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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You are NOT listening.


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Hi BW.


I just finished watching the live stream, and to my horror it felt like more of a PR stunt than an interaction with viewers.

I distinctly remember seeing people almost SCREAM questions about operations, and you never reacted at ALL.


BW. The core issues as we in our guild see it is:

1. Will there EVER be new operations?

2. Why the random gearing system to make people grind for gear so they can rehash all ready complected ops?

3. Some of the rewards you are giving us a downright worthless. I refer to the jawa stuff, for which there are no relevant vendors. (and no!!! grade 9 stuff does NOT count!!!!)

4. The feedback from community, about the command point system, has been even from announcement, "that is a bad idea!" Why forge ahead, or is it because as the title says: "You are NOT listening"


The next part is my opinion alone. Some may agree, but its not a guild thing.

You had a system 1 year after launch that actually worked. Release a new ops from time to time, to coincide with new story. Specific drops that everybody could plan for and that way get geared, and move on.

Even though people "whined" when ever there was a new level cap, it was just the normal "here we go again" comments. People did it any way.

4 years down the road and you have a system that has seen no new ops for more than a year, even though we have had new story content.

I am sorry to say this, but New flashpoint, and uprisings just don't cut it for raiders. 8 man operations were SWTORs hallmark, and it feels like you are killing it off.


I know that the chances you you actually replying to this is slim, to non existing, but if we (yes i am referring to a multi member guild!), are to stay and grind on, we would appreciate a response.


Yours truly


A 5 year SWTOR veteran.

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No, they are not listening, and they will not listen to this post either. But hey, if you've come this far, you may as well accept the full consequences of the predicament and you shall be set free. The feeling is priceless. And what's more: no monthly sub required.;)
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They will not reply.


They have released no new PVP, PVE (uprisings even on veteran are a joke), nor gsf.

And on the stream they still had the guts to say the response was awesome when this is the worst gearing system they have implemented, and the grind is pointless with no new content for ANY part of the game.


I remember when they said after releasing SoR that they wouldn't go as long as they had without releasing new ops, yet i has been 2 years and nothing..


Seems to me like they just want the game to die out and move on with their lives, only possible explanation i can find to this new system.


It would have been nice(ish) if at least there was new content to grind it with.


The only new thing they have released is the story and while it is pretty good, it has 0 replay value since the only changes are getting 1 or 2 more companions that are just all the same since 4.0 released and they took away the uniqness of them.


GG bioware

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they would be stupid to listen to a few forum criers that don't even remotely represent their playerbase. a more reasonable approach is to gather feedback and metrics from all available sources and to make an objective assessment based on that. usually it will yield very different results then forums might indicate but then again forums are known to have a negative bias in opinions.


i am quite certain that BW uses such a procedure in one form or another. and i am also quite certain that therefore they will feel encouraged to continue changing the game in this direction which again will make people like you cry more.

Edited by TheKilltech
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And they are listening. They want to give gc and rng more time than a week. They said they will listen and raise drop rates for purple items or add in tokens if feedback indicates that this is needed. They want more than a week to dcode this which is fair. We told them uprisings weren't worth it and they are bumping them up nearly double. We asked for double cxp days and they said they'd love to add an even bigger multiplyier. We said it was too much to grind for alts so they are looking into adding legacy boosts for cxp and drop rates. I suspect their hands are tied with ops though.
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I don't know. Multiplayer content is coming next. No story content. Jan-March. However they have yet to say "ops". I guess we will find out new info in Jan.


Note: they said they HOPED they MIGHT have something to say about new group content in January. Maybe. They'll think about it.


They're just stringing us along. They told us last January they 'hoped' they 'might' have something to say about new ops. And nothing. We've seen this before, and we're not fooled this time.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Note: they said they HOPED they MIGHT have something to say about new group content in January. Maybe. They'll think about it.


They're just stringing us along. They told us last January they 'hoped' they 'might' have something to say about new ops. And nothing. We've seen this before, and we're not fooled this time.


Maybe you're right. I don't have much experience with paying attention to what they say and if it comes to pass. I rarely visited the boards before. I just will really hope that they are stringing us along and that group content lovers get what they want when they're promised. I did notice they aren't saying ops so I'll just sit back and watch what happens instead of "white knighting" in their defense.

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In case you haven't figured it out after watching the live stream, once the 5 new Uprisings and Master modes are tuned. We are done. Game is going in maintenance mode. The only thing to keep people playing at that point will be chasing the next turn of the lever for a chance at gear.


I have now gone through six crates in a row. Except for one mod recipe, I have disintegrated every single thing.


This is WAI (working as intended).


Tocinsider that people thought the BDO grind was bad. BW has put all the asian MMOs to shame with this because they even get people to PAY for this grind!

Edited by Wayshuba
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alot of people say in the forums they dont care, dont listen and despise all the pve primadona whining about ops. None of that sentiment ever came from Bioware as far as i know, and I really really hope Bioware do not hate ops moaning. The guys moaning about ops have spent over 2 years hanging on in a herculean act of faith in Bioware, in other games that level of grit and belief would be praised.


I lead a progression team for a number of years (up until end of 3.x), once it was announced that there were no new ops for 4.x an apocaliptic wave of quitting raiders and despirited GM's had big name guilds toppling like dominoes . They were depressed because 3.0 had only 2 raids at the start and a year later at 3.x end there was nothing more and nothing announced next year either. That first wave waited a year, that was showing alot of grit. In what other game would you wait a year for a release. in November (month before 5.0) a second smaller wave (less pve guilds left) of guilds transferred to WoW or just disbanded. Official release said nothing about ops and their hearts couldnt take the despair 2 years hanging in and holding on gone. The guys screaming for new ops now didnt go with the others, have clung on against all hope because they want to believe Bioware didnt want to desert them, still believe Bioware doesnt want to desert them. Thats damn heroic levels of belief in my view ... treat them kindly in the forums.

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In case you haven't figured it out after watching the live stream, once the 5 new Uprisings and Master modes are tuned. We are done. Game is going in maintenance mode. The only thing to keep people playing at that point will be chasing the next turn of the lever for a chance at gear.


I have now gone through six crates in a row. Except for one mod recipe, I have disintegrated every single thing.


This is WAI (working as intended).


Tocinsider that people thought the BDO grind was bad. BW has put all the asian MMOs to shame with this because they even get people to PAY for this grind!


Pfft. They've already started on the next story xpac. They've said as much.

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Pfft. They've already started on the next story xpac. They've said as much.


Yup. And the said we would never go another year without a raid. Dec. 5 was officially two years without one and doesn't appear to be another one on the horizon.


And they also said opening crates was exhilarating.

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the will listen when the sub base drops like brick after the did the "story" no one wants, we want endgame content not Story that we do once and not care about afterwards just like the cutscene they make... I Watch them once and skip threw them since.


Then again maybe they are trying to kill the game, if so this RNG crate crap is great idea,

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