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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This is the problem with Galactic Command.


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I have been playing this game since launch and have seen many changes, but nothing has felt so destructive as the new GC system.


I want to point out the reason this system is not ideal for this game.


I was honestly looking forward to galactic command, It promotes a variety of ways to obtain gear and that's awesome.:cool:, but it is flawed at this time and negates some of the important core aspects of SWTOR


1st and foremost; restricting galactic command to a single character negates such a massive part of what makes up SWTOR.

This is not, "like your opinion man"; Legacy has been a huge part of this game since it was promoted right after launch.

We have legacy perks, legacy gear and even legacy banks. Heck, we completed an event based off rolling new characters and completing all the old content.


This leads me to my next point, alts in SWTOR are not just there to complement your main, bio ware has wanted us to reroll new classes in order to experience the storyline over and over again.


The heart of this game is the storyline and this why legacy has been such a big deal.


We finally reached a point in this game where leveling has been streamlined and we can just enjoy the storylines.This has promoted the reroll.




Aside from the RnG being a pain in the neck lol


We finally had a system in place where I could create a new character by the time I reached level, I could use basic comms to pick up a set of comm gear


We went through so many ideas for PvP gear; from battlemaster bags to bolster and even recruit gear, we had the costs reduced for PvP gear to the point where you could get your basic competitive PvP gear right when you hit max level. This is not the case anymore and we are starting at level 70 at GC 1 and no guarantee on gear.



Galactic command can be reasonable, but it should be tied to legacy because being restricted to using one end game character does just make it more work to get gear, it takes away such a large portion of the game. People rushing to level 70 and starting at galactic command level 0 is insane.


Just make these command ranks legacy bound so we are not stuck having to play just one character

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What I personally don't like about Galactic command is that I completed the new expansion in the gear from KotFE and once I finished the expansion I still feel no drive to GRIND out GC points for gear I don't need or use for 11 alts.


Once I get my 11 alts through KotET I will probably grind out GC on my main just to have one fully geared character.

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Oh look another I hate Galactic command thread, one of the other 25 on this topic not good enough?


This was not really supposed to be a "hate" thread, I am simply saying that system now discourages the use of our alts. I find that with the structure of the game a grind like this should be tied to legacy so that we can continue to play the game in the manner it has been geared to since nearly the beginning, which was all about alts and storyline.

even if GC is only available for level 70 characters, at Least when we don't want to play one class we can play another, that variety is positive.


It's been all about story line and at this point most players have more than one character they like to play with.


Legacy and rerolling new characters has always been a selling point and a cool feature for SWTOR and we shouldn't kick that to the wayside in favor of one main.

Edited by kirorx
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