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Disappointed with KOTET/KOTFE storyline, anyone else feel that way? (Spoilers)


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I think we can overall all agree that KOTET and KOTFE were terrible.

Bad and generic storylines with terrible villains.


I didn't think they were terrible, I do think they made some of the worst choices they could for the game.


No customizing new companions? ***?!


Not returning all original companions, especially the LIs? Dumb as...


Seriously, without the original companions or the ability to customize companions, I'm less likely to buy packs and CM items, that I bought before for companions :p

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I don't care much about old LIs since I'm still bitter they're not romanceable for ss. Wish they could though, it would make me more invested and more willing to spend money on them.


It does feel like the game becoming very limited due to the lack of scenarios. There is no reason to replay the games for dark and light since all the scenarios are the same.

Edited by BattlebloodMage
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The one size fits all story doesn't work, unfornately. It would have been better to make the story more like Shadow of Revan in terms of an Alliance between the Republic and Sith Empire to battle the Empire of Zakuul. That way you could have kept your allegiance to your given faction, and also made chapters that had more class specific content.


Example - Jedi Knight hunting down leads on the Emperor to defeat his nemesis.

Smuggler using his privateer fleet to either help the Alliance or plunder


You get the idea. The thing is that Shadow of Revan actually set up some of their characters for a greater arc, but now that is squandered. Like the Inquisitor hunting for immortality and wanting to become Emperor/Empress of the Sith Empire. The Agent could be a double agent high up in the Empire's Intelligence bureau and so on.


When it comes to companions i feel like we should have kept our old, even without extra content to them and just added Lana and Theron as new permanent companions, for both factions. I feel like that would work. They've had as much if not more story than our original companions at this point. I would also be ok with Senya and Arcann becoming companions throughout their arc, which is pretty well written as it is now.


I don't think the expansions are poorly written, i think the concept sucks for a Star Wars game. So there i am enjoying fairly well written dialogue, plot twists etc, but i don't care about Zakuul or the Alliance. I just want to return to where i was before that all happened.


As a last comment i have to talk about Vaylin. She is not well written, and everytime she was on screen i wanted to quit. They want you to care for a girl that is clearly insane, and she has no redeeming qualities. Not even a moment where she regrets what she's done. Why should i care about a character like that? Even if what Valkorion did to her was messed up. Also her dialogue, voice acting was cringe.

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As a last comment i have to talk about Vaylin. She is not well written, and everytime she was on screen i wanted to quit. They want you to care for a girl that is clearly insane, and she has no redeeming qualities. Not even a moment where she regrets what she's done. Why should i care about a character like that? Even if what Valkorion did to her was messed up. Also her dialogue, voice acting was cringe.


That's just it, though. Vaylin is insane. She's not going to give you any redeeming qualities. The redeeming qualities only come from the fact, that you find out she was driven to that point by her own father.


However, he pushed her past a point of ever being fixed. At least, she herself didn't feel she could, nor did she want it. When you see her spirit, while she's still filled with anger, she's did seem to feel at peace. She wanted to die. Some pains are just to much for some.

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I think they are great continuations of the Sith Warrior story, but I can't say the same about the others.


I agree, the DLC focuses on force users, so it makes non-force characters feel forced into the force storyline with force antagonist forcing themselves onto the force or non-force user which would only make sense as a force user.


Hopefully, they could at least make story differentiation depending whether you are an empire or a republic in the next game. I don't mind a third faction but it makes subsequent playthroughs very predictable due to identical story contents.

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As others have mentioned, playing a non-force sensitive just feels like you're being trolled. I main a trooper and when...











I got to the last force vision quest battle at first I laughed when I shot Valkorian with a pistol. Then I realized how patently stupid it was after the absurdity wore off.


I get it, I'm sure jedi and sith outnumber the rest of the classes 1000:1 but what's the point? It's been non-stop force heavy content for, like, three years.


It's 2017. Rogue One is out. I liked it infinitely more than Episode VII. You can have a story about other people and it's okay.


Not only that but given the grandiose elevation of the player character at the completion of KOTET it makes all of the actual MMO portion of the game ridiculous in context.


I'm hella glad Vitiate/Valkorian is gone as I felt he epitomized the worst aspects of the EU but after this can we get back to Empire versus Republic and maybe even try to, like, integrate some multiplayer into it or something?

Edited by Cavadus
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As others have mentioned, playing a non-force sensitive just feels like you're being trolled. I main a trooper and when...











I got to the last force vision quest battle at first I laughed when I shot Valkorian with a pistol. Then I realized how patently stupid it was after the absurdity wore off.


I get it, I'm sure jedi and sith outnumber the rest of the classes 1000:1 but what's the point? It's been non-stop force heavy content for, like, three years.


It's 2017. Rogue One is out. I liked it infinitely more than Episode VII. You can have a story about other people and it's okay.


Not only that but given the grandiose elevation of the player character at the completion of KOTET it makes all of the actual MMO portion of the game ridiculous in context.


I'm hella glad Vitiate/Valkorian is gone as I felt he epitomized the worst aspects of the EU but after this can we get back to Empire versus Republic and maybe even try to, like, integrate some multiplayer into it or something?


Looking at the numbers, Force Users do not out number the non force users that much. Looking around the vanilla planets on Ebon Hawk, so far, it's looked like a lot of non force user classes have become popular. Which actually had me wondering, if they had become the big new pvp/raid fotm.


Or maybe people have finally thought about getting around to Trooper story line :p

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Well there are always exceptions (some people will enjoy those stories)

but I think for most people the storylines were poor, without direction and overall a mess. Storybits like chapter 12 were cluster****s, Satele and Marr talking about some new way to look into the force which never comes up again.

The dark sanctuary, teased as something important down the line? Ignored.

The chapter with the scions? Ignored.


The whole Vitiate/Valkorion change will also never really make sense and will remain a cluster****.

Even as a jedi knight story continuation the entire Zakuul story arc was never that interesting.


Also Vailyn and Arcann (I actually liked redeemed Arcann as a character) were TERRIBLE villains. I can never understand how anyone would like them in any way.

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Also Vailyn and Arcann (I actually liked redeemed Arcann as a character) were TERRIBLE villains. I can never understand how anyone would like them in any way.


Well, I agree with you when it comes to KotFE, but I think they actually succeded in giving both Arcann and Vaylin some human-like features in KotET, instead of them both being hollow archetypes. And Valkorion/Vitiate storyline could be repaired if they bothered to fill the plotholes. We actually knew very, very little about the Emperor before KotFE, most of what we've learned was by assumptions or from unreliable sources like the Hand (who could lie to us or even be decieved by the Emperor themselves). I see it all as salvageable, even though developers probably don't have time and resources to do something about it. :)

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Well, I agree with you when it comes to KotFE, but I think they actually succeded in giving both Arcann and Vaylin some human-like features in KotET, instead of them both being hollow archetypes. And Valkorion/Vitiate storyline could be repaired if they bothered to fill the plotholes. We actually knew very, very little about the Emperor before KotFE, most of what we've learned was by assumptions or from unreliable sources like the Hand (who could lie to us or even be decieved by the Emperor themselves). I see it all as salvageable, even though developers probably don't have time and resources to do something about it. :)


I often wonder how they can't have the time and resources, to create more story content. All story content is, is new missions and quests :p

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I tend to take my decisions based on what I believe my character would do. So as a Smuggler, the KOTET/FE storyline fell a bit flat. It was all "destiny this, destiny that" and, while not apathetic to the plight of the galaxy, my smuggler didn't believe in fate nor was she interested in the throne in the first place. She was just a simple starship captain-turned underworld Republic privateer, all she wanted was for the Eternal Empire to leave and reunite with her crew. She's no commander, no empress.


I really don't like how the storyline was streamlined into this. The main Eternal Empire storyline feels like it would fit one of the Force-based classes much better. Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior are those whom I feel would really fit the bill much better, with Consular and Inquisitor right behind. The hell does Valkorion want with a no-powered shmuck when he can have his Wrath or the Jedi who impeded him time and time again?


That doesn't mean it would've been impossible to make unique class storylines after being thawed out. The Trooper, for example, could have taken command of the Alliance coalition military. The Agent could run intelligence ops on Zakuul. The Smuggler might've taken a shot at the Eternal Empire's monetary resources like the attack on the Gilded Star. The Bounty Hunter could be active on Zakuul, taking out bounties on important Empire figures and people. The Consular could've worked on the relations between the various forces of the coalition, due to their experience leading the Rift Alliance. The Inquisitor could learn so much about Zakuul and their ways, the Emperor and such. So many things that could've been possible, and yet the storyline was pushed into a single direction for all characters regardless of background and personality. I don't think I'll be starting the Eternal Empire storyline with any of my other characters unless they're the Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior, because it feels really cringy for me when playing as any other class.


There's also the changes in dynamics. The Old Republic has basically become a single-player game. The only part of the game that needs a group is basically group flashpoints, uprisings and operations. Solo Story Mode flashpoints? Check. Blowing through heroics that used to require 4 people? Check. Lack of said group heroics on Zakuul? Check. You can still group with other players, but there's less incentive to do so and less incentive to accept.

Edited by MasterAeliren
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Well, I agree with you when it comes to KotFE, but I think they actually succeded in giving both Arcann and Vaylin some human-like features in KotET, instead of them both being hollow archetypes. And Valkorion/Vitiate storyline could be repaired if they bothered to fill the plotholes. We actually knew very, very little about the Emperor before KotFE, most of what we've learned was by assumptions or from unreliable sources like the Hand (who could lie to us or even be decieved by the Emperor themselves). I see it all as salvageable, even though developers probably don't have time and resources to do something about it. :)


True, they did flesh them more out in KOTET.


The problem is though that they still remain hollow archetypes, no matter how much they explore them. We learn about Vailyns ordeal but yet her present character is reduced to "I like choking people and I like being evil hehehehe" There is literally nothing redeeming about her.

I don't think they will bother with the emperor anymore. The entire Valkorion/Vitiate ordeal is done and will remain a walking plothole.

Speaking of the hand, where are those? Probably forgotten and sucked into the plothole.

I mean I understand them not having that much resources but how little must their budget be if they can't even do a single story properly.

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I don't think they will bother with the emperor anymore. The entire Valkorion/Vitiate ordeal is done and will remain a walking plothole.

Speaking of the hand, where are those? Probably forgotten and sucked into the plothole.

I mean I understand them not having that much resources but how little must their budget be if they can't even do a single story properly.


I also don't think they'll add anything to the Vitiate storyline, I've just said it would be doable if they cared. And with the Hand it's easy to imagine that it was hunted down after the Empire stopped being loyal to the Emperor, somewhere around the SoR storyline. At that point, Vitiate/Valkorion probably discarded it too along with the rest of the Empire. The Hand was a tool specifically crafted to police the Sith, it lost all of its significance in the new setting.

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I also don't think they'll add anything to the Vitiate storyline, I've just said it would be doable if they cared. And with the Hand it's easy to imagine that it was hunted down after the Empire stopped being loyal to the Emperor, somewhere around the SoR storyline. At that point, Vitiate/Valkorion probably discarded it too along with the rest of the Empire. The Hand was a tool specifically crafted to police the Sith, it lost all of its significance in the new setting.


I honestly doubt they can repare this plothole even if they tried.


Also yes maybe the hand doesn't play a role anymore but it's for Bioware to show us that and give out the new roles of the characters. The hand was pretty important to the emperor storyline and it's just frustrating to see them throw an inportant element of a villain into the trash.

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Finished the story as an Imperial Agent. Mostly played as a loyalist to the Empire. The story didn't feel right as a non-force user:



First, beating Arcann who was the most powerful force user after killing Valkorion.

When Vaylin broke his mind-control, she became even stronger than Valkorion, and you beat her multiple times.

I understood from the beginning what was the ultimate goal of Valkorion, but there was no option to work against that. As if like your Agent is a dumb mofo, after solving countless conspiracies.

The Agent beating Valkorion, who was 1500 years old, could consume planets and was immortal by all means. That was just plain bs. Not to mention Arkann and the Agent striking him down in the first place.




What I enjoyed:

The multiple codex unlocks about Zakuul and the past of Valkorion. Guys at Bioware know how to build up good lore.

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The hell does Valkorion want with a no-powered shmuck when he can have his Wrath or the Jedi who impeded him time and time again?


Yeah, KOTFE/ET needed individual class stories really badly. Smuggler should have been about breaking some giant blockade of the eternal fleet and participating in the naval battle, trooper should have been pure military combat on ground and in space, sith/jedi about battling the Zakuul force orders, bounty hunters actually hunting Zakuul VIPs or perhaps leading the mandalorian charge against Zakuul, agent doing intel gathering and assassinations.


Should have left the eternal throne junk to the higher up NPCs.


They really botched it by having a one-story-fits-all catered exclusively to jedi/sith.


Could have ended the entire storyline with a joint Pub/Sith task force defeating Zakuul and then, moments after, having the task force fleets open up one another. No one knows who fired first, each side blames the other, and the stage set for total war between Republic and Empire.

Edited by Cavadus
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I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this yet, but two parts of the ending irritated me.


1. Not being able to give the throne to someone else, most of my toons wouldn't want it.


2. The ending scene with Lana and Theron. I would have preferred to see your character talking with your possible love interest if they have returned and were not killed, or talking with either Lana or Theron depending on your background alignment.

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I personally consider the KOTFE/KOTET stories awful. The main reason is that they do not feel Star Wars-y at all.

Besides the fact that they're inappropriate for non force-users (which the original class stories handled really well), they've sidetracked what the entire game is essentially about - or rather, was about - ie. the Republic-Sith war.


What's actually worse than the new story in terms of Star Wars-y feeling are the aesthetics. Aesthetics make Star Wars what it is, to a very large extent. There's a great continuity in Sith aesthetics from this game to the Galactic Empire, for example, and the same goes for the Republic aesthetics. However, with the advent of Zakuul, BW introduced a new aesthetic direction which I think is deplorable. Zakuul itself and its architecture, the design of spacecraft (such as the Eternal Fleet and its formation), et cetera, share no continuity with anything Star Wars. Rather, at first glance, I would assume it being a cheesy generic sci-fi or possibly Star Trek.

In the past, my only complaint in this perspective was the Oricon/Dread Master aesthetic which bordered classic fantasy, but that pales in comparison to the KOTFE/KOTET aesthetics.


Aesthetics matter a whole damn lot in creating the setting, mood, and feel. With KOTFE and KOTET, they failed miserably.

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As I read and Agree with mostly if not all...lol... with your comments... I really think the Dev/writer team should try to fix this whole mess... or at least refine it in some way. Make main story Class individual...so they can become more attractive to replay? Without adding or unlocking choices, cutscene, long lost companions dropping in to save Vette/Torian making a difference in your choices where it meant death for the people your trying to save etc...whats the point of re-playing if nothing changes? Special if it will have increase difficulty...this should be added as it stand s there is no real incentive.


I KNOW, I know...Im asking the impossible, as only a handful of gaming companies had cared enough to uphold their quality and name with their product enough to re-make, refine and change almost the whole finish game for their fans and customers alike... but I really wish they consider all you guys have mention and fix it ALL! Star Wars is a BIG name...they should honor its quality and its fans/players at least with the story, seeing as its the main focus and attraction for PvE/RPG players from everywhere. At least that's my opinion and maybe wishful thinking... :confused:

Edited by Zehal
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I had completed the last chapter last night and I feel a mixture of disappointment but also a bit satisfied. I am happy with the ending in a way, because it fits my head cannon of where my star wars family would end up with one on the throne and the rest helping to keep their new empire in control as they work on absorbing the Sith Empire and destroying the Republic. I do feel that there really is no where to really go after this without pulling the 'oh well your whole empire just collapsed to rubble and now you are just a single person once more to follow orders' card. It is also disappointing that there are still missing companions for each class, including some love interests. The last time you hear from some of them is at the beginning of Fallen Empire where they think you are dead. As leader of the Alliance fighting the Eternal Empire, wouldn't you expect that you would try to spend some resources to reconnect with the person you were in love with? They don't have to fight but atleast if we had some interaction with them, like choosing to leave them out of the war for their safety, killing them if you find they had fallen in love with some one else, atleast something to do instead of forgetting that they existed.


That was mostly my issue with it, that my Sith Warrior couldn't meet up with Jaesa at some point in either expansion, and the fact you don't get a story line mission quest pop up saying 'hey wait till x date for next chapter', it makes me feel as if the story is done.

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Found both KOTET and KOTFE kinda meh for more or less samey reasons as already listed, just adding a personal pet peeve:


Bounty Hunter has multiple options in their personal and planetary stories to stick it to hot air balloons of force users and aristocrats, and two options to sabotage pompous insipid speeches. In KOTET/FE, there are three awful, cringe-worthy speeches...and zero options to avoid them or turn them into a farce. It really felt out of character for a Bounty Hunter to turn into one of those pompous twits that she used to mock. :mad:

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