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One quick question


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Hello guys,


So, i am a new player (my acc is old but never actually played the game). Today i asked a question, ingame, regarding the strongholds and i mentioned the fact that im new. So, i got a whisper from a player asking me "what are you doing here? what are new players doing here? " after i replied he told me that the game is dead.

Ok, my question is simple, due to the fact that i played all other mmorpg's, i know the mechanics of pve, pvp, etc, so i have no high expectation, is the game that dead? Is the game worth playing and puting some time in to it? Im not looking for ppl to change my view, im looking for argumented opinions so i can have some insight from long time swtor players.


Thank you,

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No, it's not dead... not yet, anyway.


The best way to tell if it is worth it to you is to just spend some time in game. Bear in mind that certain servers may be "better" than others as far as population and community. Other than that, do the things that you think you'll like and then step back and ask yourself if you had fun.


For someone just coming in, there should be plenty to do. It's the folks who have been here for a while who are getting bored.

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I am new, only been playing for 2 months and lucky picked the Progenitor which is decently active and The Red Eclipse which is very active. To me the game seems far from dead, don't get me wrong on the progenitor it almost feels empty aside from the busy hours but other than the 6 hours or so its pretty quite.


People seems a little upset at the moment because some of the decision BW made but hopefully that will changes when Bioware changes and tweaks some of the stuff to hopefully make things better. They will release a patch on Tuesday to address some of the concerns and they will probably do something in January.

Edited by LastBrood
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I am new, only been playing for 2 months and lucky picked the Progenitor which is decently active and The Red Eclipse which is very active. To me the game seems far from dead, don't get me wrong on the progenitor it almost feels empty aside from the busy hours but other than the 6 hours or so its pretty quite.


People seems a little upset at the moment because some of the decision BW made but hopefully that will changes when Bioware changes and tweaks some of the stuff to hopefully make things better. They will release a patch on Tuesday to address some of the concerns and they will probably do something in January.


I have characters on both servers, Progenitor and Red Eclipse. From what i understand, those 2 are the most populated.

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Depand on what server did you pick and what are you here for .:rak_02:


I have characters on Progenitor and Red Eclispe. On both, low lvl characters. I decided not to use the 65 lvl token. I mostly play on Red Eclipse since i read that its the most populated server. Why am i here? Well, im bored of all of the fantasy mmorpg. Don't get me wrong, this is a fantasy too, but its sci-fi. You gotta admit that after tens and tens of fantasy - magic - sword and staff mmorpg, a space - jedi - sith - ship - lightsaber mmo is a good break. I know that i have different choices when it comes to sci-fi (Eve online which is rade soo high and it is an awesome game, but the community is..well, let's just say its bad, so bad, really bad, like damn), but this has the basic elements a mmorpg should have. That being said, im here for fun times.

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Your best bet is to just log into the game and play it. Reading a lot of the stuff on the forums here has the chance to turn you completely off of the game. There are so many complaint threads and everyone bashing the game.


Just play it. If you enjoy it then continue to play it, if you dont, then quit. I get wanting to know what everyone's opinion is, but none of ours matter what so ever , so just fire up the game and enjoy it.



It is still alive and fun.

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Your best bet is to just log into the game and play it. Reading a lot of the stuff on the forums here has the chance to turn you completely off of the game. There are so many complaint threads and everyone bashing the game.


Just play it. If you enjoy it then continue to play it, if you dont, then quit. I get wanting to know what everyone's opinion is, but none of ours matter what so ever , so just fire up the game and enjoy it.



It is still alive and fun.


Yup, this. With the recent changes people are leaving. That does not mean it cannot be fun for new people or other current players. I will probably be leaving due to these changes, but I am not so arrogant to believe that everyone thinks and plays the same way I do and that the game will die once I am gone.

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