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This is not WoW ... stop trying to make it WoW


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You guys can argue that this "is not WoW" all you want. But it's pretty damn hard to ignore that the entire game is nearly identical.


They Share:

Battleground -> Warzones

Dungeons -> Flashpoints

Raids -> Opterations


Exact same leveling model.

Exact same talent tree model (well to be fair, WoW is changing theirs)

Exact same combat model.

Same progression model, gear+ easy-hard modes

Same Non-combat pets model

Same Mounts model


Now with so many key features being alike, then you look at the differences. (I'm not saying they're copying WoW either, they've chosen to use the same model as WoW though and therefore they're going to receive this kind of feedback on their game, tough)


Star Wars Has:

They have a mini-game space combat. (SW adds starfox, wow's adding pokemon)

They have a different profession model. (arguably better)

While the questing model is exactly the same fundamentally, they voice-overed everything which definitely makes it more engaging. +1

Companions for every class.


Then what Star Wars lacks, are technical pieces. Not gameplay but No combat logs, no add-ons, no LFD, no advanced guild options, no guild banks. Tools to make the game more controllable to each individual player. Say what you will about elitist-vs-casual but it has nothing to do with it.


Then they have a lot of design choices, that over the years - blizzard decided to stray from. Such as leveling ranks of skills (personally I hated it, and commended Blizzard for the change - Bioware doesn't seem to like that idea)


They throw in a ton of situational skills, more then you have space for in their default UI. More than you can keybind realistically unless you love keybinding all your 42 mouse buttons (exaggerating)


Auction-house add-ons in WoW made the AH manageable. In this game, you have something more frustrating then WoW's basic AH interface. Why do you have to select 2 categories before you can search an item is BEYOND me.


Throw in a boatload of bugs and well...





So to end it all, people aren't trying to make it WoW at all. What makes SW unique is great. Not a whole lot of people are saying "Get rid of space combat and take out all the dialogue in this game! Also I'd rather make items and farm materials myself instead of companions - also take companions out of the game - they're stupid too!" That would be trying to make it like WoW.


What I think a lot of people are complaining about, is that WoW had several years to develop a lot of the tools and functions they came out with. While Bioware doesn't have that same opportunity - they had the advantage of watching Blizzard's Mistakes/Successes but for one reason or another have not decided to learn from it. In the end, we have a game that honestly feels a bit rushed. And i'm sure they're HELLA swamped with work to do.


You can tell people to give it time to improve, and I'm sure it will - but not a whole lot of people are going to want to pay while waiting and that very well may affect the outcome of this game. And while many people are fine with the way things are (minus the bugs), a lot are just frustrated by the lack of options they have. Doesn't mean they'll go back to WoW exactly, but why anyone would wish for a game to not improve and to scare away players is also BEYOND me.

Edited by Ilsildor
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No .. it doesn't.


If WoW were so great then LOGICALLY there would be no need to come to another game in the first place.




Your logic assumes that for one thing to be "great" then everyone must have to think that. Which is an incorrect assumption.


WoW is successful. It has 10 million customers. A portion of those customers probably think it is "great". Does that mean that SWTOR cannot also be "great"? Certainly not.


You are thinking in absolutes. And that doesn't apply here.

Edited by Tarka
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How is a game with 10 million subscribers dying and becoming F2P? O.o


10 million subs at $15 a month ... is a lot of money. I'd kill, literally *********** destroy someone, for that kind of money.


Speaking of FALACY ... Bioware and subsequently the commercials count any account as a 'subscriber' ... there aren't 10million people paying for WoW.




I think I've made my point with this thread.


Now I'm off to play SWTOR now that I've had my coffee and laugh for the morning.

Edited by KrelosDarksky
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approximately 10 million are playing WoW. That isn't a generalisation. That's a fact.


And if it wasn't "working" then do you honestly think people would continue to pay a sub for it? Logic would suggest that they wouldn't be so stupid.


Now, you can continue to state that WoW doesn't "work", but that is a subjective statement. Others disagree with you. Therefore your statements are far from being a tautology.


Alright Nubs,


SWTOR is starting out just like WOW, WoW did not start out with 10 million people which half of those are more then likely not active sub's, or Chinese gold farmers. (just say-in). It took 7 years to get that many sales.


WoW was Great, but's it's OLD. SWTOR will continue to grow just like WOW did.


I played Vanilla WOW from launch till about 4 years into it, and their Launch was horrible, there were never any servers up due to crashes. Tons of Crazy bugs, falling through the planet type crap. ETC...


SWTOR will get several million subs as well, this game is a hit just look all around the net you will see. The Dev's just need to keep polishing the game in the near future and make sure to add adjustment and it will stay successful , just like WoW has.


Now Blizzard is making Titan so I am sure they are just going to dumb down WoW to keep as many players as possible until the release of Titan. And to be honest by the time Titan comes out SWTOR will be OLD.

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Cite or you are just spouting crap. They said as recently as 2 months ago that F2P wasn't right for their model.


Its already F2P up to lvl 20 it wont be much longer until its all free you all act like Wow is top **** and bash Swtor non stop it just came out and you all ***** it doesnt have this or that well guess what there wasnt a community to give any input to the developers until its released you cant change a game over night to what people want or claim that they "need" adding features can easily break other parts of the game which leads to them having to fix those problems and so on editing millions of lines of codes isnt easy if people think it is apply for a job at Bioware and show them how its done

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It isn't WoW, that much is true. The mere fact that it's based on a different IP means that it will NEVER be WoW. But, that doesn't mean that Bioware couldn't / shouldn't take inspiration or even "borrow" certain features from a product that has been successful for so long.


Oh I agree there are certain things that Bioware could learn and adapt from WoW or from many other MMOs for that matter. Things such as chat bubbles for local chat and being able to see the target of my target. These common factors of MMOs seemed to have been overlooked by Bioware.

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Alright Nubs,


SWTOR is starting out just like WOW, WoW did not start out with 10 million people which half of those are more then likely not active sub's, or Chinese gold farmers. (just say-in). It took 7 years to get that many sales.


WoW was Great, but's it's OLD. SWTOR will continue to grow just like WOW did.


I played Vanilla WOW from launch till about 4 years into it, and their Launch was horrible, there were never any servers up due to crashes. Tons of Crazy bugs, falling through the planet type crap. ETC...


SWTOR will get several million subs as well, this game is a hit just look all around the net you will see. The Dev's just need to keep polishing the game in the near future and make sure to add adjustment and it will stay successful , just like WoW has.


Now Blizzard is making Titan so I am sure they are just going to dumb down WoW to keep as many players as possible until the release of Titan. And to be honest by the time Titan comes out SWTOR will be OLD.


SWTOR wont get 'several million' subscriptions unless they address critical technical gameplay issues that they've apparently lacked in order to make the game worse than it should be after such a long time in development.

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Its already F2P up to lvl 20 it wont be much longer until its all free you all act like Wow is top **** and bash Swtor non stop it just came out and you all ***** it doesnt have this or that well guess what there wasnt a community to give any input to the developers until its released you cant change a game over night to what people want or claim that they "need" adding features can easily break other parts of the game which leads to them having to fix those problems and so on editing millions of lines of codes isnt easy if people think it is apply for a job at Bioware and show them how its done


Cool so you can't cite anything, or use periods.

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Up to level 20. It is esentially a time-unlimited trial. The entire game isn't F2P


Blizzard even stated that going F2P isn't being considered. And why should they consider it?


It still has more subs that the majority of other MMO's.

Edited by Tarka
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Oh I agree there are certain things that Bioware could learn and adapt from WoW or from many other MMOs for that matter. Things such as chat bubbles for local chat and being able to see the target of my target. These common factors of MMOs seemed to have been overlooked by Bioware.


I completely agree :)

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Inspiration is one thing. That isn't what is being asked for.


What is being asked for is SPECIFIC WoW mechanics.


Heck .. most of them can't even stop calling their abilities SPELLS and talking about CASTING them.


WoW's model worked for some people. Those people play WoW.


A lot of people do NOT play WoW because WoW's model failed for them on so many levels.


This. I hate most everything WoW has to offer. Dungeon Finder, I can't stand it. It breaks communities apart. Cross server queing is terrible and breaks communities. Arena, just doesn't fit into SWTOR, UNLESS its a specific area you go to and not something you que for. Warfront bracketing, the bolster system is fine. I was destroying people as soon as I started queing at lvl 10. Yes I played a Sith warrior Jugg and marauder. I also played a Bounty Hunter and trooper. This is just a case of L2P.


I dont like WOW so I'm playing SWTOR. Am I selfish for saying everyone that wants WoW in space should $%^& off. No. SWTOR was a different breed from the beginning. I knew what to expect when I bought this game. If the 13 year old brats that want instant gratification end up changing SWTOR into WoW in space.... :mad:

Edited by Vunak
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WoW set the standard, ergo all new mmo's will be compared to it. This is not a difficult concept, nor should it be surprising. Also every new mmo in this vein gets to be compared to WoW AS IT STANDS RIGHT NOW.





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When something is "working" that means that it is functioning, often in accordance with predetermined specifications. WoW is an MMO that has been running for 7 or so years. It has approximatley 10 million customers currently.


OMG!! Lay off your straw man argument about 10 million customers!! You sound like a broken record..


How many did WOW have at a week after launch?? Not 10 million.. Not a million.. So your statements are irrelevent..


Please learn to stay on topic.. :cool:

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WoW set the standard, ergo all new mmo's will be compared to it. This is not a difficult concept, nor should it be surprising. Also every new mmo in this vein gets to be compared to WoW AS IT STANDS RIGHT NOW.






QFT. When a product launches, it is competing with others on the market as they are right now. Not how they were 7 years ago. Now, whilst it can be argued that expecting the sheer amount of content found in, let's say WoW, at SWTOR's launch could be considered unreasonable, that doesn't apply to every aspect of the product.


Certain "features" are expected to be included and work in a product such as this at launch. Right now, some of those features or either missing or not functioning in accordance with previous standards.

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QFT. When a product launches, it is competing with others on the market as they are right now. Not how they were 7 years ago. Now, whilst it can be argued that expecting the sheer amount of content found in, let's say WoW, at SWTOR's launch could be considered unreasonable, that doesn't apply to every aspect of the product.


Certain "features" are expected to be included and work in a product such as this at launch. Right now, some of those features or either missing or not functioning in accordance with previous standards.



QFT? How would you compare Planetside or End of Nations to WoW? I hope that we talk about hotkey MMOs, not MMOs in general.

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OMG!! Lay off your straw man argument about 10 million customers!! You sound like a broken record..


How many did WOW have at a week after launch?? Not 10 million.. Not a million.. So your statements are irrelevent..


Please learn to stay on topic.. :cool:


I am on topic, YOUR topic. You claim that WoW doesn't "work". It does.


You are right though, the actual numbers are irrelevant. Even during the first thanksgiving period after its launch, WoW had sold 350,000 copies. That is hardly insignificant.


The fact is that WoW was working at launch, and is STILL working. Regardless of whatever subjective definition you try to apply to the word.

Edited by Tarka
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QFT? How would you compare Planetside or End of Nations to WoW? I hope that we talk about hotkey MMOs, not MMOs in general.


The inference is "like" products. I wouldn't say that End of Nations is "like" WoW. but I would argue that WoW and SWTOR are more similar than certain people care to admit. They are both MMORPG's. Both competing in the same sector of the market.

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Ye people stop comparing this game to the most succesfull video game the world has ever seen which has ammassed millions of paying customers for the best part of the last decade, this game is nothing like it not meant to be never will be so if you don't like it bugger off an play a game that works and stop complaining here, because bioware couldn't possibly get it wrong the game is perfect in every sense, from the fantastic ui to the intuitive combat system and vast open world immersive zones this game rocks all. Anyone who thinks it should try and take a leaf out of the wow book is wrong if you play wow your a retard I mean seriously *** has blizzard and wow ever done that BW cannot emulate??? Owait..........


Chill out folks the game will be compared to WoW whether you like it or not and the sad truth is, no matter how hard it may be for WoW haters to swallow, WoW still delivers in areas that this title cannot hope to match never mind best...YET!


Heres hoping it improves but in it's current form it's a beta release at best. Even the sternsest FB will have to admit that when the player base starts dwindling and servers start merging.

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