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Need some help I'm playing the knights of entirnal throne and I'm on chapter 2 on dromund kass I have to fight the goneharadan scouting party I tried fighting the leader along did not work so I thought I'll fight the droids first which worked first but they respond Back I had my companion on healer and left her to deal with the leader while I Focus on the droids it worked I got the leader down to 20% but she then finished us off how do I beat this thanks
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Go for the droids that use the beam to slow you down first. Then the other droids. Use your stun when needed for Acina to catch a break in healing. Use heroic moment on the leader if you have it. Preferably any but orbital strike. Use the ability to stun him when it's just him....the ability I think starts with an R if you need a break. But you need to take out the beaming droids first as that slows down jedi and makes it impossible to force leap or get close to moving targets with any good speed. If I were in the game I could tell you step by step and specific abilities but my Internet is down. I just have my phone. I defeated it pretty easy at level 66 with 216 gear and how I did it was the above. Be sure to use your force shields and damage reduction abilities whenever Acina struggles. Those will help her to recover. Edited by americanaussie
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Umm, don't you have a companion? Have you tried switching him to healing? To be honest, I have no idea how are you even managing to get killed in this kind of content. I am pretty sure companions alone could solo most of it.


This chapter in general is tuned higher than the rest. What compounds the problem is that due to story reasons you are stuck with a temporary level 1 companion, and with AI changes in KOTET the mobs burn the companion down quick. It is quite doable in story mode with decent gear and using the strategy posted above. It is rather painful in veteran mode.


If you are still having trouble OP, two things you can attempt:


Some people had success by hiding behind the rock near the shuttle so all mobs come around it due to LoS, you'll have to put the companion on passive until you are both in position.


Another option is stack up on gifts (cultural artifacts) for the companion before you start the chapter and then level the companion before the encounter. If you buy 66 of the 200 credit level 1 gift from fleet the companion should be level 10. Note that you won't be able to use the companion outside of the chapter, so it is a waste of credit in some ways.

Edited by Celedaen
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I had my companion on healer and left her to deal with the leader


That's the problem. For some reason, if you leave Acina draw aggro on the GenoHaradan leader while you take your time dealing with the droids, she'll melt.


So kill the slow-beam droids first, attack the leader until you get the aggro (activating Target of Target on your UI is the best way to know this), then kill the other droids and finally focus on the leader.

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That's the problem. For some reason, if you leave Acina draw aggro on the GenoHaradan leader while you take your time dealing with the droids, she'll melt.


So kill the slow-beam droids first, attack the leader until you get the aggro (activating Target of Target on your UI is the best way to know this), then kill the other droids and finally focus on the leader.


Using stuns also helps. Acina can hold the leader well she has every time I've done it. I just used stun then a combo of damage reduction/stun to help her recover. 3 or 4 seconds is all she needs to heal herself

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Using stuns also helps. Acina can hold the leader well she has every time I've done it. I just used stun then a combo of damage reduction/stun to help her recover. 3 or 4 seconds is all she needs to heal herself

dunno, just finished it on my token sorc. no problem at all, didn't use aggro drop, or stun, or interrupt even. killed 1 mob, then the other mob, then the leader. no LOS either. JUST DON"T STAND IN FIRE.:D:D:D

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Thanks for all the help guys I have taken note of all u said and given them all a try but I'm still not beaten her what am I doing wrong I have notice in the mission log it's in Veteran and even when I change it to story it still stays on veteran I'm so stumped on this one I don't know why I can't kill her plus I don't have stun if I do what's it called I'm Jedi knight sentinel
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I assume this is the last fight of Chapter 2 (I know there are three Gold that you fight, but TBH I didn't realize two were droids).


Anyway, I took my Guardian (tank spec, BiS 224 w/ a couple 230's) on Veteran level. Prior to this fighgt, I didn't have too much trouble although there were many fights where he just barely survived. On this fight, both he and Acina melted even with Heroic moment going. The best I was able to do was kill one of the droids, but Acina was already dead.

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Thanks for all the help guys I have taken note of all u said and given them all a try but I'm still not beaten her what am I doing wrong I have notice in the mission log it's in Veteran and even when I change it to story it still stays on veteran I'm so stumped on this one I don't know why I can't kill her plus I don't have stun if I do what's it called I'm Jedi knight sentinel

There's your problem. If you begin a chapter in Veteran, it stays in veteran until you finish the chapter.


And do like people suggest, and stack gifts on Acina. I did that as a matter of course, "Look, new companion, check my gifts in inventory, look, she likes that, hand it over, look now she's Influence 10."

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There's your problem. If you begin a chapter in Veteran, it stays in veteran until you finish the chapter.


And do like people suggest, and stack gifts on Acina. I did that as a matter of course, "Look, new companion, check my gifts in inventory, look, she likes that, hand it over, look now she's Influence 10."


That's not true. I had to drop from Veteran to Story to complete the chapter.


OP, if you can't switch from Veteran to Story, you made be bugged.

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  • 2 months later...
The droids that slow the player down make this fight difficult for melee fighters. It was easier on my Sorceror than my Guardian. The Sorceror killed the droids without moving at all, while maintaining agro with the leader. Also healed the Companion a little and protected her using Static Barrier and Unity. It was in Story Mode with influence at one. The Guardian died twice IIRC and did not have fun even when he got through it finally.
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The droids that slow the player down make this fight difficult for melee fighters. It was easier on my Sorceror than my Guardian. The Sorceror killed the droids without moving at all, while maintaining agro with the leader. Also healed the Companion a little and protected her using Static Barrier and Unity. It was in Story Mode with influence at one. The Guardian died twice IIRC and did not have fun even when he got through it finally.


Thank you, but i dont even have a companion ? She isnt there at all, and no companion bar, nothing, I think i could do this if i had her healing me, but shes gone. She was gone in the first fight here for the beasts too, but when they were dead she showed up saying i fought well. So, i assume i am bugged. this is story too.


I get two droids down and cant get further than that before death. I could heal and stay alive the fight would never end.

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Thank you, but i dont even have a companion ?



You can try to summon her from the Companions & Contacts window (default key is N.) If that doesn't work, I think it'd be fair to call it a bug. Bug Reports can be filed from the "Customer Service" menu. This should not be a ticket but a bug report.


She should be available as companion automatically from the time the shuttle crashes.


When she is available, don't forget to apply the class buff to yourself; that applies all legacy class buffs to both of you. Companions tend to lose these buffs in spite them claiming to have fixed it recently.


Not sure we need the SPOILER tags at this point on this forum, but just in case...


To the OP: It'd be nice to correct the title. That way, anybody searching for help on this issue in the future will be able to run across this thread.

Edited by mike_carton
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