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I guess they will nerf KP next


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BW already stated killing mobs is not an exploit or cheat. Now the "do something" step that they would probably take is to drop champ XP from 20 down to 4. Still twice as much as a gold right? It is fine as it is. If people want to organize for hours to kill the same mobs over and over LET THEM. I will continue to have fun doing whatever I feel like doing.


They'll stealth nerf it, then claim they "forgot" to put it in the patch notes.


Instead of going the proper way about things and buffing CXP gains so players can earn 4-5 crates per hour regardless of content played. Still doesn't address the awful RNG with no failsafes.



Called it but I was off by 1. And thankfully only in the area people were farming.


Transcendent also called it correctly. However, they did finally put it in the patch notes but only after people noticed the change and called them on it. It is sad that their incompetence is this predictable.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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On the bright side uprisings give decent CXP.


True, that was a needed boost. They really need to boost other activities instead of nerfing into the ground every way people find to get decent rewards. Oh noes someone spent a dozen mind numbing hours killing the same stuff and capped out their CXP for the week. BFD.

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What's worse is that Grinding the mobs at the start of KP still give better CXP than doing the operation.


A nerf from 20 to 5 still give 225 CXP every 5 minutes. Over 1 hour, that's 4500 CXP. An operation give 300 per boss, 600 for the last one, 400 for the weekly and 200 for GF. That's 2400 for a 5 boss operation and there isn't enough mobs in them to give 2100 CXP if you clear it under an hour. They really need to boost the Operation rewards.

Edited by ludoviccb
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True, that was a needed boost. They really need to boost other activities instead of nerfing into the ground every way people find to get decent rewards. Oh noes someone spent a dozen mind numbing hours killing the same stuff and capped out their CXP for the week. BFD.


Yeah well they are forcing us to play what they want, so will we? :)

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20 cxp for lobbing snowballs around fleet or 5cxp for the piggies in KP ah yes the dilema is upon us.... I thought Ops were meant to be challenging and rewarding the CXP for the time invested..... at this rate all mobs will be giving us nothing..


They are nerfing stuff brainlessly. I mean i was doing the Veteran KOTFE/KOTET chapters for achievements and the mobs were ripping me apart, i activated reflect on Merc (50% dmg reflect) and the Elite Zakuul Knight reflected 21k, 17k and 19k such 3 hits, meaning i would be dead and for what do i get for killing him? 1 cxp!! Why nerf this overall? Why not nerf only outside mobs or specific instances, not nerf it all in general, what kind of thinking is that?

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They are nerfing stuff brainlessly. I mean i was doing the Veteran KOTFE/KOTET chapters for achievements and the mobs were ripping me apart, i activated reflect on Merc (50% dmg reflect) and the Elite Zakuul Knight reflected 21k, 17k and 19k such 3 hits, meaning i would be dead and for what do i get for killing him? 1 cxp!! Why nerf this overall? Why not nerf only outside mobs or specific instances, not nerf it all in general, what kind of thinking is that?


Because they want to apply as much pressure as possible to people to make them more willing to spend real money on being able to make the roulette wheel spin 25% faster. That's why.

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Because they want to apply as much pressure as possible to people to make them more willing to spend real money on being able to make the roulette wheel spin 25% faster. That's why.


No no you got this wrong. Its all about the numbers and statistics, they brought out new content and need to show their management that its successful (which is logical ofc). They hoped people will brainlessly grind Uprisings and they would have good numbers to show, but instead people decided to farm mobs.


So these series of nerfs is only meant to divert people to do Uprisings, thats all. Everything has to give less cxp than uprisings, if people still wouldnt play them, we would see them increase the rewards by another 80%.

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No no you got this wrong. Its all about the numbers and statistics, they brought out new content and need to show their management that its successful (which is logical ofc). They hoped people will brainlessly grind Uprisings and they would have good numbers to show, but instead people decided to farm mobs.


So these series of nerfs is only meant to divert people to do Uprisings, thats all. Everything has to give less cxp than uprisings, if people still wouldnt play them, we would see them increase the rewards by another 80%.


Well, it still hasn't worked then. No one I know wants to do any Uprisings more than once (for the achievement), and the queue takes forever to pop, AND most of the people in said queue can't even make it through story mode so everyone quits.

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No no you got this wrong. Its all about the numbers and statistics, they brought out new content and need to show their management that its successful (which is logical ofc). They hoped people will brainlessly grind Uprisings and they would have good numbers to show, but instead people decided to farm mobs.


So these series of nerfs is only meant to divert people to do Uprisings, thats all. Everything has to give less cxp than uprisings, if people still wouldnt play them, we would see them increase the rewards by another 80%.


Investors are Toydarians. Mind tricks don't work on them - only money.

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Investors are Toydarians. Mind tricks don't work on them - only money.


Sure, no good numbers, angry investors, people get fired, new people come in, they have to make sure people pay money for game, in order to pay money people need to get what they want.


So if the new people who come to Bioware provide what people want everyone will be happy. Right now no one is happy!! Players arent happy, Devs are doing a 2nd unplanned stream so seems they arent happy too (also nerfs cause there werent happy the way people played) and investors wont be happy when they see the decline in revenues.


Business is easy.

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