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I guess they will nerf KP next


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No one is doing anything but easy farming made possible by Bioware. This obviously is not how Bioware intended the game to be played. Then Bioware came out and said this exploit of gaining fast easy CXP, the main intent of the game, is not an exploit, yet no one is plying the game the way it was meant to be played. Maybe the players should have more say as to what they consider an exploit that makes the game unplayable as it was meant to be played. After all, it is our money being wasted on a constant grind of old content in order to play at all.


Play the way you want!!!!!!! that was what they told us. You are the only person that really knows what they intended. Not that silly crap they pushed in the live streams. They dont really want anything you do to improve your GXP. Good thing we have you around to set things straight.

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I'm so down about the over all state of end game unless you are a new player, I can't even be bothered to join CXP farm grps. Not long until I unsub and go my merry way.


Well not really, I mean sure, for the new player there is lots to do, but still they have a gear disadvantage in having nothing up to level 70 and then the crates.... its terrible mainly for alts.

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On a positive note for raiders this should seriously boost the metrics for people doing operations.


Except a "GC has boosted operation participation beyond our wildest dreams, we are now in development of 2 new operations coming mid year!". The first part will probably be true, the second just a hopeful dream.


With the broken reflect and the NiM ops being easy ppl would then whine that NiM raiders are getting too much cxp easily :D

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You don't need 4 people. Get a friend and 2 companions and that's all you need for those veteran uprisings. I did it with my 4.0 gear.


True, I wanted to do them cause of achievements only and was afraid how it will go. After the first one I actually though it was the Story version and I just got a 2 dps, healer, tank group cause there was nothing to heal!!

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Thanks. I do apologise for being wrong/misunderstanding. They're increasing fps and uprisings to help people gear up faster for ops. Raiders who solely raid have a valid argument. I wish there was hope for them but I can clearly see their disappointment and the reason for their concern. I'd love for the new content to be 9 more ops and pvp stuff/uprisings, with some fix to make cxp grind and the rng better and more rewarding. I can see that. It's a shame BW can't see the whole picture. Again, my apologies for the misunderstanding /being wrong.


Its fine, people did sack your post too much :)


The thing is that raiders are a bit crazy so for us its no problem to do the KP grind and then relax with some ranked, which is getting us max cxp possible now maybe. Also we have crafted 240 stuff since NiMs are easy with the roofless reflect :) so schematics for crafting arent hard to get.

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Thanks. I do apologise for being wrong/misunderstanding. They're increasing fps and uprisings to help people gear up faster for ops. Raiders who solely raid have a valid argument. I wish there was hope for them but I can clearly see their disappointment and the reason for their concern. I'd love for the new content to be 9 more ops and pvp stuff/uprisings, with some fix to make cxp grind and the rng better and more rewarding. I can see that. It's a shame BW can't see the whole picture. Again, my apologies for the misunderstanding /being wrong.


Well, I'm sure we all heard or read something wrong before. I think the biggest thing for me as a raider (and I don't solely raid but it's a big part of what I did in SWTOR), is that the raiding content is old. So are the flash points for that matter. And to have the same exact content upped to max level twice without anything new and then have to grind gear in SM for months just so you can get back to the same content in Veteran/Mastery mode is just really annoying. It's not fun.


Add to that the fact that in 4.0, when they upped it the first time, they also took out a lot of mechanics in the boss fights in SM and then there is the second reason why having to do SM ops again is just a chore. Not hard, but also not fun.


It kinda feels like you graduated high school and have to start in kindergarten again with exactly the same lessons to follow in order to get to the exact same high school graduation except it's going to take twice as long because every year you want to graduate, you have to roll a 20 sided dice. On a 1-19 you have to do the same year over again. On a 20 you get to graduate to the next grade (or level if you prefer).


Now if you're new and never did this before this could be something you accept as normal. But if you already graduated twice in high school, you don't really want to do the same curriculum a third time starting at kindergarten again. That's basically how I see GC gearing.


So what do you do in such a case? You start looking for short cuts, so you can skip most of the content and move on. That's what's happening in KP and you can't blame players for it. You really can't.


I mean sure, the people who come here and complain are a small part of the player base. They won't make the game crash by quitting. But apparently the people who are playing and hanging in there are just looking for the shortcuts. Is that really having fun or is that just making the best of a bad situation?

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The funny thing is they will probably nerf KP difficulty since their metrics will tell them that nobody can even get to the first boss, and they keep wiping to trash!


I'm at the point where if BW comes out and declares this an "exploit," I'll be done with the game for good. Same is true for many in my guild. BW made this mess, we're just making it more tolerable.

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Well, I'm sure we all heard or read something wrong before. I think the biggest thing for me as a raider (and I don't solely raid but it's a big part of what I did in SWTOR), is that the raiding content is old. So are the flash points for that matter. And to have the same exact content upped to max level twice without anything new and then have to grind gear in SM for months just so you can get back to the same content in Veteran/Mastery mode is just really annoying. It's not fun.


Add to that the fact that in 4.0, when they upped it the first time, they also took out a lot of mechanics in the boss fights in SM and then there is the second reason why having to do SM ops again is just a chore. Not hard, but also not fun.


It kinda feels like you graduated high school and have to start in kindergarten again with exactly the same lessons to follow in order to get to the exact same high school graduation except it's going to take twice as long because every year you want to graduate, you have to roll a 20 sided dice. On a 1-19 you have to do the same year over again. On a 20 you get to graduate to the next grade (or level if you prefer).


Now if you're new and never did this before this could be something you accept as normal. But if you already graduated twice in high school, you don't really want to do the same curriculum a third time starting at kindergarten again. That's basically how I see GC gearing.


So what do you do in such a case? You start looking for short cuts, so you can skip most of the content and move on. That's what's happening in KP and you can't blame players for it. You really can't.


I mean sure, the people who come here and complain are a small part of the player base. They won't make the game crash by quitting. But apparently the people who are playing and hanging in there are just looking for the shortcuts. Is that really having fun or is that just making the best of a bad situation?


I understand your frustration. Thank you for taking the time to explain what happened. I was not subbed at the time 4.0 launched. Now I understand why raiders aren't happy when devs refuse to say ops. I had thought master level was going to be large scale battles...I guess it is but they said in stream that it was solo able so that's not what it had seemed before. I recall someone's post that pointed out that it all depended on how bw used the word large if it meant you leading some npcs or you with 7-15 friends. It really started to hit me then that maybe they were right. I hope the Jan information includes ops and other amazing content that raiders want but I know why no one is holding their breath for that now.

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I guess bw doesn't want people to play there MMO, KP farm is a classic MMO playstyle, its what MMO gamers do... its kind of refreshing tbh.


Not everything has to revolve around stories and cutscenes, sometimes its nice to tune out and have a good ol' fashion grind party.


Oh well, it will be nerfed, because the whine is on the forums now.

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PvP is now the best place to get CXP for chumps and KP for people who at least wanna group up and try to progress together as far as RNG will allow it.

Thus instant warzone pops in server dead hours.

And zero master flashpoints pops in server peak hours.

Edited by BoySaber
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Aside from BioWare, because they think that it isn't fun to grind things, after implementing a grind system.


Failure of logic right there.


Sure, but they didnt mention KP farming yet, sure, its mobs farming just like the elites, but they have to face the fact that people will always "farm" and not play what they (Bioware) want!!

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The funny thing is they will probably nerf KP difficulty since their metrics will tell them that nobody can even get to the first boss, and they keep wiping to trash!


I had to laugh at this. The sad reality is that this is a prime example of how metrics can be (and seemingly are) misinterpreted.


I'm sure the game data are now showing a surge in WZ popularity. This must mean PVEers love PVP all of a sudden, right?

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I understand your frustration. Thank you for taking the time to explain what happened. I was not subbed at the time 4.0 launched. Now I understand why raiders aren't happy when devs refuse to say ops. I had thought master level was going to be large scale battles...I guess it is but they said in stream that it was solo able so that's not what it had seemed before. I recall someone's post that pointed out that it all depended on how bw used the word large if it meant you leading some npcs or you with 7-15 friends. It really started to hit me then that maybe they were right. I hope the Jan information includes ops and other amazing content that raiders want but I know why no one is holding their breath for that now.


Well BWA have been avoiding the word operations with all their might, so I doubt we'll see more operations coming out. They alluded to some form of 8-man content but nobody knows what that means yet. Originally I had planned to let my sub go in January and see what the livestream in January reveals. Sadly now that GC is implemented, new group content will not be enough until they fixed this RNG system enough to be able to enjoy whatever is in the game.


I understand some of their goals mind you, but I think they're going about it the wrong way. I also have this feeling that considering GC and their new focus on team content as they say, that it may very well be that next christmas there won't be a next expansion yet. My guess is this RNG grind is implemented to keep people busy for a longer period of time than one year. I don't know this but I have this feeling. Maybe that's why the forced the issue by making endgame sub only. Otherwise people would have no reason to stay stubbed in 2017.


We'll see. I certainly don't claim to know the future or the mind of BWA.

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I had to laugh at this. The sad reality is that this is a prime example of how metrics can be (and seemingly are) misinterpreted.


I'm sure the game data are now showing a surge in WZ popularity. This must mean PVEers love PVP all of a sudden, right?


With PVP its kinda hard, cause you did have a lot of pops at the start of the season so the data follows the trend atm, but I have to say that ranked is poping on cd right now. I was hoping to see threads appearing of noobs joining ranked just for CXP messing up ppls ratings, but none so far.


I didnt even meet any but my play times are late at night when kids go to sleep already :)

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Sure, but they didnt mention KP farming yet, sure, its mobs farming just like the elites, but they have to face the fact that people will always "farm" and not play what they (Bioware) want!!


On reddit there is some data implying that the mobs may indeed be getting stealth nerfed.


Guess they aren't announcing it yet so people don't wholesale rush to farm KP that may not be aware of it ( living under a rock n all that ).

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All of you praising the system for allowing you to get "good" gear by doing things you want to do instead of being "forced" into group content like operations/pvp, what exactly are you complaining about here?


Why is it your concern that OTHER players are doing this to farm CXP quickly and efficiently? Jealousy?


This poster got it right:


BW already stated killing mobs is not an exploit or cheat. Now the "do something" step that they would probably take is to drop champ XP from 20 down to 4. Still twice as much as a gold right? It is fine as it is. If people want to organize for hours to kill the same mobs over and over LET THEM. I will continue to have fun doing whatever I feel like doing.
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Sure, but they didnt mention KP farming yet, sure, its mobs farming just like the elites, but they have to face the fact that people will always "farm" and not play what they (Bioware) want!!


They'll stealth nerf it, then claim they "forgot" to put it in the patch notes.


Instead of going the proper way about things and buffing CXP gains so players can earn 4-5 crates per hour regardless of content played. Still doesn't address the awful RNG with no failsafes.

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All of you praising the system for allowing you to get "good" gear by doing things you want to do instead of being "forced" into group content like operations/pvp, what exactly are you complaining about here?


Why is it your concern that OTHER players are doing this to farm CXP quickly and efficiently? Jealousy?


Yeah, sounds like jealousy to me. All the backers of the system seem to think their way of playing is superior to everyone else's, and if someone is playing a way they don't and getting more CXP points for it, then obviously that person is wrong and a cheater and needs to be punished. All while they continue to defend the GC system as "It lets you play however you want!" The hypocrisy is sad.


Me personally, I don't have the patience to just grind the same mobs in KP over and over for hours on end. Maybe for a bit, but then I'm going to want to do something else more mentally stimulating. But if other people want to do that, good for them. Their Command rank has absolutely no influence on mine, it doesn't hurt me any.

Edited by AscendingSky
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On reddit there is some data implying that the mobs may indeed be getting stealth nerfed.


Guess they aren't announcing it yet so people don't wholesale rush to farm KP that may not be aware of it ( living under a rock n all that ).


Hehe well that wouldnt help, i mean to grind till last minute, you have a cap and no matter what u do, you can get to 300 in 4 weeks.


Well maybe level alts then once u reach cap, true, but still its crazy.

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