve into HM OPS at all, or is it mainly story mode for the experience?


The prog team would be the ones who participate most in HMs and beyond! But yes we also do story modes as you said, mostly for experience and practice too!

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Updated Version 3.0

The Celestials



RP / PvP / PvE



Guild Leader(s): E'nahra ☼ Foxx


Guild Celestials: Aurumnai Δ Solana Δ Stor Δ Standarddefect Δ Chi'kami


Guild Councillors: Murky ¢ Kiwi ¢ Crea ¢ Dragonrasa



Website: Click Here




Greetings! I am Chi'Kami Aizune, Head of Public Relations for the Celestial Enclave AKA Celestial Alliance. Before you Scroll down to Learn a bit more about the Guilds, allow me to take the time to share a brief note with you!


Celestial Argonauts as well as the Celestial Dreadnauts a guilds are very dynamic. What do I mean by this?


Its origins lies in Jung Ma which is another server on SWTOR. In the past Jung Ma (JM) was a hugely sprawling place with many Roleplayers and also many players who adored and clung to PvP as well as PvE. A huge level of respect can be found in any server for sure, but on JM the community was and still is very special and very close.Indeed many other current guilds on The Ebon Hawk (TEH) were originally guilds on JM.


This is worth noting because the player base that has come to TEH has their origins on JM. If you think about it, players who stay dedicated to a server even as its population decreases must be players who not only love their server but also players that really love this game. More than a few of us have played for at least a year; some much longer.




Below is some At-A-Glance Information before you move onto a few other details.

Class Dynamics: Force Sensitives, Smugglers, Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Agents

Age Range: 17-30+

Dailies: PvP, PvE, Social, RP

Organization: Ranks Per Class

Member Rewards: Items, GB Access, Friendship, World Eater weekly Credit rewards + More

Recruitment: All Classes [ Optional: Application Highly reccomended as it nets you a free Apprentice rank]

Ranks: Recruit-> Apprentice-> Argonaut/Dreadnaut -> Master/Darth -> Councilor -> Celestial

*Councilor and Celestial are officer-level ranks and require nominations and a vote from the sitting council.*

Recruitment Regs: Non-Starter Worlds, Non-Spam

Opportunities: Conquest PvE which include: PvP Training[Warzones, GSF, WPvP) , PvE Training (Operations, Flashpoints, Conquests, Word Bosses), RP Developement + Diplomacy On Forums

Experience: Dedicated PvP/PvE players, Dedicated PR + Diplomacy Departments, Forum-RPs and Lore Building[Writers Haven]

Conquests: Great Emphasis on Conquest and can lead to individual rewards/promotions in addition to conquest rewards. Though by and large your positive and helpful attitude will be your greatest asset towards success.


Special Ranks:

World Eater: Scores among the top 3 in Weekly Conquest Points [Awards in the Millions thus far]

Pariah: Penalty rank as Punishment for misbehavior non-adherence to the Guild rules and by judgment of Celestial Council. They are not able to speak or be heard in-game by other members of the guild in the guild chat; Gbank permissions also revoked.

Raider: Special members of the Celestial Prog team Elites and regulars.


*Guild Members will NOT be penalized for lack of participation and can simply remain in the guild as "Recruits" as they continue to enjoy their gameplay experience. However players who are inactive in logging in for long periods of time without notice are liable to be replaced if more space is needed for new members. *


[Other Details Please Visit Our Enjin at cacd.enjin.com]




The Celestial Enclave Backstory:


[Refer to the Individual Backstory Blurbs at the end of this page to find a taste of their own flavor]

The Alliance or Enclave persists on a constant basis of give and take. It is comprised mostly of the Argonaut and Dreadnaut enclaves which each have their own story. The organization was formed shortly after the invasion of Zakuulan forces under Arcann’s father, Valkorian. At first a practical necessity, the alliance has become more and more of a main stay for members of both enclaves. While other alliances formed in the galaxy amongst other independent factions including splinter republic and imperial groups, the urge to follow suit prevailed.


In efforts to agree on a command and ranking structure they took a few titles from the republic and the empire while adding a few of their own. It was obvious that the two main enclaves wanted to keep a high degree of independence and identity as negotiations dragged on between members of both councils. The very notion of a joint council was contested until at least the 3rd year of their alliance. These council roles were important in that those who would be appointed not only served in the high echelons of their own enclave but also served as council members on a joint Council, later called the Celestial Council. The respective council members retained the title and rank of Celestial regardless of their enclave origin.


In an effort to further soften the hostilities between the two enclaves it became necessary to adopt a form of government or law and regulations that both could subscribe to. One of the very first issues to contend with was the topic of slavery. Elements of the Dreadnauts did incorporate slavery in various levels within its inner-workings. This was a point of uncompromising passion for the Argonauts who insisted that the practice be abolished. Several former justice fielded individuals on both sides rose up to bring the topic into discussions in joint hearings however these never amounted to much more than heated debates. By the time the 3rd year had come and while the Joint Council was being formed, it became apparent to both sides that a tertiary representative was needed in discussions over the cultures of both enclaves and how they would fit together under a joint set of regulations.


In order to supplement and resolve the morally disputable arguments, it was decided that the Joint Council shall appoint Celestials who may or may not as well score high in combat experience, leadership, and seniority, but also those who hail from the public relations fields in their former lives. This was to help ensure that the Joint Council of the Celestial Alliance would have in each instance of a meeting or hearing of any kind, have Celestials that are already familiar with the issues that may be revolving around the members of both enclaves. In order to help make sure such knowledge could be attained, maintained, and shared both enclaves agreed to form public relation departments that trained members on the basics of Alliance or Joint Enclave law as well as morality. The instructors and heads of such offices were later ranked and titled as Councilors. These Councilors would also be the ones mainly appointed to speak on behalf of their enclave during gatherings or hearings in front of the Joint Council.

The roles of Councilors were constantly amended and relegated to the point that these individuals had to become very well rounded in many aspects of Enclave-life both in their own and the Alliance enclave. They became the hands of guidance, friendship and understanding while also being the arms of force, leadership and fortitude. They usually provided a great pool for recruitment in all departments including future roles as Celestials themselves.


It was upon these main departments and roles that the basic foundation of a joint coexistence first bore its first few fruits. In order to help keep a simultaneous sense of identity both enclaves were permitted to have roughly their own ranking structure that went below Councilor, and any ranks and titles for private non-jointly formed entities were also allowed to be freely decided by the respective enclave.


The Dreadnauts tended to mock the Argonauts for their use of very familiar terms that were synonymous to those that the Galactic Republic would use, specifically the Jedi. Out of pure jest the Dreadnauts then took terms that The Empire favored, specifically the Sith. This would provide a point of confusion for enclave members and also other groups that the Alliance as a whole would encounter. Even more awkward would be the former Jedi or Sith that suddenly had or ran across titles such as “Darth” or “Master.” Both sides reluctantly used the term “apprentice” for later aged recruits.


The niceties of etiquette and rank however, did not seem incredibly important after one of the most important events in Celestial Alliance history occurred. Upon a joint venture between both enclaves to create a sustainable and advance warship, a tragic and sinister ploy brought both sides to the brink of civil war; mistrust ensued as a large portion of the plans had been stolen from the main archives. Fortunately, thanks to a vigilant few, the true perpetrator was revealed. It was a fringe Imperial organization that had been responsible. The campaign to find the plans, and bring the guilty to justice or judgment brought the enclaves together in a way that the Joint Council or departments ever could have. In the end, the matter was resolved and all sides within in the Celestial Enclave(alliance) that had in prior times wanted to shed each others’ blood, had now shed blood together in the violent bloody vortex of war. Famous battle groups such as Unit 17 and Yerro-5 had their names forged and immortalized follow the aftermaths of what was later called the Fringe Wars.


Even amidst a new era of rule in the galaxy, amidst the Eternal Fleet, Eternal Alliance, the Republic and The Empire, foes become allies and allies become foes. Though they may seek justice and uphold to high values, sometimes the ends must ultimately satiate the means in this darkening pool of stars and planets. While many of its members maintain their own beliefs in the life of the Force, of themselves or of power, still others look more and more towards the stars which they see as they peer out their starships—numbering in the millions, guiding the way forth. A former Jedi in conversation with a former Sith replied to the Sith’s question of “So What do you follow now if not just the ‘way of the Force and knowledge? ‘ “ and said, “I Suppose the Stars Guide us. “




Additional Information on Each Faction Below: [see our Website for even more!]


Celestial Argonauts:


Traditionally, the Argonauts had no loyalties - to the Republic, to the Empire, or to the Sith or Jedi orders are we an organisation that leans towards justice and keeping the peace, but is not directly allied with the other peace-keeping powers in the canonical universe. We can, of course, ally with other guilds on the server as suits our purposes, but we would have no loyalty or obligation to the Republic or the Jedi Order. In fact, RP-wise, the guild leader herself (Rivyr Tam) left the Jedi Order because she saw their pacifism as ineffective in bringing justice to the galaxy.


In the wake of the invasion of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul, <Celestial Argonauts> has increased its cooperation with both Republic and Some Imperial Forces however these relationships, like during any massive inter-galactic war are uncertain and unclear.


Where we are now, the Celestial Argonauts have recently suffered a great loss. Malicious internal actors from the very top of the organisation turned their backs on the Celestials, and brought the guild to its knees. Rising from the ashes, Rivyr Tam has taken up the mantle to lead the Argonauts, and is attempting to rebuild that which was destroyed by such devastating betrayal.


On the other side of the galaxy, Rivyr's twin sister, Blackwater, raised up a mirror organisation, calling them the Celestial Dreadnauts to mock her sister's guild. Being more interested in personally wreaking havoc than in running a complex organisation, it is not sure how long Blackwater Tam will hold the reins of the Dreadnauts, but for now, Rivyr is keeping a wary eye on her as the Argonauts rebuild.



Celestial Dreadnauts:


Traditionally, the Dreadnauts have no loyalties - to the Republic, to the Empire, or to the Sith or Jedi orders. Major elements of the enclave include Bounty Hunters, Agents, and Force Sensitives. However as war broke out between the Republic and the Empire several factors having to do with trade and war atrocities caused the enclave to re-mold itself in many ways through many trials. Right before the invasion of Zakuulan forces the Dreadnauts found themselves allying more and more with the more neutral factions in the galaxy as the general mood of alliance-forming was increasing as the Eternal Fleet imposed its will on the Core Worlds and Outer Rim worlds. One faction they encountered and dealt with most were the Celestial Argonauts. In fact a rising member of the enclave, Blackwater Tam, knew that her sister ran an organization of goody-goodies; also largely neutral. The way in which Blackwater took hold of The Dreadnauts is another questionable and interesting tale. Needless to say, The bond that slowly formed between the two enclaves caused both to change the ways in which either faced the challenges that the galaxy had to offer. They likened their strange friendship to something as a model of what the Odessen alliance was: new, fragile and in constant peril by inner and outside forces.


One major note is that as the 2 enclaves' relationship grew, leadership of the now <Celestial> Dreadnauts, was in a constant state of change. Blackwater Tam took hold of power, but soon true to her own nature succumbed to a bit of boredom and fancied thrills that dealt less and less with enclave matters. A lot of the power was handled and handed to her right hand. The identity of this individual is yet still a mystery even amidst its own people and allies.





The Fringe Wars:[Videos that were created to help give visual aid to the backstories]


Assault on Alderaan [Retrieve the Plans, Allied Assault]: Link



Trouble Getting Hold of Leaders and/or Other Officers?


Please feel free to visit the Enjin or contact any of the leaders in-game or on Enjin. You may also Contact Me, Chi'Kami Aizune, if you need help getting in quick contact with any of the officers or leaders. You may message me on Enjin or you can kik me at Chidori_Shinjutsu.


Additionally, you can contact Slam Defect. He is also part of the Public Relations Department and serves especially as Guild Technician and Historian. You may reach him via Kik as well. Kik ID: Samuel_Lipson


You can also visit our enjin and view our discord information on the homepage. That is also a quick way to get a hold of someone!


Regardless of guilds or servers let's remember our love for Star Wars and help keep the love alive by enjoying everything SWTOR can offer us. :D


You can fill out an application on the website or simply contact us on Enjin. -- Or come find us in-game! It would be great to meet others regardless of intent to join or not!




Chi'Kami Aizune

Celestial Alliance PRO

Public Relations Department

Edited by ChidoriOokami
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Extracted from the news section of our website, these reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules. To see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Greetings, Celestials and non-Celestials, guildies and Friends!


It’s just me, coming back to bring all the news in the Celestial world!


This week has been, literally, one day one operation, because it has been really full of them!


It has started with an ad hoc edition of Netflix and Chill, when the Drednauts went on a cruise to Dread Palace! And seems like punishing the Dread Master who habit there wasn’t enough, because the next day, in another ad hoc N&C, the Argonauts this time, went in an excursion to Darvannis to hunt down Styrak too!


But of course, operations are not all what we have done during the week, because the Argonauts also went in the World Boss Hunt! A great chance for the members to get involved into the guild activities, and also an introduction to group content for newbie players!! This time was the turn of Trapjaw for conquest points! (Poor thing, we don’t let him rest for more than a few weeks); then we left the hot of Tatooine to the snow of Hoth to hunt down Snowblind and Gargath (no, before you ask, we didn’t do a barbeque with the corpses); and to finish, we moved to the Alderaan to hunt down the Ulgo Siebebreaker, who threatens the peace in that beautiful planet! (Even though that droid will be the less of their problems in some thousands years, but that’s not our business right now).


The Argonauts as well, attempted to do the Commander and Planetary run! But sadly, the Ilum guy was the only brave enough to stay at the base with the Celestials approaching! (They better be prepared because the next time we find them, we are gonna be recharged). Though, we didn’t let that stop us, we also crushed the Imperial base on Tatooine to get us some conquest points! And that wasn’t all, because as I said, one day one operation, after that we went to the Eternity Vault to take down Soa one more time! (after 20 thousand years, I hope he at least have fun when we kill him).


Then it was the real and official “Netflix and Chill”, on Friday. And for this week, was the turn of Dread Fortress! (Seems like all the N&C runs this week were directed against the Dread Masters!)


And Soa didn’t get peace on Saturday either, because he got slaughtered one more time in the “Introduction to Operations” event! (Do you want to learn ops? Don’t be shy and join!!)


And on Sunday, was Karagga who felt the Celestial power!


But as usual, we also have groups for flashpoints and warzones going during the whole week!


We didn’t focus a lot in conquest this week, but anyhow, the Argonauts made it into the 5th place of the Black Hole board!! And we need to thanks as always to our awesome World Eaters for the great work they have done, and they earned a total payout of 1,050,000 credits!! But also thanks to all the guildies who contributed more or less to get this nice place! (I can’t believe that you don’t want to be a World Eater! Find out how to do it here!)


Before finishing, a little reminder to keep up on the events section, in the site or in discord, to don’t miss any of the fun stuff!


And also a reminder that you shouldn’t be shy and you should leave your suggestions about events here, if you wanna do something special with the guild!


If you aren’t a Celestial and you would like to join the family, you can fill an application here, or contact us to answer your questions if you are doubtful about something!


Until the next week!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello one more time, guildies and non-guildies!


The time passes really fast when you are having fun, and it is Monday again!


We started the week with the Wolrd Boss hunt for Republic side! The Battledroid R4-GL avoided the Celestial fire the last week, but this one we made sure to leave it as melted junk! From Nar Shaddaa, we went to Aldeeran for more melted junk, reducing the Ulgo Siegebreaker one more time! From there, the Argonauts went to Belsavis, to smash the Primal Destroyer and then in excursion to Section X to take down Dreadtooth (we gave a long vacation to him; it was time to smash him again! )


The best moment of the run, was when we went to Ziost, to take down the Worldbreaker Monolith! As I have said already, we kill on demand and that was a great idea of one of our guildies! We went to that place full of ashes and ruins and took down that giant monster! Now the Argonauts can add a new trophy to the wall! (It doesn't sound well, i know, but that giant creature is the last thing that ugly planet needs!)


For the "Netflix and Chill" event, this time was the turn of the Dreadnauts, who went in an incursion to Dread Palace! (Now that the Dread masters are dead, we have to decide which guildies keep each room of the Palace! I think I prefer to stay outside)


Besides those events, we had our always off the cuff groups for flashpoints and warzones!


Our progression groups are actually improving a lot! "No Quarter", Republic Side, are clearing their last Story modes, to make sure they are ready to step in Hard Mode! (If Revan dies that easy the next week too, will be a great signal) While "The Senate and the Courts", Imperial Side, are going really well through hard mode already! (The Dread Masters gave them a hard time, but they are going to regret it!)


We do have planned to have more progression teams in the future, so if you are interested in being part of one, please let us know!!


Saturday was an operations day for the Dreadnauts who went through Ravagers, Scum and Villainy and Hard Mode Terror from Beyond!


On Sunday, the Argonauts have had their introduction to operations in Eternity Vault, smacking Soa one more time! We enjoy a lot to teach operations to people, so don't be shy and join! We are patient and nice and nobody will judge you!


And we really can't bear Soa's **** talking, so the Dreadnauts went also into the Eternity Vault in a quick groupfinder run to kill him again!


This week conquest was rough, crafting again, and we are still not ready... But anyway, i can't stop to mention our awesome World Eaters for their awesome job!! (What do we gotta do to convince you? Being a World Eater is awesome!!! Just click here and find out!)


Keep up in discord and in the events section to know all what we have scheduled, and don't hesitate to leave your suggestions for future events here!


And if you aren't a Celestial but you like what you are reading, you are invited to join us!! Just fill an application form here, or contact us if you have any doubt!


Until the next monday!



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Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com

Hello, guildies and friends!!


Monday again, woot woot! And i am here again for more news in the Celestial World!


The week started one more time for the World Boss Hunt for the Argonauts! If those beasts think they are gonna beat us by insistency, they are really wrong, because the Celestials won't take any rest until we see the galaxy being a better place, and the Wolrd bosses don't help to fulfill that goal! (besides the fact that they are fun to kill, but let's just ignore this part)


This week, who suffered the Celestial power were Dreadtooth on Section X, the Battledroid R4-GL on Nar Shaddaa and then we took the winter suit to go to kill Snowblind and Gargath on Hoth! (If you are a new player and still low level, you can also join! I guarantee you'll have so much find with these group!)


Later in the week, the Imperial commanders weren't able to escape the Argonauts again! If they thought those maneuvers to get us confused were making us to give up, they were really, really wrong! We went back to our awesome commander run and took down the commanders on Voss, Quesh, Hoth and Ilum!


But that wasn't all... The Celestial enclave has received reports that the Republic commanders were also threatening the peace on the planets! And since we don't align, the Dreadnauts had another awesome commander run! We don't take sides, whoever threats peace and justice will be our target!


For Netflix and Chill, this week was a double run, through Hard Mode Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace! (After twenty thousand years, we wanna keep Soa awake everyweek!)


And also, for an off the cuff Hard Mode run on Saturday, the Dreadnauts with help of allies on the server, cleared out Hard Mode Dread Fortress!


Of course as always, groups for flashpoints and warzones have been going during all the week!


And for Introduction to Operations, the Argonauts went to Karagga's Palace and reduced him to scrap! (Don't be shy and join us on this! We love to teach and see new people learning ops!)


As you should know by this time, we really love conquest and we do our best everyweek! This time, the Argonauts got a not bad at all 6th place in the board on Ilum! Our World Eater leacies did an awesome job and got a total payout of 875,000 credits! (We keep giving rewards, don't you wanna be a World Eater? Find out more here!)


On the other hand, our raid teams keeps progressing a lot! After the past week No Quarter, Republic Side, is just about to get into Hard modes, they went through Temple of Sacrifice as if it was a kindergarden; while,as I have anticipated in the past report, the Dread Master regreted beating The Senate and the Courts, Imperial side, because they came back recharged and beat them up in Hard Mode!


If you are interested in organized raiding, we always have in mind to form new teams! Please let us know!


To finish, a reminder to keep up with our events in discord and the section events of this site! (you gotta be a member to see them) And also to don't be shy and leave your suggestions about events in here if you wanna do something especial with the guild!


And if you aren't a Celestial yet, but you like what you are reading, you can fill and application form here, or making us all the questions you like here!


Until the next week!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello, Celestials and non-Celestials, guildies and friends!


It is Monday again, and I know Mondays are awful, but lot of things have happened during the Celestial week and I am back to tell you all what we did!


For the World Boss Hunt with the Argonauts we started on Alderaan again, (“Again?”, you might thing, well, it is not our fault if the Ulgo house keeps insisting to rebuild that droid and throw it into the lake again, also conquest points!), so the Ulgo Siegebreaker suffered the rage of the Argonauts one more time!


From Alderaan, we moved to Tatooine for a very especial petition… One of our guildies told us that Trapjaw ambushed them when they were just chilling on the planet. Can the Celestials let such a threat be released over there, menacing guildies and other people over the galaxy? The answer is negative! So we took down Trapjaw as well!


Then we got to Hoth to kill Snowblind and Gargath, because more guildies are joining us and we are seriously thinking in return to the grind for the Aratech Coral Mount! So if you would be interested on getting it, let us know and join us in the world boss hunt!


This week we also did more groups for warzones than usually along with groups for flashpoints!!


But the Ulgo Siegebraker wasn’t the only threaten for Alderaan this week, because the rakghouls were also there! Lot of Argonauts with the help of awesome allies on the server went to the rakghoul tunnels to take down The Eyeless with a 16m group!


But the suffering for The Eyeless didn’t end there, because for Netflix&Chill the Dreadnauts went to hunt him down again, in Hard Mode this time! Along with his friend the Shellshock on the planet’s surface!


The Argonauts also did a great commander run! Because the Empire keeps insisting in threatening the galaxy with them, and we have a duty with peace and justice! So this week, imperial commanders on Ilum and Hoth, plus named commanders on Belsavis and Tatooine felt the Argonauts rage!


And the Dreadnauts did an off the cuff Hard mode Scum and Villainy on Saturday night!


We also did Introduction to Operations both sides!! The Dreadnauts went to the Eternity Vault (no Soa, you aren’t gonna get a week of grace) and the Argonauts went to Karagga’s Palace and Toborro’s Courtyard! If you are interested in operations, this is the way to start, don’t be shy and join us!!


Also in organized raiding, No Quarter is finally doing its first steps on Hard Mode Operations with Terror from Beyond, while The Senate & The Courts took a week off but will be coming back recharged next Friday!


For Conquest, the Argonauts ended up in the 7th place of the board in Nar Shaddaa! (we don’t usually go to explore the nightlife, so it was nice to place the Deep Horizon there) Thanks as always to our World Eaters for their great job! They got a total payout of 700,000 credits this week! (They are winning the title week after week and lot of prizes with it, don’t you wanna be like them? Click here and find out how!)


To finish, don’t forget to keep up in the events section to don’t miss any of the guild activities, and remember that you can leave your suggestions about events here!


And if you aren’t a Celestial and you’d like to be one, you can fill an application form here or make all the questions you have here!


Until the next Monday!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Extracted from the news section of our website, this reports are written on mondays so some information might seem outdated. Also some parts have been edited due to forum rules, to see the original article you can check here: cacd.enjin.com


Hello, guildies and friends!


It is the end of another week in the Celestial world!!


A weird week, because the lack of conquest kind of took out of us the excuse to do stuff for conquest points... I bet the Ulgo House is mounting a party right now because we haven't killed their droid again (yet)


But we adapt and overcome, so that doesn't mean that we didn't had a great and fun week!!


The world boss hunt for the Argonauts got replaced with a hilarious speed run on Karagga's Palace! (If you haven't been in voice with us you don't know what you are missing!)


Then, on Wednesday we did some kind of off the cuff Netflix and Chill, with a super smooth run through Explosive Conflict! Kephess didn't even know what hit him!


The Argonauts did also the Commander run!! No champions this week because who the **** kills champions if it is not for sweet conquest points?? But at least we got some more plans for the Deep Horizon to expand!


In organized raiding, No Quarter, Republic Side, is launching a new shiny tank, so they went a couple of steps back to see how it goes... The runs through Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice went really well! Hope it means they left the curse behind! While The Senate and The Courts went for Hard Mode Explosive Conflict! (The tanks trolled them with alternative tactics, but the Dreadnauts' raid team will prevail!)


It feels really weird to not have World Eaters to congratulate (give conquest back, Bioware, please!!) But be aware that World Eaters are a thing and you could be one too when conquest comes back!!


Remember to check out for the events we are doing here in the site and especially in our Discord! And don't be shy, if you wanna suggest something fun to do, please do it!!


If you aren't a Celestial yet, you are welcome to fill out an application form! Join this crazy unusual family!!


Until the next week!



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