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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Question about the Requirement for the "5-Year Distinguished Veteran" reward


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So, I'm not normally one to complain about something, especially on the forums, but... I've been subbed since launch and when I logged on after maintenance, I hadn't received the mail with the deco. I wonder if there was some requirement I missed out on, or if (Like with the weekly passes to CC change, something didn't work right.)


I know it's stupid to complain about, but I figure I can get an actual answer from the forums, and not the copy paste respone from the CS agents in game.

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The reward page mentions that the statue is sent to players "beginning December 13th". Perhaps they are sent in the order of people subbing to the game originally.


It is possible... and I know it's stupid to overreact. But, since I had to send in two tickets so CS could grant me the CC's for the CM Weekly passes I had, I figured I'd get ahead and post here.

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Were you ever unsubed for more than a day? I was unsubed for a few hours and still got mine, so there is at least a little grace period in the continuous subscription requirement.


Nope. When I first saw the post about the statue, I checked all my emails (Ironically enough, I wasn't sure IF I had been subbed since launch. Yay for College finals killing my brain), and I didn't see anything about my sub being canceled.

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Looks like I missed out on it because of a failed credit card transaction in June of 2014.

They tried to re-bill my 6-month subscription to my card which had expired in May.

I had just moved and was dealing with internet issues and I may not have even known it happened.

Resubbing wasn't at the top of my priority list right then but it looks like I managed to use some prepaid cards I had lying around since the next credit card transaction didn't happen until 4 months later.

Those don't show up on your account summary and I know for a fact that I was subbed during that period.


Seriously, slipping in a retroactive reward like this is just bad form and it disrespects those of us who have made a special effort to be around for every other reward that's ever been offered -- when we knew about it.

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Were you ever unsubed for more than a day? I was unsubed for a few hours and still got mine, so there is at least a little grace period in the continuous subscription requirement.


I'm using game time cards and I missed a couple days here and there and got it, too. I suspect that all the previous subscriber rewards are the checkpoints.


I've already received mine, but it is quite possible they're being pushed out in waves. Might want to see if it's there tomorrow before contacting support.


Yes. As far as I remember, all previous subscriber rewards have been mailed out in waves, it's likely the same for this one, too.

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I've already received mine, but it is quite possible they're being pushed out in waves. Might want to see if it's there tomorrow before contacting support.


It is possible. I wasn't part of the first wave of access back when the game launched... Sigh, yay for over reacting :o



I'm using game time cards and I missed a couple days here and there and got it, too. I suspect that all the previous subscriber rewards are the checkpoints.




Yes. As far as I remember, all previous subscriber rewards have been mailed out in waves, it's likely the same for this one, too.


Well, if having the previous sub rewards are checkpoints, I should be good.... I am starting to realize how stupid I feel worrying about this. But, it's easier to worry about this, and not constantly checking to see if my grades from this semester have been posted.

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Well, if having the previous sub rewards are checkpoints, I should be good.... I am starting to realize how stupid I feel worrying about this. But, it's easier to worry about this, and not constantly checking to see if my grades from this semester have been posted.


In that case i shouldnt be worried also because i got all subscriber rewards but few days here and there missed sub. So far nothing in mail for me. I'm stil worried that being here since beta can mean nothing for Bioware if they have different ways to track accounts. I fear there will be a lot unhappy people.

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So, I got off the phone with CS, and it turns out thanks to a lapse in my sub in 2014 (Which I think was no more than a week), I missed out on the five year deco. Not sure who I should be mad at... Me, I suppose.


Although, I am seeing comments from people on the Subreddit that they also had lapses in their sub, and they still got the deco... So... idk what to say now.


:(:o:mad: *I guess that is how I feel?*

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I got the deco even though I had two lapses due to card expirations, so if CS is telling people that's the reason, there must be some other reason and they're being too lazy to actually look into it.

More likely it's a wave thing, hopefully you'll get it eventually! :o

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I got the deco even though I had two lapses due to card expirations, so if CS is telling people that's the reason, there must be some other reason and they're being too lazy to actually look into it.

More likely it's a wave thing, hopefully you'll get it eventually! :o


Hopefully. I'll just wait and see... Or act like people on twitter and get snippy and spam Eric, and the offical twitter account. But, Idk if that'll help.



Although, the phone CS is kinda... meh?

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So, I got off the phone with CS, and it turns out thanks to a lapse in my sub in 2014 (Which I think was no more than a week), I missed out on the five year deco. Not sure who I should be mad at... Me, I suppose.


Although, I am seeing comments from people on the Subreddit that they also had lapses in their sub, and they still got the deco... So... idk what to say now.


:(:o:mad: *I guess that is how I feel?*


You might want to call back and push a bit harder on the subject--politely, of course, I've done that job before and I don't advocate blaming the front line CS people for something that's probably entirely out of their hands. See if it was the length of the lapse that disqualified you, or if you had the lapse during one of the periods the system checked before awarding the decoration, something like that. I've heard the stories about people getting the statue even with lapses too, so it has to be more than just a lapse that disqualified you.

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You might want to call back and push a bit harder on the subject--politely, of course, I've done that job before and I don't advocate blaming the front line CS people for something that's probably entirely out of their hands. See if it was the length of the lapse that disqualified you, or if you had the lapse during one of the periods the system checked before awarding the decoration, something like that. I've heard the stories about people getting the statue even with lapses too, so it has to be more than just a lapse that disqualified you.


Yeah, I suppose I should, but, like you, I also worked in CS, and I've had experiences with bad customers before, and I just don't like the idea of being the customer that the agents talk about on break. I guess we'll see what happens.

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Yeah, I suppose I should, but, like you, I also worked in CS, and I've had experiences with bad customers before, and I just don't like the idea of being the customer that the agents talk about on break. I guess we'll see what happens.


So, calling CS the second time was... helpful, but not really. The second agent was nice enough, but he told me to send in another ticket and maybe the ingame CS might help... Which got answered with the same copy and paste "Give us a call so we can help you with the problem you’ve been having. " reply. Which I knew was not good because I'd get the same "Oh, we can't help you over the phone for these problems reply.". But, I called anyways. Suffice it to say, I am not happy, since it seems to be an unending cycle of send in a ticket, then call, then get told to send in another ticket, then call again. :mad:


I know it's stupid to be mad about a stronghold deco, but.... I'm getting frustrated that my 5 and a half years of loyalty (Not to mention the money I have spent on CC's and the sub) seem to mean squat because I choose to make a school payment, and unsubbed. Where as people who also had lapses in their sub get the statue. Of course, Reddit could be lying, idk. I mean, it isn't enough to get me to unsubscribe.... but I already sent a tweet to Eric AND the offical twitter, it might not do any good, but I figure what the hell... Unless they read this thread, which I am doubting...


To all of you who get frustrated over things like PVP, and Ops, and other content, I may have thought you were overreacting, but now I know how you feel. And I am sorry. :p

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