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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

getting disappointed - Uprisings


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I'm usually a typical "white knight" here on the forums, but after I tried 2 new things that came with 5.0, I must say I'm getting a little bit frustrated (veteran story -> I made a thread about it, now uprisings).


How can you make the same mistake as tactical flashpoitns with 4.0?


Non healer groups struggle hard, until one player quit and the rest of the group facerolls the uprising with a companion.

Or start with a healer in the group, and faceroll the uprising.


What's so difficult about balancing new content?? Or don't let groups form without a healer. Was this tested at all?

I'm feeling 4.0 all over again. Not even speaking of serious bugs, like healing stations don't respawn after wipe (at least I guess it's a bug).

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Does anybody do Uprisings anymore?


Serious note: I think I've done 10 of these now. I just don't personally see the appeal. I love class stories. Kotfe was enjoyable. I finally did some ops for DvL. Very fun and challenging. Pvp, not my tea but I get the allure. GSF same and with some beautiful scenery too btw ( side note: best thing about doing GSF during DvL was looking at all the cool planets and space stuff.... while dying :D). Space on rails was fun until burnout set in. Crafting I mostly enjoy. Sadly rather worthless in 5.0 unless you make dyes or augments.


But Uprisings? What are they? Old content thrown together with a ton of trash and bosses mixed in. Is this the product of Flashpoints and "spacebar please!" content? Constantly turning around killing trash adds. Weird debuffs from bosses. After doing each one twice.... um why more? Seriously what am I missing? Someone please defend these things!

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Uprisings are trash - recycled maps stuffed with trash and a 'boss' tossed in along with a few doodads here and there that trigger the extra abilities bar.


Balancing wise they are similar to re-scaled tacticals, in that a group of all dps characters can struggle while a group with a healing companion is brain dead easy, and where some are tuned reasonable for all dps while others are just downright retarded in their tuning.


And of course very few test this crap - and even those that do and provide feedback get ignored, just like those that provide feedback during beta...errr early access.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Someone please defend these things!


I'm going to try :)


First, wether we like it or not, uprisings are new group content (and several uprisings are going to pushed to the game). The positive thing is that actually, with a group of good players, it's the most effective way to gain GCxp. That's the Bioware goal here: they provide us a PVE way to grind "easily" command ranks. That's intended.


Now, to be honnest, I don't enjoy uprising. Endless adds spawning are only here to --artficially-- bring "difficulty". Bosses have tons of HP. I would prefer less HP and more damage output.


To sum-up, Uprisings are the intended way to gain command ranks. FP were 'poorly' buffed when Uprisings gained a worthy GCxp bonus. Bioware want you to do uprisings. At least, they give a us a tool to grind.


We should be "crateful". :D

Edited by Baldarhion
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Loving the Uprisings. Nice to have a way to grind GCXP without having to devote an hour or more to an Operation. Even some of the FPs seem to go on forever...


As far as 4 DPS having a hard time, I think that is intended. Balanced group should be a tank, a healer and 2 DPS. Don't think it was meant for all of 1 character type to complete...

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Loving the Uprisings. Nice to have a way to grind GCXP without having to devote an hour or more to an Operation. Even some of the FPs seem to go on forever...


As far as 4 DPS having a hard time, I think that is intended. Balanced group should be a tank, a healer and 2 DPS. Don't think it was meant for all of 1 character type to complete...


And yet that's what the queue has put together every single time I've tried an Uprising: 4 DPS. If it wasn't meant for that, then it shouldn't let that happen! The queue should put together a balanced group. Otherwise it's just dooming people to failure.


I'd love to queue with a full, balanced group. But all my in-game friends think Uprising are even bigger pieces of retread content trash than I do. So I have to go in the queue alone. 4 DPS. Every time.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Really? More this "I can't complete anything without healer/tank watching my back 24/7" stuff?


First of all you have to be lvl70 to even enter uprisings. You have all the abilities. Learn to play your class. It's not like there is some lvl50 character in lvl12 armor or something.

Edited by Halinalle
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And yet that's what the queue has put together every single time I've tried an Uprising: 4 DPS. If it wasn't meant for that, then it shouldn't let that happen! The queue should put together a balanced group. Otherwise it's just dooming people to failure.


I'd love to queue with a full, balanced group. But all my in-game friends think Uprising are even bigger pieces of retread content trash than I do. So I have to go in the queue alone. 4 DPS. Every time.


I learned quickly as a solo player to roll a healer. You're not kidding about 4 DPS every time. Feels bad. It's why I play the Sage. I can get on and do whatever I want without much worry about stuff like this. I don't always feel like healing, but at least I can get through stuff without wiping.


The only thing I can think is that they want people's queues to pop regularly instead of waiting for what could be a long time for a balanced comp to form. My feelings on that are that I'd rather wait an hour and finish an FP/Uprising than get a group in 5 minutes but just be met with constant failure do to the game putting us in a silly comp.

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I learned quickly as a solo player to roll a healer. You're not kidding about 4 DPS every time. Feels bad. It's why I play the Sage. I can get on and do whatever I want without much worry about stuff like this. I don't always feel like healing, but at least I can get through stuff without wiping.


The only thing I can think is that they want people's queues to pop regularly instead of waiting for what could be a long time for a balanced comp to form. My feelings on that are that I'd rather wait an hour and finish an FP/Uprising than get a group in 5 minutes but just be met with constant failure do to the game putting us in a silly comp.


I'd be happy to go on one of my healers... but because of this kriffing awful gearing system, I'd be shooting myself in the foot doing so, in terms of actually getting some damned gear for my main. So I have to go on my main, which is is a Sentinel, to make sitting in the Uprising queue even worth my time.


It's messed up when a team of 3 players and one companion can easily roflstomp content, but a group of 4 players constantly wipe on the same content, all because of how EAWare designed these complete hack jobs of recycled mechanics. I really despise them.

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Really? More this "I can't complete anything without healer/tank watching my back 24/7" stuff?


First of all you have to be lvl70 to even enter uprisings. You have all the abilities. Learn to play your class. It's not like there is some lvl50 character in lvl12 armor or something.


Most people who queue for random Flashpoints or Uprisings do not know how to play their class. It's been a trend since they introduced those tokens you can use to insta-start as a 60 (now a 65). I can't tell you how many people I've seen in HM FP or Uprising groups with the starter gear from the insta-levels. So of course they're going to fail, they don't know what they're doing. And then the whole team fails, you wipe until people quit, and then you have to go back in the queue.


All that time wasted for crap content with recycled mechanics. Not worth doing or queuing.

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I'd be happy to go on one of my healers... but because of this kriffing awful gearing system, I'd be shooting myself in the foot doing so, in terms of actually getting some damned gear for my main. So I have to go on my main, which is is a Sentinel, to make sitting in the Uprising queue even worth my time.


Vulkk already showed it us that you can easily heal veteran mode uprisings in 224. You don't need to be geared for it.

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Really? More this "I can't complete anything without healer/tank watching my back 24/7" stuff?


First of all you have to be lvl70 to even enter uprisings. You have all the abilities. Learn to play your class. It's not like there is some lvl50 character in lvl12 armor or something.


When I can run the content duo with healer companions and it is face roll easy, yet be unable to complete the content when grouped with three actual players (all dps) in my group, I consider that an issue with the content (or the queue matching rules).


And just like tacticals, it isn't consistent - both because of how good or how poor the others are in the group, as well as being dependent upon the uprising (Fractured is like lol aoe a bunch of trash while Crimson Fang is an auto drop with all dps).


They need to balance the uprisings better, have the healing stations respawn, and even then my opinion will still be to consider them terrible content as long as they are recycled maps without story full of waves of useless trash.


The again I'm an old school player who likes trinity style group play in large instances with unique environments, a bit of story, interesting characters, and challenging mechanics - so I'm probably not the intended audience of ADD players who find AOE'ing a bunch of trash over and over while using some gimmick doodad exciting.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Vulkk already showed it us that you can easily heal veteran mode uprisings in 224. You don't need to be geared for it.


Yes, but I want to gear my main, as I specifically said. If I run the Uprising on someone other than my main, my main does not get Command points, and therefore I am shooting myself in the foot in terms of gearing my main. So I try to run them on my main instead. All because of this poorly designed excuse for a loot lottery system that is GC.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I remember expecting something new from Uprisings. In reality they're just condensed Flashpoints, as they have no cut scenes to space bar through and you transition quickly from boss to boss without much in between. So for the people that think Flashpoints and Operations take too long, I guess Uprisings are for them. So yeah, disappointing overall.
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Isn't that point?


I mean, would you rather get new FE where all lvl70s refuse to skip cutscenes even after seeing them 100 times?


One of the biggest criticisms of the KotFE chapters was that what you seemed to do 90% of the time is fight wave after wave of trash skytroopers.


Why did they take these complaints and then design an entire new area of 'content' around that same mechanic?


Also, yes, I absolutely would. I'd prefer something with a story and cutscenes over just endless delays via hundreds of spawned mobs.

Edited by AscendingSky
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One of the biggest criticisms of the KotFE chapters was that what you seemed to do 90% of the time is fight wave after wave of trash skytroopers.


Why did they take these complaints and then design an entire new area of 'content' around that same mechanic?


Also, yes, I absolutely would. I'd prefer something with a story and cutscenes over just endless delays via hundreds of spawned mobs.


Take all cutscenes out of flashpoints/operations. What do you have left? Bosses and "adhd aoe useless trash" between them.

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Really? More this "I can't complete anything without healer/tank watching my back 24/7" stuff?


First of all you have to be lvl70 to even enter uprisings. You have all the abilities. Learn to play your class. It's not like there is some lvl50 character in lvl12 armor or something.


I'm not saying I'm a good player or anything, because I'm not, but I don't consider myself a bad player either, I know my rotation(kinda), I know when to use cd-s(kinda). You know, I think I should be able to complete the easiest mode of uprisings.

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