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Combat in this game is so bad


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I finished Fallen Empire last night, and it was such a slog I don't think I can go on in this game. It is just so bad.


What kills this game is the combat. You don't get any satisfaction in the lightsaber. There is no individuality in lightsabers. You know that cutscene where you construct your first saber? A few minutes later you're going to throw it away and replace it with some saber that you loot off of a swamp creature.


There is no saber parrying, no deflecting laser bolts, it takes so many light saber strikes to kill an enemy that the saber feels like a foam baseball bat.


Beyond that, the story stinks. Fallen Empire doesn't do anything good with the characters. Arcann is just another raging bad guy. There is nothing good done with the characters. It's all roids and droids in this game.


I really have to wonder who in the world designs this game. How did they think that this was fun? At least I played a stealth class so I could skip as much as I wanted.


I think that the original game was better than this expansion, because you had the eight storylines which you could see the other side of. This expansion at least is slightly better than the previous two expansions, Hutt Cartel and Shadows of Revan, both of which were horrible. A Jedi pirate theme? come on.


I've been fooled too much with this game. Ugh. So bad.

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You actually parry and deflect but its just for show the hits still do damage the parry and deflect do not actually parry and deflect and to be fair lightsabers suck even in cutscenes you cut someone in the gut with a lightsaber and he is not cut in 2 or at least not be able to move.

Bioware you do not know what a lightsaber can do.

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You actually parry and deflect but its just for show the hits still do damage the parry and deflect do not actually parry and deflect and to be fair lightsabers suck even in cutscenes you cut someone in the gut with a lightsaber and he is not cut in 2 or at least not be able to move.

Bioware you do not know what a lightsaber can do.


Beyond that, I feel like the game must be missing frames. Like, the animations must be done at like 15FPS. It doesn't feel as fluid as previous games.


I should feel in danger as a jedi whenever I am on an open field and have people firing shots at me. It should be more realistic like that, and I should be able to pump up my deflect stat.


But right now in the game it's just...bad.


This could have been an interesting MMO, but they just made it so bad.

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I like the story but I think at times it was poorly executed. I'm on the last chapter of KOTFE and I feel like I haven't done anything particularly relevant except chase potential allies down, which I'm still doing. I would like to feel like I have more agency.


Can't really say on combat, I've only played a couple MMOs and I'm generally higher level than the area anyway so it hasn't been too challenging as much as tedious at times. I do enjoy those moments where I dodge, deflect, and such, that adds some flavour to the fighting, but yeah, when you can just stand and tank in what look like robes, it's a bit of a stretch. Maybe the force? ;)


If you aren't satisfied with the weapons and such, perhaps you aren't looking at customization options much? One character of mine is running with what he's found and picked up; another is running all customized adaptive. Yes, generally what I can find will always be a little bit better than what I've tweaked, but it does mean that you can keep that first light saber if you want to. Yes, my new blaster is not as good as my current one as I go into the end of KOTFE, but I'm going to bring it along anyway, and see what I can do with it to spruce it up.

Edited by Syrgei
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The Jedi can deny being a pirate right away if your Jedi isn't the type to hide who they are or play along. :p


It was not a Jedi Pirate theme, it was a cover/story to get you to Rishi.


As for the combat, you are in the minority. Looking at games with actual exciting combat did not get more players. I would think most MMO players prefer the combat that resembles TOR and WoW over anything.


As for the animations, no idea on that front. I know they're subjective, but seeing as how the devs continue to take away the better looking animations, to replace them with garbage looking ones, I have to feel they just don't care about looks and style of attacks.

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He's not wrong. Melee combat in general feels slower and less effective than blaster combat.


I blame PvP balancing for this. And I blame the developers for thinking difficulty = massive hit points + armor + shielding. No, that's not difficult. That's just boring, dull, and tedious. Spamming the same attack chain for ten minutes to take down one enemy is not, I repeat, not fulfilling gameplay.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
I know this thread has not been commented for over 6x month, but the arguments deployed here are so god darn true.. Like literally, i can't believe how terrible this game is, even still in 2017.. Yeah, the environment looks really great but are empty and lifeless (except for hundreds of enemy npcs which bore me to death - if i'm ever able to gt to a level where i do not actually take 30mins to beat one), whereas the character looks are quite simplistic - and yeah, there is a frame lack all the time, no matter what pc you're on.. It made me lough when i read you get your first lightsaber and throw it away after a few minutes cause every other weapon you loot is like 0,025% better, and this goes on and on.. It's ridiculous.. I have to admit this is the very first MMORPG i've ever played, and knew beforehand that this would be an WoW clone re-scinned, and that's just what i thought i'd wanted (knowing how popular WoW was, though i never played it) but i love SW of course and i love the OR comics and stuff, but this is a disgrace.. People praise the storyline, i think it was completely boring, combat is just so f****up boring i just cannot believe it.. Did combat suck that much in WoW too..? If so, sadly for me, MMORPGs are horrible.. Truly.. Can't there be a SW game like Skyrim (yeah i played KotOR and that was nice, but combat bored me either way - and yeah i actually give a **** about graphics, the better they are, the better the game might be, f.ex i'm playing BF1 since release and even if there's no progression system at all, i love that game, specifically because it just looks sooooo good, and that's an hommage to 100yrs WW1, just saying)..? Although TOR didn't become canon, and i wouldn't it to become that, the OR in Legends is still something Disney eventually considers canon at some point, but please, please stop ruining the SW lore with stupid games like this one.. If future SW lore is going to be based heavily on games, well then SW in general is dead for me..
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If you want Jedi Outcast/Academy-style combat, this game probably isn't for you.

I happen to enjoy it, although it's the first MMO I've played (and probably the only one I will play).


I understand lightsabers feel underpowered. Designing a proper balance of power between blasters and lightsabers in an MMO game in which half of the classes wield blasters is a challenge. It makes sense BioWare would still have work to do to get it right.

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You can buy mods to improve your initial lightsaber if you want to keep it.


Yeah i kept my initial sword (contrary to what i posted, i said that more in a symbolical way) but you have to throw away a lot of good stuff cause of the carrying capacity (which is ok of course, you'll have to make choices, like in many other games), but to mod or add more slots costs real money - or you're trying some exploits as i read, but they'll always involve the cartel market, cartel coins, and on the gtn prices are ridiculous, the in-game economy is completely broken.. One could ask me to subscribe for a year or so before i can start to really play and enjoy this game (which won't happen cause i'm done) and 'buy' mods/upgrades (like you need a mod to upgrade that you need to mod that you need to upgrade, and so on), it's just made to keep you investing and lose your patience to invest even more..

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  • 1 year later...

I completely agree.

The combat feels broken, you don't feel anything particular when you get your LS. I don't want to compare this game to SWG, but Jedi was always far better render in this game than it is in SWTOR. That's why I prefer to play a Jedi Sage and play with Force Power. The Lightsaber feels like a baseball bat and I've abandonned all hope that they'll add some cool animation.


Also bosses take far too long to kill. Only a few bosses should have so much ham. The map is also ridiciculously messy. You are getting lost all the time, even though I'm playing since beta. The only planet I know by heart is Tython.


I love Star Wars, that's the only reason I keep playing that game and don't play better mmo.

You don't need to compare Jedi Combat to Jedi Academy. SWG moves and animations were far better. Although the games had his flawed too.

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