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10 Predictions for SWTOR 2017


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10 Predictions for SWTOR 2017:


1. Taris Bonus Series bug from 2012 will remain unfixed.

2. Preview window bug will persist through 2017.

3. CXP will be unlocked to preferred status players at reduced rate, in attempt get back players that unsubscribed/quit.

4. Few more servers will die.

5. Cartel Market will be the focus of the game (again).

6. There will be no new class and its story.

7. There will be no new advanced class to existing classes.

8. Wampa companion will jump to 300 000 000 credits on GTN.

9. Group Finder will be 100% slower.

10. They'll fire little left customer support people, and replace them with more bots.

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Great. You know what you did,didnt you? Now some suit that knows nothing about gaming but has to tell devs what to do will read your points,think ro himself - hey i will look like i am smart - and suggest it in a meeting and baam next thing you know you have Ben describing how exciting these changes will be.


1. 25, my favourite number


2. The CMs do read the forums. Ben & Eric would notice if someone "stole" these ideas


3. I did consider this - the thing is, these changes will happen whether or not I post them - I just want to be able to say "I told you so" with proof. Fact is, these 10 predictions are based off of the changes that have happened over the past 2 years - Mastery stat, Comp gear useless, all comp abilities being the same, damage and healing gear unified, disciplines over skill points, choosing an advanced class at start instead of level 10, all these changes have one thing in common - simplified code. More code is more complex, and complexity makes it harder to "balance" things like damage and healing rates. The changes predicted here simply follow the theme of simplified code. So these changes are inevitable, posted here or not. I do expect other things not listed here for further simplified code, but I think 10 predictions is enough.

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As the subs are dwindling in 2017 we will finally see iconic Jedi robes as one of the final attempt to milk remaining player base using the cartel market. Once I get them I will replay the hell out of the game: Make a Jedi Knight and play every single story arc and side quest and once I hit level 50 I will purchase a guild run through Story mode operations and Dread Master saga in chronological order. I will fulfil my ultimate Star Wars fantasy.


You know, I am indifferent about jedi robes, but you have been asking for this for so long now, that if they finally came, I would be extremely happy knowing that your dream had finally come true.

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10 Predictions for SWTOR 2017:


1. Taris Bonus Series bug from 2012 will remain unfixed.

2. Preview window bug will persist through 2017.

3. CXP will be unlocked to preferred status players at reduced rate, in attempt get back players that unsubscribed/quit.

4. Few more servers will die.

5. Cartel Market will be the focus of the game (again).

6. There will be no new class and its story.

7. There will be no new advanced class to existing classes.

8. Wampa companion will jump to 300 000 000 credits on GTN.

9. Group Finder will be 100% slower.

10. They'll fire little left customer support people, and replace them with more bots.


Great list, honestly, it's very believable.

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