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JUNG MA: Bots have free rein, New players duped by mismanaged server populations


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Says the Grand Master of Sock Puppets.


Oh, the irony.


All The Best


Sorry pal...... I have never used a sock puppet account on the forum, and never will.


I have no need to hide my views behind a sock puppet account and try to pretend I am presenting something I am not willing to state under my actual account name.

Edited by Andryah
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And this thread again is flooded by the usual suspects who try to tell you to "just transfer or roll another toon."


Guess what. You lose things in the transfers (guild SH, guild ship, your mails, and so on)

Rolling another toon is also just a CYA argument if there are a) things bound to that original toon that you care about and that you can't replace because it's a random one in a million drop, or something no longer obtainable in game, or if you have invested a lot of real money in CM items bound to that toon.


Stop pretending it's not a big deal. It is not a big deal for something like the throw-away characters we made for the DvL event. For established toons, it bloody well is an issue. Denying that just makes you look like morons.


Guess what?! I've been through a server merge. You lose all that stuff anyway and your name if it's taken. Fun stuff. APAC founders know about this and the 45 min queue time to log into harbinger that was the result.


They're trying to see if there's a way for you to keep all of that including your name and guild stuff and merge. You want that yes? Then you need to sit patiently and wait....for as long as it takes them to sort it out or be proactive and handle it yourself.

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And I don't consider my brutal honesty to be white Knighting. The devs have given you ways to deal with it with your monthly cartel coins. Once it's off the table, the price will return to 1000 cc and you'll be at their mercy unless you quit. I do not recommend playing chicken with the devs because they do not have a time table on server stuff, only that they're discussing options.
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relax guys and grills! players will be FLOODING BACK to the game.

am i right!?


(if you can't tell, i am being sarcastic)


There have been a bunch of new players and returning players posting and on harbinger. Someone joined my guild that was a complete newbie to the game. Harbinger pop has not gone down and seems to be going strong. Lots of people everywhere.

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Lots of people everywhere.

you're on the harbinger, always players there. However players are not flooding back and filling the dead servers. the populated ones are barely getting new people TRE pops have been getting slower if anything and many guilds are certainly shrinking. (probably why the guild i am conquered our second planet:))

also tofn went from this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV5YKDuea5c

to this:

also look at this video

Edited by benmas
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you're on the harbinger, always players there. However players are not flooding back and filling the dead servers. the populated ones are barely getting new people TRE pops have been getting slower if anything and many guilds are certainly shrinking. (probably why the guild i am conquered our second planet:))

also tofn went from this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV5YKDuea5c

to this:

also look at this video


I'm thinking maybe people are investigating what server to start on or transfer to so no I don't think dead servers will spring to life either.

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I really don't think bioware will server merge any of the remaining servers... Hence why what 3 times now they have offered 90 cartel coin transfers.. ( I understand all the pros and cons of this and I can fully understand why you wouldn't wanna xfer your toons and lose your strong hold/guild bank and legacy so on so forth) But I mean there's what ? 8 Servers left pretty bad PR to have to merge and down to lets say 4 servers.. I agree I wish they would do merges for people who don't want to lose all the stuff i mentioned above but It's probably just not going to happen at least for a few years I would guess (assuming we make it a few more years lul).



I don't know really m8 the game faces many problems the horrid factions imbalance of some servers for those of us who enjoy playing repside over imp for instance such as repside pvp on JC its pretty pointless unless you premade it up with some boys but again this is assuming you play at an hour when your boys are on... Server merges could fix and or make this worse I understand that but cross server could have saved the game and this problem probably would have never been a thing....


But I mean cross server is just not possible.. Right? :rak_02:


Lies from day one :D I'll just leave this here.


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Maybe I'm just coming on here at all the wrong times, but I haven't seen any of that. All I ever see here is whining and moaning, and none of it has been fixed. Time to open your eyes, realise it's their game, and they will do what they want with it, and you can either put up with it and try to enjoy as best you can, or move on to something you will enjoy more. Sitting around waiting on something like this to get fixed is only going to give you bedsores on your ***.


Jung Ma being dead does not affect me because I'm not on Jung Ma. I've only ever rolled a toon there to see how dead it was. My characters are mostly on Shadowlands and Ebon Hawk, and I have one alt on Harbinger.


Unlike you however I'm not into shielding Bioware from legitimate criticism from those who are not getting what they paid for, because Bioware doesn't want the bad press from a server merge.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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This game is just too big for itself. When it was first launched, it was suppose to be a full fledged MMO. Huge worlds, opposing segregated factions, big world pvp, thousands of players, lots of servers, huge guilds, blah blah blah....


It's not even remotely that anymore - thats why cross server ques and same faction queuing needs to happen because the face of the game has totally changed. I understand that a lot of the problems are just built into the game - like opposite story lines for rep and imp for the same FP, so it would take manpower and alot of overhauling updating those FP's to make them consistent with the KOTFE era storyline. Not gonna happen. So were stuck, with two factions with separate que systems, dividing the already small player base. So stupid.


The original vision for this game is dead, and the servers are dead, and the ones that are left (harbringer, shadowlands, and a few more) are seeing "steady" players but no growth honestly. That's the issue IMO, there's no growth. For every 1 player that returns 2 more cancel. I've been around long enough now to see that while the game isn't totally dead, it isn't thriving either. It's totally in coast mode right now. Not bad, but not good either.


The new content needs to be cross faction qued. I was so so so hoping Uprisings would be cross faction qued, like OPG, but it wasn't. Fail.

Make 8 player FPs or more 4 player uprisings, but cross faction qued so they pop a lot more faster (sort of like pvps OPG) Uprisings even now on Harb are slow pop, and its always the same one being spammed (Facture). Lame.


Game is a mess. But I still play because it dawned on me a few weeks ago when I contemplated ditching this game, that I'm in too deep :D I like my characters, and I'm still having fun - but I'm not a white knight, I see the flaws and I wish BW would get creative and implement some solutions.

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I really don't think bioware will server merge any of the remaining servers... Hence why what 3 times now they have offered 90 cartel coin transfers.. ( I understand all the pros and cons of this and I can fully understand why you wouldn't wanna xfer your toons and lose your strong hold/guild bank and legacy so on so forth) But I mean there's what ? 8 Servers left pretty bad PR to have to merge and down to lets say 4 servers.. I agree I wish they would do merges for people who don't want to lose all the stuff i mentioned above but It's probably just not going to happen at least for a few years I would guess (assuming we make it a few more years lul).



I don't know really m8 the game faces many problems the horrid factions imbalance of some servers for those of us who enjoy playing repside over imp for instance such as repside pvp on JC its pretty pointless unless you premade it up with some boys but again this is assuming you play at an hour when your boys are on... Server merges could fix and or make this worse I understand that but cross server could have saved the game and this problem probably would have never been a thing....


But I mean cross server is just not possible.. Right? :rak_02:


Lies from day one :D I'll just leave this here.



They're going to do something but id go with someone's guess on Eric's post that it sounds like more of a cross server function. Search the forum, find the post, make your own conclusion.

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Guess what?! I've been through a server merge. You lose all that stuff anyway and your name if it's taken. Fun stuff. APAC founders know about this and the 45 min queue time to log into harbinger that was the result.


They're trying to see if there's a way for you to keep all of that including your name and guild stuff and merge. You want that yes? Then you need to sit patiently and wait....for as long as it takes them to sort it out or be proactive and handle it yourself.


Your attempts to shift the responsibility to the players are really pitiful. Taking a workaround that will put you at a disadvantage is NOT proactive.

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Your attempts to shift the responsibility to the players are really pitiful. Taking a workaround that will put you at a disadvantage is NOT proactive.


I'm a realist. I'm not shifting responsibility. I'm saying I sincerely doubt anything will be done soon. They gave a sale. Be grateful and transfer or cancel. This has been discussed a million times on here. They're aware people want something done. They've not done anything yet. You have 3 choices. A. Take advantage of what they have given so you can enjoy the game. B. Do nothing but wait. And wait. And wait. C. Cancel your sub.


If you like the game then transfer during the sale. I hear wow doesn't do free transfers and has deadish servers too.

Edited by americanaussie
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I'm a realist. I'm not shifting responsibility. I'm saying I sincerely doubt anything will be done soon. They gave a sale. Be grateful and transfer or cancel. This has been discussed a million times on here. They're aware people want something done. They've not done anything yet. You have 3 choices. A. Take advantage of what they have given so you can enjoy the game. B. Do nothing but wait. And wait. And wait. C. Cancel your sub.


If you like the game then transfer during the sale. I hear wow doesn't do free transfers and has deadish servers too.


Why would I be grateful for the chance to pay money for a workaround that will leave me at a disadvantage, just so BW doesn't have to be arsed to come up with a proper solution? Are you a masochist or something, to suggest that?


Not sure what the comment about WOW has to do with this. I don't play it and am not interested in it.

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Your points, OP, are valid. It's very good you've realized the state of you server only 3 months in.


It's true that the devs have said they will look at merging servers and closing down low pop servers in the new year. I can (sort of) understand their reasoning for not doing so right now. Yes they should've done it a long time ago, but the worry about an influx of new player brought in by the new xpac and movie causing overloaded servers is worth considering. I don't think it would happen, but there you go. hopefully they will merg soon.


I think it's harmful to the game to let new players start out on low pop servers like Jung Ma, POT5, Bastion. Those servers should be grayed out in the selection screen.


That does nothing for your situation though. You do have some options. The great thing about server transfers is you bring your legacy with you. You got 3 toons maxed? Great! That means (as long as you have done the initial story chapters) when you transfer one toon, all of your acquired class buffs come with you. You can also load up the toon you are transferring with all your credits, unbound cm items, legacy gear, crafting mats, etc. All of that stuff will come with you as long as it's in your inventory, or personal cargo hold. Legacy cargo hold items will stay behind, so make sure to get those out before you leave.

Achievements also transfer.

Strongholds kinda transfer. They will no longer be decorated, but all decos will still be available. Just reunlock the sh on the fleet. It's a bit tedious, but having a better in game experience, on a better server, is worth the trouble. BW won't do it for you. Not yet anyway, so it's up to you.


Honestly, the only reason to be a hold out is if you're a guild leader, with a ship, and lots of time and money invested in that guild. 3 months, and 3 toons is not that much. Plus, if you were clever with your naming, you'll keep your name.


I'd recommend Ebon Hawk. It's got a healthy pop. I assume you are east coast or midwest, so you'll still have a good connection. There's lots of people that still rp. There are chat channels like /allies that are active in forming pve group content. pvp warzones pop frequently, and ranked even happens. World pvp happens nowhere on any server unless it organized, so good luck with that.


And you don't even have to pay to transfer. These forums are full of referral links. If you are a sub, and you use someones referral, you will get a free character transfer, a name change, and a worthless friends bundle (it becomes worthwhile if you drop your sub). I can pm you mine if you like. Or talk to your gm in game. I'm sure they would appreciate it, since he/she would recieve extra cartel coins every month as long as you stay subbed. Or just click on a random persons link in their signature here on the forums. Tux, who posted above me, is one of the few level headed people that post regularly on the forums. And he's a former guildie of mine. So, if not me or your gm (use your gm's) use his. :rak_03:


good luck, and happy holidays.


love and respect,


Hey, thanks for the helpful advice! Much appreciated. My entire guild is in the process of leaving Jung Ma, the last of us will be trickling out next week, and they kindly assisted me in getting everything squared away for the move. This community is such a mixed bag; for the most part, people have been very friendly, welcoming, and helpful, but I see how toxic this forum community is. You post your opinion and observations, and you are instantly set upon and attacked by frothing mad fan boys who seem to circumvent the reality of the true state of things and replace it with their own nonsensical version. If you agree with someones opinions you are then white-knighting? lol Wth is with these people?

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You're welcome. I've been through several server changes. One forced merge. One voluntary switch when POT5 became a ghost town. And another when I moved out of a big city and my connection to the west coast servers became crap.


If your whole guild is moving, that's great news. Your community in game will come with you. Put in some concentrated effort and you can have another guild ship in a week. Some friends left Harb recently to come join me on EH. One week of farming heroics, and talking to the GTN, and we have a ship again.


And yes, the forums can be very toxic. That can be explained by the frustration people feel toward the devs. We've got people that had borderline psychotic breaks when the devs told them they had a perception problem, trolls that are just bored, people that just don't understand their class but are unwilling to admit it's their fault, etc. I don't take any of that stuff personally. It's the beauty of the internet. You can rage and be horrible to people. Or you can be the good person you really are.


I know I sound like an EH fanboy, but the interactions I've had there are some of the best I've had in game.


Something I noticed when I last transferred, and was confirmed by support...If you buy certain things with credits (for example an additional personal cargo bay), they don't transfer. I unlocked the final cargo bay for 6m credits on Harb, transferred to EH, and was back to 5 bays. Customer support said if I had used Cartel Coins, it would've transferred. That rule hasn't been consistent, as I've purchased many upgrades for credits that did transfer. Just don't be surprised if you have to buy a couple things twice.


Still, a better in game experience is worth a little bit of initial in game hassle.

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