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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What constitutes General to Off Topic forums


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Yeah what happened there? I didn't see that it was that bad? :eek:



Edot bad as in no one was like attacking anyone or anything. The post was valid and fine


They said I was in violation of the forum policy against questioning moderation actions. So basically questioning the staff as to why they keep doing something is not allowed. Oh well, that's my answer I suppose.

Edited by AscendingSky
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They said I was in violation of the forum policy against questioning moderation actions. So basically questioning the staff as to why they keep doing something is not allowed. Oh well, that's my answer I suppose.


Well that's a shame. I thought it was a valid question. :( some posts do get moved that shouldn't imo. I'll bring an extra bottle. :p

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People say it is easy to know why some threads are moved off topic but the distinction is often a murky line. Some negative threads makes perfect sense to have been moved due to abrasive language used and blatant attempts to goad people who are already upset at something, perhaps it is lenient to have only moved it rather than deleting it altogether.


Yet you see so many posts that are created just to goad people into an angry response left alone in general, sometimes the only difference I can see is that the offender is supposedly in agreement with an official stand. I fail to see how antagonizing people who complain is healthy for the game though.


As a side note, the "roll eyes" emote has to be one of the most abused one here. I have seen posters who can barely do a single post without it, perpetually condescending no matter the topic.


While I understand why the rule is in place, the whole "no discussion on forum moderation" opens its own can of worms. After all, who watches the watchmen?

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They said I was in violation of the forum policy against questioning moderation actions. So basically questioning the staff as to why they keep doing something is not allowed. Oh well, that's my answer I suppose.


so the discussion will be on reddit where bwa cant censor. so be it.

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Well that's a shame. I thought it was a valid question. :( some posts do get moved that shouldn't imo. I'll bring an extra bottle. :p


You know, on another game's forums the mods there have actual names not generic community bs, they actually post in threads, when a thread gets moved they state the reason why, they censor posts with an explanation rather then delete them and ban the poster.


These forums are very heavy handed and shady by comparison. Night and day and gives a more trustworthy appearance to the community there.

Edited by kodrac
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That thread being moved is why I made my own thread about negative threads being moved. There's no way you could call a discussion of TOR's business model and whether it's bad or not 'off topic'.


It looks like putting some spotlight on this issue paid off for once. They moved that thread back the gen section.

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