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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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At least it was in September. The next 2 or 3 months will say how much it is now.


Bingo. Quoting September stats which are prior to the massive upset of the CxP is useless. As an example, here are the October stats: https://www.superdataresearch.com/blog/ (see Dec. 1 blog post Worldwide Digital Games Market: October 2016)


Just from September to October here are a few examples:


Wow dropped from No. 2 to 3

Fantasy Westward dropped from No. 8 to No. 10

Lineage I fell completely off the top ten list.


In the Console top ten, Destiny fell from No. 1 to No. 7


In one month, since the quoted report in the OP, MMOs in general declined several spots. The real effect of what the CxP system has done to the sub base won't be known until the February 2017 reports from Superdata. That's when the 30 day subs who come back just for story and only sub for one month, and the long term subs fed up with the CxP system that unsubbed will be known. If SWTOR drops off the Top 5 completely, after so much time there, then you will in fact know how terrible the CxP system idea was.

Edited by Wayshuba
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Even with the nonstop doom and gloom from the couple dozen poster who clearly sub (thanks) to swtor so they are able to complain on the forums.


This has been going on for FIVE YEARS now, it's the reason why the MAJORITY of players never step foot in these forums. I have some bad news for these couple of dozen posters all of your hard work has done nothing to take down swtor. In year FIVE swtor was in the top 5 every month as this latest report shows for Sept (Oct, Nov not out yet).




It's about time the couple dozen posters who have been at this for FIVE YEARS now just give up your crusade has failed.


You fail to realize that everyone is different and there will always be "camps" for those who like things as they are, those who hate things as they are and those that don't care one way or the other. none of that is relevant anyway to bioware, and they have made that abundantly clear just recently but i already knew that anyway going on 5 years.


as you mentioned this game has been going on 5 years now and so has the complaining, it is an mmo and the developers design it the way they feel it works for them, not the players. so your high horse mentality is not yours, it never was yours so i fail to see how you feel in any way justified that you think your opinion is relevant, the only one that matters is the one bioware has.


so quit your own hating on the haters, it makes your a hypocrite and you should know better.

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Bingo. Quoting September stats which are prior to the massive upset of the CxP is useless. As an example, here are the October stats: https://www.superdataresearch.com/blog/ (see Dec. 1 blog post Worldwide Digital Games Market: October 2016)


In one month, since the quoted report in the OP, MMOs in general declined several spots. The real effect of what the CxP system has done to the sub base won't be known until the February 2017 reports from Superdata. That's when the 30 day subs who come back just for story and only sub for one month, and the long term subs fed up with the CxP system that unsubbed will be known. If SWTOR drops off the Top 5 completely, after so much time there, then you will in fact know how terrible the CxP system idea was.

well.... that link... has to do with China... since China doesn't even allow SWTOR through their window that is considered internet i don't think we need to count in regulations like that lol:D:D:D and yes i know that was likely not the point

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well.... that link... has to do with China... since China doesn't even allow SWTOR through their window that is considered internet i don't think we need to count in regulations like that lol:D:D:D and yes i know that was likely not the point


No, on the link you have to click the second blog post down which is the October stats. That is why I referenced the blog post title. The China one is just another blog post that comes up first.

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Bingo. Quoting September stats which are prior to the massive upset of the CxP is useless. As an example, here are the October stats: https://www.superdataresearch.com/blog/ (see Dec. 1 blog post Worldwide Digital Games Market: October 2016)


Just from September to October here are a few examples:


Wow dropped from No. 2 to 3

Fantasy Westward dropped from No. 8 to No. 10

Lineage I fell completely off the top ten list.


In the Console top ten, Destiny fell from No. 1 to No. 7


In one month, since the quoted report in the OP, MMOs in general declined several spots. The real effect of what the CxP system has done to the sub base won't be known until the February 2017 reports from Superdata. That's when the 30 day subs who come back just for story and only sub for one month, and the long term subs fed up with the CxP system that unsubbed will be known. If SWTOR drops off the Top 5 completely, after so much time there, then you will in fact know how terrible the CxP system idea was.


Oh the desperation in you guys is hilarious. Yesterday for most of the day TEN POSTERS were bickinging back and forth on three different threads about RNG...let me say that again TEN POSTERS. Yesterday a post was made about the patch notes not saying anything about RNG changes, a grand total of 24 POST many from the same posters. Yeah we have been hearing this pathetic doom and gloom the sky is falling from the complainers for FIVE YEARS...hey maybe one of these years, I am guessing 3,4 or maybe 5 years down the road you guys will soon be able to say I told you so....


Its also funny how these bad bad bad RNG threads are not even on the front page any more...you guys better go necro them to keep the illusion "everyone" is so upset with the system.

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Oh the desperation in you guys is hilarious. Yesterday for most of the day TEN POSTERS were bickinging back and forth on three different threads about RNG...let me say that again TEN POSTERS. Yesterday a post was made about the patch notes not saying anything about RNG changes, a grand total of 24 POST many from the same posters. Yeah we have been hearing this pathetic doom and gloom the sky is falling from the complainers for FIVE YEARS...hey maybe one of these years, I am guessing 3,4 or maybe 5 years down the road you guys will soon be able to say I told you so....


Its also funny how these bad bad bad RNG threads are not even on the front page any more...you guys better go necro them to keep the illusion "everyone" is so upset with the system.


Wow. That has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted. I was only responding to someone else about things changing over time. Since you posted a link to the September stats, the October ones have become available and indeed, it does change.


This has NOTHING to do with doom and gloom, only a confirmation of moving targets. But, if you insist on ignoring moving targets here is one for you - in EAs own financial reports in 2013, they made a comment about SWTOR being okay with the F2P.... then casual neutral mention in 2014, then nothing in the financials in 2015 (yet a press release claiming subs had jumped 33%, but surprisingly no mention of that effect in the financial reports). Now in 2016, they make a point of pointing out SWTOR being the primary reason for drops in sub revenue. But yeah, let's keep pretending like everything is all peaches and cream like 2013.


Oh, and to your comment about the bad RNG threads. It is because the mods have MOVED a lot of them to the Off-Topic section where they still are on the front page and at the top of them no less.


Funny how when the narrative changes, people go on the attack. I am sure BW loves this because it takes the focus off their lousy business decisions.


Then you talk of desperation? Who is desperate? It seems more those supporting the system are desperate to ignore that it is indeed having a negative effect on the player base. You know, the same people that were defending the game (if we are going to paint in broad strokes here) wasn't in trouble when the TORtanic was happening even though BW later admitted the game was very much in trouble, to the point of almost being shut down, but F2P managed to save them.

Edited by Wayshuba
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