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Jedi-Order (after KOTET, possible spoilers)


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I really liked KOTET - well written, good storytelling and overall quite pleasurable.


The only thing which bugs me is the complete lack of information regarding the Jedi-Order. Apart from Stale's brief visit in KOTFE (which was sort-of-weird), there has been very little to no mention about the Order.


I get it.


In any future expension the Jedi-Order might play a significant role: maybe it has been redeveloped or tracked or something. Might be a cool and good story.


The thing is: since I am roleplaying a Jedi-Knight as part of a german-speaking Jedi-Orden and managing this RP-Project as part of a team, we have difficulties proceeding. We don't know if the Order will move to Coruscant, Tython or stays hidden.


Is there any information I missed or the developers might be inclined in giving us? It is a long shot, but I wanted to try it anyways.





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Have you talked to Master Ranos (sp) (light/dark companion) she has a little information but not a lot to fill in your gaps but she essentially says either they are dead or in hiding having meetings. (Now it should be noted that the Chiss companion is considered a rogue agent by the Order)
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Have you talked to Master Ranos (sp) (light/dark companion) she has a little information but not a lot to fill in your gaps but she essentially says either they are dead or in hiding having meetings. (Now it should be noted that the Chiss companion is considered a rogue agent by the Order)


Well, that could explain why it's taking Kira (and other Jedi companions) so long to show up.

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Sounds like BW wants to say the Jedi Order is dead while the Sith are thriving.


Possibly because if LS, there would be no reason for the Jedi Order to oppose you. DS would have the Jedi Order opposing you. However, with no Jedi Order, the Empire and the Republic are free to oppose you.

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