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Is the story over?


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I saw many people already talking about continuation of the story, but is there even room for it now? I can see some possible continuation for the LS path - as a head of a peacekeeping organization you might get involved in some new intrigues and run around with your lightsaber. But as the new Eternal Emperor? It either won't make any sense, or Bioware would have to destroy the Eternal Throne first, making all our recent achievements pointless.


So how you guys think, is this the end of SWTOR storyline? I would be quite happy about this ending, maybe with some epilogue and reuniting us with at least the rest of romance companions.


I might even resurrect my Inq if I could get Ashara back after episode IX and make her my Empress. :]

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There's a letter from the scions that I think will play a role in the future. It at least kinda explains why they weren't there with a convenient 'Oh, you saved everyone! We'll see you later! Don't die! Galaxy still needs you!'


There's still a bit of story telling left. With the uprisings, and the Empire/Republic thing. They could tack on a new Knights of Whoever... loyal to Emperor Jerk. Or cultists. I'm sure they'll think of something. I'm not incredibly worried about it, and I'm curious to see what they'll put out next.



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They could end the story here or add bits and pieces over time like they did with Oricon and Ziost or maybe an epilogue chapter to tie off any remaining loose ends (like LIs). But unless they have another major story arc in the works I don't see anymore multi-chapter story expansions in the future.
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No it's not over. Most of our companions haven't returned yet. We have yet to get them back. I wonder if Elara's butt gonna get bigger in next story. Gonna love it if that happens. :D


Probably, by the time we reunite with some of our spouses we'll be past child bearing age

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No it's not over. Most of our companions haven't returned yet. We have yet to get them back. I wonder if Elara's butt gonna get bigger in next story. Gonna love it if that happens. :D


I don't know if we're getting them back.


ON-TOPIC: I do think the story is effectively over. We have this near invincible fleet which makes us the de facto ruler of the galaxy. At this point we should be sending people out to handle most of our business. I haven't done the uprisings, but I really don't see why the immortal emperor/eternal commander would bother to handle that personally.


I also think this is entirely on purpose. I don't think we're headed for maintenance mode just yet, but the large overarching story just won't make sense unless you come up with some completely random super-enemy like the Yuuzhan Vong.

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I believe they've said they intent to continue the story when the issue came up in Livestreams. But the last thing I remember them saying about that is when there would be any more major story updates, and they said "The next time that happens will be our next major expansion, and strangely enough we're not ready to talk about that yet."


It's possible they may have more hints in several months? But I could be remembering wrong.

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I personally think that it is about time they started work on the sequel to this game. But then, given all the money invested in it so far, this game would be abandoned pretty quick if it were not updated.


What I really think is that they should make one of these games like Planetside where it is kind of like an actual FPS but star wars story, and built on the star wars engine from battlefront.

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Swtor has essentially been Kotor continued. After defeating Malak and reclaiming the star forge Revan went off into unknown space to destroy the true Sith. Now the story is complete and the Outlander has succeeded where Revan failed by bringing an end to Vitiate/Valkorian once and for all


Don't expect any expansions anytime soon. In fact this game will probably stay on life support the next couple years, while receiving minimal updates before it shuts down.


In addition most of the servers are dead. That can't be good. If they astonish me and start a new major story arc going back to Empire Vs Republic, then I like the idea of Darth Jadus being the new antagonist who sets the stage. Malgus as the antagonist could work to, but I believe Jadus would be better. He is currently MIA but he is a master schemer who lurks in the shadows. If anyone has a plan to take out the Eternal Alliance it is Jadus. Also he is supposedly number 2 power wise to Valkorian and the only Sith Lord ever to gain Valkorian's respect.

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