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Datacron Guides


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On the left of the dark temple approach, there is a cave which has jedi ruins in it. this is where you would be able to craft your matrix shards in a relic. There are a couple of threads on the different stat outcomes of combos you can use. Anyway, when you enter the cave for the first time, you will get a location codex alert, which is your sixth datacron location although there is not a physical datacron to pick up.
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Anyone foud the 6th datacron on droumund kass found 5 of the 6 looked just about everywhere probably right under my nose tho


I was asking about Corusant last night in game and somebody replied that you got credited one in the Codex on Droumand Kass by going into the Council Chamber. So I don't think there are really 6 on either planet.

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