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Everything posted by Idyan

  1. Am I reading this part of their post incorrectly? "Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones.."
  2. "Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones.." Am I reading this wrong.....
  3. It is to remind you are playing TOR and not WoW or EQ from 2004
  4. Obviously more than they have fixing the bugs in the game
  5. I agree. I loved the game 6 hours ago. But this patch shows where Bioware thinking process is going (Not fixing old problems but putting in new broken content and calling it "Because we care about our players" policy)
  6. And what game are you playing? You arent playing the same as the 1000s of others today. Stop playing KoTOR 2 and log on to TOR
  7. Yeah they are quit to spank you for saying something bad about the game. Its what they call "end game content"
  8. No you are not. You are here the same as everyone else is here. Stupid response
  9. Careful. I got a warning ticket for making a post about emotes from speeders in last patch. They are quick to spank your hand for saying bad things about the game but, slow to fix it. And that is Idyan with one "I" when you send me a nasty email moderator.
  10. Sorry Bioware I really like your game but, your idea to fix Ilum was a horrible mistake. Now it is just a huge zerg of us empire sitting at the republic base waiting for that one that is not smart enough to not come to Ilum. Other than for the valor there is no reason to flip the nodes. Hit a couple, get your buff, dont mess with it for another 30 minutes. Doesnt inspire pvp there for me. We are also finding you need the killing blow to get the update. With a huge zerg in 10 different groups it will take hours to get the 30. Why would I stand out there for hours for one daily when I can do WZ and get 3 in the same time. Sorry but, I agree with the other post. You need to re-evaluate your Ilum decision.
  11. what is this warzone expersie buff people are talking about? The node that you can grab for 15 seconds?
  12. First, how is this 5 star with 1 person responding? Second, MMO came easy with Rift? What crack are you smoking cuz, I want some. MMO came easy with WoW hands down. Before WoW you actually had to have a group to play a MMO for most quest. You had to socialize to play. You had to play for days to a week to make a level. Talking about hard pvp, trying getting your items looted when killed. WoW's pvp is what..you spawn up and thats it. Console games ruined MMO. It makes everyone fill entitled to be the one sole greatness in their universe.
  13. Actually, it has nothing to do with them. It is what I want. When I group with a tank or healer for an operation or hardmode, I want them to be a HEALER or TANK. Not some scrub DPS that doesnt know what they are doing and respec just to get a group when they were too lazy to level as a tank or healer. There should be a reward for playing one of the least popular roles. If you want to be a DPSer then DPS if you want to heal then be a Healer. The problem isnt Bioware, its your entitlment.
  14. Then why are you still trolling these forums? Why do people have to make a post tell everyone esle that they have quit and this game sucks? I don't go over to Lego Harry Potter and tell those people I wont be playing that game. If you unsubbed and quit the game. Then QUIT then game. Go away. Go bash SWTOR in Barrens chat while you run around your open world.
  15. I have seven quest that are way gray (like level 20) and I am 50. I can not abandon them. I have even wasted the time to go back to those planets to complete the quest in the hope to get rid of them but, with no avail. Wasn't it said these were fixed in last patch?
  16. I have leveled from 1 to 50 on pure Bodyguard. At around that level I used Gualt alot and just let him dps the mobs. I was using Blizz until I got into a world PvP fight. Neither he nor I could dps them down worth a poop. So, I use caldera now. He is geared pretty close to my look so, other players have to look at the name plate to tell apart. Back to your post though, dont use him as the tank. You tank the mobs. I will open up with my opener (Aoe if group, unload if aoe, etc.) and then I send him in. He does decent damage while I just keep myself up. With kolto shield I seldom need a heal more than just the instant heal at the end of the fight. I will almost always end with near 0 heat. He is full life. I just rebuff kolto shield as I am running toward the next group of mobs. The only time I will send him in first to get agrro is on a group of 4-5 melee mobs where I am going to use DFA(Death From Above). He helps gather them all in a nice circle for me. Eitherway, you said you will wait for the tanking pet. I found using blizz solely as a healer a little slower since neither DPS that great. It does work well for soloing 2+ heroics or world Champions solo. Hope this helps.
  17. No you cant. This is 100% not true. I have 400 Armortech with some orange mod gear recipes I got from world drop. The orange mod gear CAN NOT be reverse engineered so you have no chance of getting the AUG on them.
  18. Yeah but the chances are so rare is it worth spending 100k for one aug spot on a piece already subpar? even with aug spot they dont compete past a basic non-heroic flashpoint.
  19. I am not trying to troll. I just have a simpe question. What is the point of armortech? I have reached 400. Other than the few pieces I can make from raid mats (which just as much a chance getting a raid drop that is better). What is the point? All the pvp gear (even level 20 and 40) are better with mods equal level than what I could make. The flashpoint gear is better than anything I can make and most is moddable. The few moddable things I can make look nothing that great so, not worth spending tons on mods to make something that looks worse/same as something that comes with mods. Yes I have a large amount of the purple/epic patterns. They do not make a huge difference. Just curious if I am missing the point..
  20. First off I soloed him on first attempt. Second off, read the forums before you post a wall of text rant. Kill the padawan, pull him back to the door, and kill him. Easy enough.
  21. I agree 100% with the last sentence. I did one Huttball where I did near 400k healing (twice as much as next guy), and capt the ball once(only capture we had). I got no MVP but, the guy that had the most damage at 200k got 4 votes. Probably friends in the game but, still true to the point.
  22. Stop trolling. How many post can you put up about the same thing? Go play Hello Kitty or something. I dont like you.
  23. I am level 46 merc bodyguard. I have leveled the whole time in full bodyguard. I say this because if you are splitting your points into arsenal trying to help your dps you will have problems healing mid-later flashpoints. All the above points are true and very valid. I think I have went above 50 heat maybe 3 times in all the flashpoints I have ran (I run atleast 2 a night). It is much better to let someone sit at 50% life for a few seconds to keep your heat low. Another tatic I use is to heal even out of combat with rapid scans and shots, especially before a boss fight. I will always have 30 charges up before each pull. Try not to wait until I fight starts to build them up. Some fights have a lot of burst in the beginning (HK-47 does a hard flamethrow right off bat). It does get easier with levels
  24. Ok I have (well close to was) a big fan of the game. I have enjoyed playing up to level 39ish with little problems. So I am not just QQing here. I walked into a building on Taris and BAM 100% lag. Coudnt move, cast any abilities, or even turn. The game continued to crash (Not responding). I even tried hiting the fleet summon but, it burnt the cooldown but I am still stuck. Now after reading the forums and contacting CS, there are hundreds of people with the problems. Their response is it will be fixed on the next patch!! Now I know queues are horrible but a sad side part of the MMO world on lauch but, tell people you cant play at all until next Tuesday!! That is pretty bad for a bug you know about 2 months ago. I would fix it VERY soon before the masses hit Taris.
  25. I wish they would have just not made the AC. It makes people think they should have the right to change it. You are spoiled from WoW but, even there did you have a time when you could respec from Paladin to Druid? Or Mage to DK? No, that is the same as here. As for the respec. Your the one that keeps switching. A.K.A. you are spoiled from WoW. I am level 40ish merc. I have leveled the entire time as Bodyguard with no problems. If I was in a group I would prefer someone that has leveled and played as a healer. Not a person that wants to DPS and then say"Oh let me respec to heals. And give me a sec to see what these abilites do". Save us the repair bill. Stay DPS
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