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What may come after Kotet


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I think after knight's of eternal throne Scorpio will be the main enemy and try to enslave or kill all life. other then that i think mandalorians will cause trouble . and the empire and republic will still try to kill each other i hope everyone who reads this likes this possible outcome. i hope if bio-ware doe's make a new add on it's like this are at least close to it.let me know what you think and want you would want in a new add on. Edited by Lordkingnicholas
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I am not sure the Mandalorians will cause that much trouble due to the fact some of us have Shae, Mandalore the Avenger, as our companion so I doubt the Mandalorians will go aganist their leader.


There was also a dark side choice in KOTET where you can kill Scorpio before she merges with the planet so it is very possible they will not bring Scorpio back due to those choices.

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i HOPE we dont get another external empire coming out of nowhere to threaten us AGAIN. I pray it is more to do with the rest of the galaxy seeing our alliance and its power as a threat and someone (maybe Malgus or some other recognizable face) causing these up risings and gathering a force to counter our alliance.
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It baffles me how Bioware thought it was a good idea put what is essentially a single-player ending into an expansion for an MMO.


We're the all powerful ruler of an all powerful Empire, they've walled themselves into a corner that doesn't really leave any way out other than, "The Eternal Empire has been devastated by the all powerful Act of Plot! So now you're just a dude again who has to go out and do grunt work for reasons."

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It baffles me how Bioware thought it was a good idea put what is essentially a single-player ending into an expansion for an MMO.


We're the all powerful ruler of an all powerful Empire, they've walled themselves into a corner that doesn't really leave any way out other than, "The Eternal Empire has been devastated by the all powerful Act of Plot! So now you're just a dude again who has to go out and do grunt work for reasons."


Which is why Vitiate is likely not dead. He's probably going to be the main villain until swtor actually does end.

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Well since the Alliance is basically the Inquisition from DAI what may happen now is what started in the "trespasser" dlc...ie the empire (Orlais) and the Republic (Ferelden) will now try to end or control the Alliance and demand you stand down your forces as they are longer needed since Zakuul is defeated.


I'm really curious how they will continue with the story too though

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  • 3 months later...
There was also a dark side choice in KOTET where you can kill Scorpio before she merges with the planet so it is very possible they will not bring Scorpio back due to those choices.

I'd say it's *certain* they won't bring her back, precisely because for some people she's a smoking pile of parts. (I'd also suggest that if you let her merge with Iokath, she no longer has an independent consciousness that can be distinguished as separate from the planet.)

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Well since the Alliance is basically the Inquisition from DAI what may happen now is what started in the "trespasser" dlc...ie the empire (Orlais) and the Republic (Ferelden) will now try to end or control the Alliance and demand you stand down your forces as they are longer needed since Zakuul is defeated.


I'm really curious how they will continue with the story too though



Yeah I don't want to see:

-one of my great allies turning against me (in SWTOR wise "again")

-the real master mind that is responsible of the entire past (class to KotET) is your closest friend

-disbanding your army or/and becoming royal guards for someone due to both sides being scared of you

-you being used as a tool or a anomaly in a grand scheme

-losing a arm… thats the reason DA:I ended there



Probably something original would be better.

Edited by dxlolman
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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly, I think SWTOR has run its course. It is time to let it go.


BW as the building blocks in place. It should make a new Star Wars game My imagination says we should have a game set in the future of the Star Wars we know now. Mined heavily from canon and legends, let's have a broken galaxy where Jedi and Sith are both fractured orders, the governments are regional and often in conflict with each other, and deciding on Light or Dark is a part of the character's development, and not something done at the beginning.


A Force user has to find teachers (Sith, Jedi, or other) to build their skills and powers. Performing quests, making allies, and performing services until becoming a new master or lord of the Force.


An aspiring pilot must make deals and work for others to earn their first ship, and the next, and the next. Building their business and/or reputation until they are a grand fleet admiral or pirate lord .


I would like to see a game where ships and strongholds have some presence and use. If your guild has a stronghold on Nar Shadda, it could be a floating fortress or casino that other players could see, and visit if you permit. The starport on some new world could have many docks to visit to see each player or guild customized ships.


It is time for a new galaxy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Come on, people, you REALLY don't know whats coming after KOTET?? :D:D:D


1. new operations, they will be full of bugs and geodata errors, 6 hours of maintenance per week to fix them.

2. a new PvP area and a few forum scandals

3. people ragequitting then coming back

4. and old armor re-painted and sold in Item Mall as a "new" armor

5. new currency and unassembled stuff meant to confuse the heck outta everyone

6. more forum scandals.

7. more maintenance.

8. a new droid companion.

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Here's a thought: Darth Bane, The New Sith Wars, and the Fall of the Old Republic, thusly leading to the start of Republic we all new from the prequels (even though they were quite terrible). Based on Cannon, about 1000 years before the Clone Wars, the Sith Empire was still a thing. Darth Bane orchestrated the final demise of his own empire, so as to ensure the survival of the Sith via his Rule of Two. We know these evens were at least a couple thousand years before Bane's New Sith Wars (approx. 3000 prior to the clone wars if I am correct). That would place the entire class storylines at 3000 years before the clone wars. What if, as a final a epic ending to Star Wars the Old Republic, your character and his/her companions, the Alliance, and the Pubs & Imps had whatever victories and defeats on Iokath. After Iokath, some scientist from the Alliance locates strange technology on an alien world. You are sent to investigate along with your repertoire of companions. Upon activating said technology, your character and any companions pass out ending up in some sort of automated alien stasis pods, only to wake up 2000 years in the future. During the time of Darth Bane's New Sith Wars. You quickly find out that everything is changed. Empire players fight for Bane. Republic, well that's obvious... During this new story concept, your character will have to fight during the New Sith Wars, bringing a conclusion to the entire Old Republic story. Considering that the Old Republic officially ended after this war and the New Republic began. I don't know. I'm rambling. I'm overtired and I need to sleep. :rak_02:
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