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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

All i want for christmas is my HK-55 & Nico Okarr :(


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I know a lot of people will not like the idea, usually the ones that already have them, but for us that dont have them, we would probably want at least a chance to get them. Please consider giving us that this xmas :jawa_angel:


All you want is *your* companion perks? But, you didn't get them, so why are you entitled to this? Or, are you really just begging, but trying to come across as entitled so that you're extra-annoying? :rolleyes:


At least they're giving a large part of the player base access to their own holostatues and jawa ballons; that should make at least some people feel less entitled to past one-time perks.

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I wouldn't mind if others received subscriber rewards they previously missed out on. I have Shae and HK-55 myself but you're all welcome to them as far as I'm concerned.


I don't have Master Ranos, I'd like to but on the same note that one involved actual dedicated work from players rather than simply making sure you were subscribed on <date> and in that aspect I'd deem it unfair if others were to easily obtain Ranos.

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All you want is *your* companion perks? But, you didn't get them, so why are you entitled to this? Or, are you really just begging, but trying to come across as entitled so that you're extra-annoying? :rolleyes:


At least they're giving a large part of the player base access to their own holostatues and jawa ballons; that should make at least some people feel less entitled to past one-time perks.


Asking for something does not equal entitled. At no point did OP demand anything s/he didn't deserve, s/he simply asked for them to be made available. We like to throw around the word entitled as an insult without understanding it;s true meaning.

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Won't happen.


Next time they have a unique comp up for grabs, sub during the qualification period.


The purpose of these rewards are so people are subbed during very particular periods and the devs can bump their numbers when they present them to EA. This practice is only reliable if BW shows they won't give them out after the fact. If you can just buy them later, people who were on the fence won't stay subbed.

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Won't happen.


Next time they have a unique comp up for grabs, sub during the qualification period.


The purpose of these rewards are so people are subbed during very particular periods and the devs can bump their numbers when they present them to EA. This practice is only reliable if BW shows they won't give them out after the fact. If you can just buy them later, people who were on the fence won't stay subbed.


I can see that, still though sucks for those who missed it :)

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Won't happen.


Next time they have a unique comp up for grabs, sub during the qualification period.


The purpose of these rewards are so people are subbed during very particular periods and the devs can bump their numbers when they present them to EA. This practice is only reliable if BW shows they won't give them out after the fact. If you can just buy them later, people who were on the fence won't stay subbed.


Here's a player who knows what he's talking about!

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I missed out on the Christmas Jawa (started playing in early 2015), but I respect the fact that it was a sub exclusive reward and would not ask it to be re-offered.


Not trolling when I say this OP, but no matter the reasons that you missed out on HK-55 and Nico, 'you snooze-you lose'.

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as someone who does have them? I think people who didn't qualify for them as promotions - should STILL get an opportunity to buy them separately ala what they did with Nar Shadaa stronghold promotion (people who subscribed during promotional period - get either 3 or 5 rooms for free - account wide, while everyone else has to buy it individually, per server).


unfortunately - given their "veteran" reward and the requirement for it? (not to mention the direction of the game in general"I doubt they will regain enough common sense to even consider it. sorry :(


I mean... if they sell it for $20 rather then $15 it cost those of us who subscribed during promotional period - its still fair IMO. you get to pay more than we did, and everyone gets to enjoy generic companion #30

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Asking for something does not equal entitled. At no point did OP demand anything s/he didn't deserve, s/he simply asked for them to be made available. We like to throw around the word entitled as an insult without understanding it;s true meaning.


Not at all, Erik. It's all about the wording. Consider this:


"All i want for christmas is my HK-55 & Nico Okarr :( "

"All I want for Christmas is HK-55 & Nico Okarr"


One is asking, the other is feeling entitled. By stating "my" in the "ask," the OP has already laid claim to it. ;)

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$50 direct purchase seems fair. And no, I'm not joking. Those were low subscriber times in the game and many willfully chose not to sub then, therefore they should have to pay a premium to get it now.


seriously. over 3 times of what WE had to pay to qualify (because to get companions you only needed to qualify with a single date - its the HK chapter that required the full 16 chapters worth of subscription)? virtually a cost of an entire triple A title for a bunch of pixels? how is that fair? its the "I'm really too petty to let someone have what I have, so I'm going to make the cost as unreasonable as possible, so that they choke on it" suggestion.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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While I can empathize with your plight, OP, these promotions do not belong to you. They were time-specific promotions where those who were most loyal at the time earned these rewards. For Nico, you had to be subscribed for many months leading up to KOTFE. For HK-55, I believe you had to be subscribed from the period between KOTFE's release and the first monthly chapter.


From a practical standpoint, these companions offer little. Nico has a couple of small references in the story and has a rather silly alliance alert. HK-55 is completely irrelevant to the story after being destroyed by Arcann. Yes, he has his bonus chapter, which is amazing, but you had to be subscribed for the entire period of all the monthly chapters for that.


Hopefully, you received Shae Vizla. In my opinion, she is a far more interesting companion than Nico and has the same exact benefits. There is also Master Ranos who functions the same way as well, provided you at least reached Eternal Level during the DvL event.


My only advice to you is to not miss future promotions. BioWare will continue to do this because it is a money maker for them. I seriously doubt any of these companions will ever be available later as it would largely undermine the point of incentives for subscribing. It's a bummer for those who weren't subscribed at the time, but it's just more of a reason to not miss future opportunities at exclusive companions.

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seriously. over 3 times of what WE had to pay to qualify (because to get companions you only needed to qualify with a single date - its the HK chapter that required the full 16 chapters worth of subscription)? virtually a cost of an entire triple A title for a bunch of pixels? how is that fair? its the "I'm really too petty to let someone have what I have, so I'm going to make the cost as unreasonable as possible, so that they choke on it" suggestion.


If people aren't willing to pay, no one's forcing them to. But yes, it should cost more to get it now than it did to get it originally. Not to mention, I believe you had to be subscribed for several months in a row to get Nico, and same thing with HK-55. So $50 might even be too low a cost, or at least reasonable.

Edited by AscendingSky
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