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European Maintenace Times


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Dear Bioware,

I really dont understand why you do maintenance in the middle of the day for Europeans.I assume you dont mind about the European community or your community in general.

Its really hard to try and understand how hard is for a company of your level to actually have some people do the maintenance on the early mornings for Europeans.

I assume its really hard

Thank you.



To further explain what i mean have 2 different Maintenance times for BOTH reagons!

Edited by SnowyPoupa
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I'm a european too, but, it doesn't make any sense to me, to put the downtime in the evening for the North americans, since like one of the previous posters said, that's when the majority of the players are on, and really, come on, it's not that often, and, a question for the OP, wouldn't it be the same thing for the NA players if they did maintenance to suit the europeans? Edited by djungelvraaal
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I'm a european too, but, it doesn't make any sense to me, to put the downtime in the evening for the North americans, since like the previous poster said, that's when the majority of the players are on, and really, come on, it's not that often, and, a question for the OP, wouldn't it be the same thing for the NA players if they did maintenance to suit the europeans?


Simple Answer:

2 Different Maintenance Times for both Regions!

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Dear Bioware,

I really dont understand why you do maintenance in the middle of the day for Europeans.I assume you dont mind about the European community or your community in general.

Its really hard to try and understand how hard is for a company of your level to actually have some people do the maintenance on the early mornings for Europeans.

I assume its really hard

Thank you.


Because early morning for Europeans could mean, for a 3 hour maintenance, 5-8 AM GMT. Which means midnight to 3 AM on the East Coast and 9PM to midnight on the West Coast, screwing the average American out of some evening play time.


And of course mid day maintenance sucks for Europeans but in many cases it's usually over and done by the time school's out or people get home from work and I'd rather see that then have maintenance around/after dinner time or in the mornings while I'm trying to get some time in before work.

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Simple Answer:

2 Different Maintenance Times for both Regions!


Think about it, really think about that......................I'm giving you a minute to think about it......... There would be double the work, and I'm pretty sure, there are more important things they can do instead of doing the same thing twice for NA and European servers, don't you?

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Think about it, really think about that......................I'm giving you a minute to think about it......... There would be double the work, and I'm pretty sure, there are more important things they can do instead of doing the same thing twice for NA and European servers, don't you?

Its the small things a company does that are huge in return.

Blizzard is been doing this since ever.

Same Square Enix(FFXIV) that doesnt even have the background of Blizzard and Bioware.

And also i am 100% that their maintenance is not taking like all their staff!

Edited by SnowyPoupa
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Its the small things a company does that are huge in return.

Blizzard is been doing this since ever.

Same Square Enix(FFXIV) that doesnt even have the background of Blizzard and Bioware.

And also i am 100% that their maintenance is not taking like all their staff!


Of course it doesn't take all their staff, even I'm not that stupid, I still do think that there are better , and probably, more important things they can be doing, instead of having maintenance twice.

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Simple Answer:

2 Different Maintenance Times for both Regions!


Won't work because then one group would get it sooner than the others.

Also with character transfers between EU and NA would get problems.


What I will say is that it's more about what time they want to get out of bed. If they targeted a finishing time of just one or two hours earlier then it wouldn't be just at the start of prime time, so that if there's a delay of some sort, it doesn't cut into prime time right away.


Other than that I think we're just going to have to accept that being on the other side of the globe from the US means that the US is lucky and we're not. To me that's really the least of my worries in this game.

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Europeans always complain about down time that favors (or seems to favor) U.S. players. Always makes me wonder what they'd say to U.S. players making the same complaints if it was a European company doing things on European time. Probably something about how egotistical and self-centered Americans are, I'd imagine.
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Europeans always complain about down time that favors (or seems to favor) U.S. players. Always makes me wonder what they'd say to U.S. players making the same complaints if it was a European company doing things on European time. Probably something about how egotistical and self-centered Americans are, I'd imagine.


Well if majority of the playerbase is in Europe where the company is located then it makes sense to me...



However with SWTOR, that is not the case. It's an American company with a majority American playerbase.

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Well if majority of the playerbase is in Europe where the company is located then it makes sense to me...



However with SWTOR, that is not the case. It's an American company with a majority American playerbase.


That was kind of what I was getting at. If the situation was reversed, the Europeans would criticize us as selfish/egotistical for complaining that a European company with predominantly European player base wasn't catering to us Americans.

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That was kind of what I was getting at. If the situation was reversed, the Europeans would criticize us as selfish/egotistical for complaining that a European company with predominantly European player base wasn't catering to us Americans.


No, i think the sensible solution is to patch american and european servers separately. At least that's what blizzard is doing i think.

Edited by Tsetso
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That was kind of what I was getting at. If the situation was reversed, the Europeans would criticize us as selfish/egotistical for complaining that a European company with predominantly European player base wasn't catering to us Americans.

As a european, I think doing all the maintenance at once, at a time which suits the NA servers best, makes perfect sense to me( and I understand that you didn't mean all europeans lol)

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No, i think the sensible solution is to patch american and european servers separately. At least that's what blizzard is doing i think.


As someone already pointed out, it would mean that people would get access to things at different times, which I would suspect would be more of an issue here than in most Blizzard games, since here, if I understand it correctly, you can transfer between european and american servers, what I'm getting to, is they are linked, as for Blizzard, at least when it comes to WoW, they are completely separate.(Mind you, I could very well be wrong, and if I am, I apologize)

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As someone already pointed out, it would mean that people would get access to things at different times, which I would suspect would be more of an issue here than in most Blizzard games, since here, if I understand it correctly, you can transfer between european and american servers, what I'm getting to, is they are linked, as for Blizzard, at least when it comes to WoW, they are completely separate.(Mind you, I could very well be wrong, and if I am, I apologize)


And it would of course be an insurmountable challenge to suspend server transfers between the US and Europe during the patch window...

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Speaking as a European for over 30 years, consider me scratching my head and saying "u wot m8?"


I don't remember at any point, mid-afternoon Tuesdays ever being considered peak time for any form of entertainment. Of course there are some that won't be at a job or educational establishment during the day but I'm fairly confident in stating that the majority of people during regular maintenance time in the EU are not around to play the game anyway.


Also since different server sites having different times and teams has been brought up, let me again use City of Heroes as a point of reference. CoH had North American and European servers, with a dedicated office in Europe that maintained the EU servers until NCSoft closed it during restructuring as a result of the financial crisis of 2008.


Even when the EU servers were being watched over by an EU team, maintenance still happened during midday to mid afternoon on Wednesdays (If I'm remembering correctly) because:


1 - It coincided with maintenance window with NA servers


2 - It took place during normal work hours for the EU team which meant the workers and the company did not need to worry about overtime much if a problem arose because they would already be working there if something came up.


So no, I don't think there is a valid reason to change maintenance time as it is now for us Europeans. The few that are inconvenienced by it is still an acceptable price when you see the larger picture. When I am on holiday and maintenance happens, I use it as a chance to check out something else that is out there.

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