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Galactic command has made to resubscribe to SWTOR after almost 2 years of absence


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Before KOTET 5.0 came out WOW has my favorite mmo. That was my go to mmo everyday. But as time went on my frustration with WOW increased because whenever a new expansion came out the previous content got outdated real quick. The world of WOW is so huge but that huge world gets completely outdated and irrelevant because of new expansion. This was my biggest frustration with WOW.


But SWTOR its completely different. Old content never gets outdated thanks to the Galactic Command system and the level sync. No matter how many new patches of content bioware will create in the future old content like flashpoints, ops and daily zones will never get outdated and that is why 5.0 made me fall in love with SWTOR.


Another biggest reason to quit WOW Legion for SWTOR is because I want to play the game at my own pace. But that cannot happen with WOW because to get the best gear people have to commit to a raiding guild. But with SWTOR people can get the best gear by opening the command crates.


So I want to thank Bioware for making the hard decisions. Bioware knew the vocal minority won't like their decisions but they stick to their guns because their knew the changes in 5.0 are best for the game in the long run.

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So I want to thank Bioware for making the hard decisions. Bioware knew the vocal minority won't like their decisions but they stick to their guns because their knew the changes in 5.0 are best for the game in the long run.


Now there is where you lost me. You sounded quite sincere up to that point. But you essentially destroyed your credibility with that one sentence IMO.


I find your entire post suspect as a result. Next time try providing praise without deriding those that do not share in your opinion and perhaps folks will find your comments to be more genuine and less....propaganda.

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From a PvE perspective I honestly don't know why they didn't just add the CXP system and also keep progression gear drops on operation bosses too. Casuals & Solo's could level up and get top end gear at their own pace. Meanwhile your more hardcore players could continue raiding and chasing the progression ladder. Everybody wins.
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From a PvE perspective I honestly don't know why they didn't just add the CXP system and also keep progression gear drops on operation bosses too. Casuals & Solo's could level up and get top end gear at their own pace. Meanwhile your more hardcore players could continue raiding and chasing the progression ladder. Everybody wins.


Because after January, with the 5 additional uprisings and the Master mode difficulties there is nothing else coming. SWTOR is either going into maintenance mode, or a date for shutdown has already been handed down by the execs at EA. The GCS is simply a tool to keep people grinding to keep the sub money rolling in as long as possible until that date.

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Because after January, with the 5 additional uprisings and the Master mode difficulties there is nothing else coming. SWTOR is either going into maintenance mode, or a date for shutdown has already been handed down by the execs at EA. The GCS is simply a tool to keep people grinding to keep the sub money rolling in as long as possible until that date.


LOL... people have been saying that the game will shut down for 5 years. Never going to happen dude. SWTOR is ranked 3rd of the greatest mmorpgs on the market behind WOW and FFXIV.

Edited by neuronfly
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Also, OP, even if you are not a plant, you're a liar. Your posting history shows you were talking about how much you hated 4.0 back in November/December 2015. Even if you quit in December, that's a ONE YEAR absence at best, not two.


I played 4.0 barely a week before I quit. The last time I played seriously was back in SOR. But now with the release of 5.0 I have quit Legion for good to play SWTOR full time.

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So the only thing that is keeping you in 5.0, is the ability to get top tier gear through a tedious RNG grind system?


The best thing I like about 5.0 is that I can play the game at my own pace and still get top tier gear and be competitive unlike WOW where I have to join a raiding guild and commit to a specific time schedule.

Edited by neuronfly
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The best thing I like about 5.0 is that I can play the game at my own pace and still get top tier gear and be competitive unlike WOW where I have to join a raiding guild and commit to a specific time schedule.


Lol. No, you will not be able to play at your own pace and be forced to do hours of grinding in order to gear for a operation or unless you get suitable gear crafted for you, which you could do exactly the same in WoW with the exception of top tier crafting. Have you even looked at the galactic command system at all, I mean Im glad your happy playing swtor but the grind here isn't as bad as WoW, but still god awful.

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Why are people even trying to make the argument: vocal minority vs silent majority? You do realise of course that a lot of people who are negative towards Galactic Command are, you know, not posting about it for various reasons.


Without any statistics nothing can really be said or assumed about the silent guys other than that they're.. well, silent. If people wish to promote GC as something amazing. Well, get your people and make them post about it?


Presently however, if the forums are of any indication, most is pointing toward GC being a pile of trash in it's curren iteration.

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Lol. No, you will not be able to play at your own pace and be forced to do hours of grinding in order to gear for a operation or unless you get suitable gear crafted for you, which you could do exactly the same in WoW with the exception of top tier crafting. Have you even looked at the galactic command system at all, I mean Im glad your happy playing swtor but the grind here isn't as bad as WoW, but still god awful.


I played Legion at launch full time for 3 months and the thing I have hated most about that expansion was the artifact grinding system. After completing the story and getting to lvl 110 it was all about doing artifact grinding. But here in SWTOR we grind for various things like gear, mounts, crafting mats, pets, outfits, etc. But Legion is all artifact weapon grinding and I got very tired of it.

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I played Legion at launch full time for 3 months and the thing I have hated most about that expansion was the artifact grinding system. After completing the story and getting to lvl 110 it was all about doing artifact grinding. But here in SWTOR we grind for various things like gear, mounts, crafting mats, pets, outfits, etc. But Legion is all artifact weapon grinding and I got very tired of it.


So, hypocrite, grind for ALL gear in TOR is just peachy, while grind for some gear in WoW is not? Yeah, not a believable argument. Especially given your own previous doomsaying that 4.0 would cause the game to die because you personally did not like it. And now you're trying to call out others for doing the same thing you have repeatedly! Like you have some moral high ground.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Before KOTET 5.0 came out WOW has my favorite mmo. ... But as time went on my frustration with WOW increased because whenever a new expansion came out the previous content got outdated real quick. ...


But SWTOR its completely different. Old content never gets outdated thanks to the Galactic Command system ...




You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.


P.S. It is good that you like SWTOR; I have no quarrel with that.

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