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What were you doing in your life at the beginning of the game vs now?


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When I first started playing in November 2012 I was a senior in high-school. Played this game nonstop every afternoon when I got home from school and all weekend as well. Lots of late nights were had and lots of sleeping in class happened that year.

Now I'm going to college part time and on the job search. Don't play swtor as much because of those real life commitments

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living in a different state. still renting. dreaming of trying a few things, but not financially/space-wise able yet (thought certainly on the way)


vs now


moved, bought a house (been saving for down-payment all this time), finally doing those things I wanted to do for years, but couldn't more so due to lack of space then anything, but financials have certainly gotten better since then as well.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I was just coming off a time in my life when I was doing music full time... spent a lot of time on the road and in the studio recording, mixing, & mastering. Had just gotten married a few years earlier and had 1yr old twin daughters. I had also just signed a deal as a sub contractor to provide shuttle bus services for a hospital. Was thinking about buying a big rig. I had maybe 6-8hrs a week to invest in gaming.



Shuttle contract ended earlier this year, but I bought that big rig last year along with a 9 car trailer. I've got a guy who drives full time. I got full custody of my oldest daughter (she's 15 now) this summer, and my wife and I started a printing company http://www.shootingstarprints.com so I've been kept fairly busy getting it off the ground. I also have been doing a lot of features with new artist, and putting the finishing touches on what will probably be my last album. I still need to film and edit some music videos before I release it next year. So I have a little more time for gaming now, but not by much....Maybe 14hrs a week to game.

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When I first started playing I was working as technical support for Xbox and then Nike (our company had the contract for those two companies). I was happy for the first 6 months, then I started to hate the job. Now I work for a car dealership. I manage vehicle inventory and make the cars look good by cleaning them, painting them, buffing them, etc.


The worst part is that in late 2015 I suffered some serious issues with regurgitation and now I believe I have acid reflux. After numerous doctor visits and a lot of money, they still haven't fixed the issue. They don't even know what's causing it. I have to take pills twice a day (30 min before lunch and dinner) or else I'll get fluid come up to my throat and it taste very bitter and warm. This health issue is causing slight depression. I never wanna go anywhere or do anything because of the constant feeling of something stuck in my throat. Thankfully my wife understands and is supportive.


Whoa! Would you look at that. Well. You did ask....


(Sometimes I wonder if moving from Australia to the US caused my health issues. Maybe all this junk food really messed me up.)

Edited by SlthBounteHuntah
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5 years ago I was working at Barnes and Noble and had a 2 year old son. Since then I've had to drop down to minimal part time so I can help take care of my mom who has Lewy Body dementia. My son is now 7 and has started playing SWtOR with me. He makes me run Black Talon repeatedly and hasn't learned the fine art of a "speed run" :rolleyes: My husband has since started teaching programming at a private school, though he still maintains his you-tube channel. He is starting a collaborative project with other you-tube programmers which could be a lot of fun, though it might be like herding cats...
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I had just recently started dating my now husband and was going to parties a lot with him. We'd travel a lot just to go clubbing and to festivals. This is pretty much why I didn't get really into the game when it came out. I do remember waking up on launch day, well, I say waking up but I barely slept the night before, just to play though. I was excited. I had just dropped out of college and was working in the adult industry making decent money that enabled my lifestyle at the time.


Now I'm married and my husband is back in school for pharmacy. I'm distance studying herbal medicine through a program and we live very simply. I converted to Islam when I was 21 or so, but only got serious about practicing the past few years. I live pretty simply and don't have a lot so I don't want a lot. So I started my adult life kind of on one extreme end of the spectrum and am now more centered. I do a little writing too but have never tried to get published even though I've been told I should.


I guess you could say I'm still very much a work in progress. I like having experiences and trying new things. As we say: "Allahu Alam" (God knows best)

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