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KotET Question (spoiler)


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I'm on the 2nd Battle of Odessen and I'm wondering: what's ending is fitting for my Sith Assassin:



Senya is "forgiven" on the Alliance with his son (hoping to get a helmet for him), got Lord Dramath on his box in case Valkorion wants to rape my Female Inquisitor, got an alliance with the Sith Empire (The Sith Empress is fascinated with the shock collar on the traitor), excecuted Saresh and leaved SCORPIO to her weird planet... No romance triggered by the way...



What ending will you find fitting? Take the Empire of Zakuul or make the Eternal Fleet a refugee fleet of good will?


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Well, it's entirely up to you, but I'd say take it. My Assassin did, despite having spent the Fallen Empire/Eternal Throne story as the heroic atoner for her dark side behaviour during the original game, on the pragmatic grounds that a) Zakuul has consistently shown itself as being a place that would fall into anarchy *very* fast without strong leadership, and more importantly everything she's seen of the Republic and Empire throughout her life strongly suggests that, while it might not be *nice*, the only *effective* way of keeping Galactic Peace is to stand over them with a big stick (the Eternal Fleet), and respond to any further attempts from either side to get their favourite war starting again with:


*Smack* "I said NO. Bad Galactic Superpower. Naughty! Play nice or I'll send you to Hutta without any supper."


Given that the Inquisitor, if Dark side, almost seems to fall to the Dark out of sheer exasperation and contempt of how stupid everyone else around her or him seems to be, it seemed to fit for the 'reformed' ending to see her take on the mantle of a protective, but stern mother figure for the immature and squabbling galaxy.

Edited by RowanThursday
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