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Recpe'd bodyguard (35) -- having issues...


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I took my JC:Sage to 40 and I decided to give the ol' bounty hunter some love for a while. After leveling as Arsenal, I decided to respec body guard at 35 once I had my "tank" pet (caldera)....yeah, not going so well.


I guess I should have checked the companion spect before hand, but I figured a heavy armored melee toon using aim was our version of Qyzen. But he's not. He's all melee, no tank. No taunt, no defense stance, nada (unless I'm seriously missing something). As such he is getting ripped appart in general PVE while I frantically sit back to heal him. I have no issues managing heat but I got to say the lack of DPS (since I am baby sitting him) *hurts* compared to just rolling with mako pocket healer as an arsenal spec. I can't offtank a mob since every time I divert my attention away it seems the companion has gone full squishy mode for some reason.




Kolto shield before fight

Send in pet for agro

Kolto missile for heal boost

Heal scan/rapid scan as needed

CSC dump for increase in heal/dmg output as 30 stacks are up

Mob dies


Normally this multitasking isn't an issue, but man If I can't get any DPS in there with him due to his super squish nature.


What am I doing wrong? I will say that healing a group of people wasn't an issue what so ever (as I could just focus on my job) but babysitting the companion in questing sucks thus far.

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caldera isn't a tank he is a melee DPS. This could explain some of the issues you are having. He just may not be geared to take a beating from the lvl mobs you are fighting. The rotation looks fine, I would suggest starting the fight with 30 stacks of CSC and popping your gas to get the shield buff the kolto missile puts up.
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Figured as much -- which sucks, he's melee w/ heavy armor..should be a tank damn it ;)


Same level mobs, he's in all greens thus far (implated/ear also). Even being DPS I would expect him to bring a mob down faster than he is w/o getting steamrolled by 2-3 at a time. I dunno man... having to wait until early 40's for a true "tank" is going to suck. Not sure I want to level with flashpoints only.

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I have leveled from 1 to 50 on pure Bodyguard. At around that level I used Gualt alot and just let him dps the mobs.


I was using Blizz until I got into a world PvP fight. Neither he nor I could dps them down worth a poop. So, I use caldera now. He is geared pretty close to my look so, other players have to look at the name plate to tell apart.


Back to your post though, dont use him as the tank. You tank the mobs. I will open up with my opener (Aoe if group, unload if aoe, etc.) and then I send him in. He does decent damage while I just keep myself up. With kolto shield I seldom need a heal more than just the instant heal at the end of the fight. I will almost always end with near 0 heat. He is full life. I just rebuff kolto shield as I am running toward the next group of mobs. The only time I will send him in first to get agrro is on a group of 4-5 melee mobs where I am going to use DFA(Death From Above). He helps gather them all in a nice circle for me.


Eitherway, you said you will wait for the tanking pet. I found using blizz solely as a healer a little slower since neither DPS that great. It does work well for soloing 2+ heroics or world Champions solo.


Hope this helps.

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Blizz is our tank. But I would suggest gault as an alternative. He has a pretty high DPS.


Just because you are spec'ed into bodygaurd does not mean you have to heal bot your companion. I am fighting mobs a few levels ahead of me. For groups, I try to open with death from above and then sweeping blasters a couple times. if they are ranged, this will normally take out all the standard mobs. For elites, you can normally kill the support adds and then switch to single target dps. Throw heals out as needed. Don't over use your instant casts (high heat).


That is what I do, and I clear content quickly. I do like to run more flashpoints and PVP as a healer.

Edited by Xcetra
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