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Vader vs Kylo Ren share your thoughts


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I think Vader is way more terrifying then Kylo (check out rogue 1 final scene). Vader is the real villain, I mean his low voice, charisma, use of terror and battle skills makes him a total ******! Compared to him, Kylo looks like a teen who listens to deathmetal.


But then again I'm biased...

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Hi ya, I don't wanna be a playa' hater

but Kylo Ren can lick the ****(helm) of Darth Vader...


Now srs:

First off Kylo is still Very young and judging by his face expressions while he used The Force, i can tell that for a "Sith Lord" The Force is not surving him very well....at least not yet.


And Compared to Darth Vader, he is only little boy with violently glowing wooden stick.


To be objective - i pass that sentence, not because i have some misplased blind hate for the new SW saga(because i don't) I say that because from all the intel i gathered about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader from the Movies(ep I,II,III,IV,V,VI, SW The Force Unleashed game saga, The Clone Wars and the countless comic books, animations, novels etc) I can conclude that Dart Vader's shoes(or tall black boots) are little bit too big for our newborn character who goes under the name of Kylo Ren(and maybe when he tried to use mind trick on Rey i could see a diper showing under his cool, badas*, black robe)


Kylo maybe have great potential and one day he can steal the spotlight from his Grandfather but here we have only one "maybe" that we can speculate with and nothing else.


He is still a undeveloped Character and we don't really know much about him.

For that very reason, by my humble opinion - there can not be some real comparison between the two, other than the fact That Darth Vader is blood relative to Kylo Ren.


The Force is strong in Skywalker Family and that gives us food for thought that one day(maybe) Kylo will outmatch his ancestor who(by the way) was decorated war hero(while Jedi) and the most feared thing in the Galaxy, besides his master the Emperor(later on after embrasing the Dark Side and becoming a Darth)


Qite the career, dont you think?


For the time being though, he is very far behind the person who (with his heroics) liberated the galaxy from evil only to embrase it later with such a fierce velocity that all his acomplishments faded and ended up drowning in his almost absolute Darkness.


Not to mention that(to put it simple) after he was bored to be a brutal enforcer of Empirial law, just snaps his fingers, switches back to Light, says "i had enough" - grabs His Master Darth Sidious, throw him down the shaft, ending his Tyrany and then dies restoring(for the time being) the Balance to the Force...

Later on arogantly ignores all the decades of murders and mayhem that he caused and LIKE A BOSS joins hes old friends Yoda and Obi Wan in the afterlife for one well deserved(by his opinion) retirement.


So you tell me is there any room for comparison between Vader and Ren?

I simply tried to represend the facts in detail and depth so that the Kylo defenders(not that they are any) will scratch themselfs there where they don't have an itch and will sit down silently.


The long story short, Kylo Ren vs Darth Vader is like butterfly vs Star Destroyer (later on we may witness the "butterfly effect" but for now the young Kylo should silently excuse himself from our presense and use the back exit of this Thread)


I guess i got a little caried away, but like old fashioned forum blogger and writer(for a hoby) i gave you enough material for discussion and critics, served with little sarcasm for better flavor.

Edited by Ivchoy
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I'd say it's actually kinda hard to compare the two in light of their life circumstances. If anything, I'd say Vader is tops for his development, but Kylo has the greater potential, if that makes any sense.


For Vader, he's a grown adult with years of experience and skill in his Force abilities. His fall to the Dark Side came from his caring for those around him getting twisted. It probably didn't help that he likely heard the Jedi around him essentially putting him up on a figurative pedestal with all the "Chosen One" talk as that would be a pretty big expectation to have dropped on someone so young.


For Kylo, he's still reasonably young so the level of skill and experience isn't there yet. His rage, however, I would say is possibly greater as not only being younger generally means being more of an emotional hothead (At least I was in my younger days), but it likely wasn't easy by any means growing up with so many Rebellion heroes being family with the attention from that, constantly hearing about it and people having higher expectations because of that while not taking him as he was by himself. I can easily envision him being really sick of that **** of constantly hearing "You're related to Luke Skywalker??" or "Your Mom did all these great accomplishments by X age.", or even getting the "How could you do that? You're related to So and So." when he makes a different choice or mistake. All of that's enough to build quite a bit of resentment and hate going.


All in all, I'd say it'd be better to compare the two when Kylo's gotten some more age and experience under the belt.

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Kylo got beat (badly too) by some chick who had no training, no experience with the force - in other words she was a noob. And she kicked Kylo's ***.


So tell me, who's the bigger ****** Kylo or Vader?


Rey beat Kylo ONLY because he was badly injured and weakened from the bow-caster shot Chewie hit him with. Kylo was not in top form when fighting Rey. Even after focusing on The Force she would have lost if Ren had been at full strength. It amazes me how many people easily dismiss this fact when they bad mouth Kylo Ren. I am no fan of Ren but I find it very unfair when people ignore this fact.


As for Ren vs Vader...Vader had way more Jedi training BEFORE he went dark. He also had more Sith training. Ren had a lot less training than Anakin/Vader and it showed. People don't seem to take that into account either. Vader was much more well trained than Ren.

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Kylo would cry about the loss of his father while Vader would crumble under the weight of the los of his mom. They would hug and part ways sobbing as they slinked back into the shadows.


The only thing to gather from the meeting is, who is the bigger emo

Edited by Liquor
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Kylo got beat (badly too) by some chick who had no training, no experience with the force - in other words she was a noob. And she kicked Kylo's ***.


So tell me, who's the bigger ****** Kylo or Vader?


I agree with you. In KYLOS DEFENSE however, Rey is somewhat a prodigy the same way Anakin was. She is so powerful in the force, the use of it came naturally. Kylo is powerful because of his bloodline ,but Rey is just that much more boss lol..

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