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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ben - "RNG is exciting"


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They clearly don't understand the MMO market...thankfully, I'm confident this games replacement is nearing completion.


Yea Wonder what it is tho?


Really wonder if there will even be another star wars based MMO with MMO's themselves seeming to be trending out...


Oh well..


-my the rng gods smile on you lads.

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That's why they need to put gear back into the bosses and remove RNG.



Or put in something to make the boxes drop quicker on alts. They have solutions, they know there will be some unlucky outliers, simply reversing a decision purely to potentially, since no one really knows yet, satisfy one strand of the player-base when there could be more than adequate solutions that actually make things like this fun? Ok, maybe they should have planned it better and explained their method better, but being reactive and letting us know, way before any of us hit that mark anyway, that's a good thing? I think it is.


There are, as there always have been, significant issues also with group loot on bosses. This isn't the worst solution by any means, it opens the whole game up even more than the previous releases. Have to wait to see what they decide to do.

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if you find RNG exciting, what are you other hobbies?


stamp licking?


I would guess they have a gambling addiction.


Casino addicts blowing away all their money. brink of poverty. That sort of person finds RNG exciting I guess in the long run.

Edited by Quraswren
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You need to calm down, realise its a game, an entertainment and stop calling for people to lose their livelihoods. Look at yourself for a moment.


it is entertainment. this is like if the disney princesses were to flip off the kids and tell them to f themselves. That would go over like a fart in church.

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Just a thought. Ever consider that they do not care because EA has handed down a shutter date and they were told to milk as much from those left as possible? It certainly seems to bear the hallmarks of an EA tactic.



Yes, yes, we get it;


Everything bad = because of EA

Everything good = because of Bioware

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I agree. In any business run in a rational way around the world, if you are so bad at your job that you drive droves of customers away by your actions, you end up demoted or fired. Businesses do not like losing paying customers. Businesses like to make profits. No paying customers, no profits.


Ben deserves to lose his job over this. I'm not saying he's a terrible person, I don't hate him and I don't wish him any personal harm, but he is terrible at his job and should face the consequences of driving paying customers away from EAWare en masse.


Just a fairly basic principle of being a decent human being and acting with dignity.. I know its the internet and all, but asking for people to be fired is no way to act over a game, you (none of us) know or understand the internal and background efforts and situations that are dealt with on a daily basis.


Ok, yes, their performance in their roles might affect your potential enjoyment of some product. These guys, much as anyone else in employment, will be judged on their performance in their role, not some customer's perception of their role, and that is carried out by the people who gave them those actual tasks, their employer. Do you know what those tasks are? To be clear <<< that's rhetorical. the answer is no. Only the people involved know.


Furthermore, calling for people to be fired basically allows "them" to ignore any valid points you might have. You do see that, right?

Edited by leehambly
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Just a fairly basic principle of being a decent human being and acting with dignity.. I know its the internet and all, but asking for people to be fired is no way to act over a game, you (none of us) know or understand the internal and background efforts and situations that are dealt with on a daily basis.


Ok, yes, their performance in their roles might affect your potential enjoyment of some product. These guys, much as anyone else in employment, will be judged on their performance in their role, not some customer's perception of their role, and that is carried out by the people who gave them those actual tasks, their employer. Do you know what those tasks are? To be clear <<< that's rhetorical. the answer is no. Only the people involved know.


Furthermore, calling for people to be fired basically allows "them" to ignore any valid points you might have. You do see that, right?


When the customer's perception of your product and your performance in your job position affects whether they will spend money on your company's product or not, then YES, employees of businesses will in fact be judged by the customer's perception and not by some nebulous internal opinions. Like I said, businesses like to make profits. If customers leave, they don't get as much profit, or may start even losing money. It's simple math and Economics 101.


Also, what I said was that he deserved to be fired. I'm not putting up some petition demanding he be fired. I'm giving my perception of his (lack of) ability to do his job.

Edited by AscendingSky
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When the customer's perception of your product and your performance in your job position affects whether they will spend money on your company's product or not, then YES, employees of businesses will in fact be judged by the customer's perception and not by some nebulous internal opinions. Like I said, businesses like to make profits. If customers leave, they don't get as much profit, or may start even losing money. It's simple math and Economics 101.


Also, what I said was that he deserved to be fired. I'm not putting up some petition demanding he be fired. I'm giving my perception of his (lack of) ability to do his job.


You are conflating the company and these individuals. You do not know how they perform in the tasks they are given, you don't know the tasks. Of course, ultimately any company in itself is judged by its customers. But you have no idea or understanding or insight as to these individuals and their actual roles, you are just making assumptions. You see at most, maybe 1% of their week.

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You are conflating the company and these individuals. You do not know how they perform in the tasks they are given, you don't know the tasks. Of course, ultimately any company in itself is judged by its customers. But you have no idea or understanding or insight as to these individuals and their actual roles, you are just making assumptions. You see at most, maybe 1% of their week.



Exactly. He may be on orders to say that the RNG is exciting and to push that. If that is the case, then replacing Ben with another puppet will not change anything. Now if that is his actual opinion and he is pushing that RNG is actually exciting then he has no business being in that position as that is an utterly clueless statement and no one representing your game to your fans should ever appear that clueless.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Exactly. He may be on orders to say that the RNG is exciting and to push that. If that is the case, then replacing Ben with another puppet will not change anything. Now if that is his actual opinion and he is pushing that RNG is actually exciting then he has no business being in that position as that is an utterly clueless statement and no one representing your game to your fans should ever appear that clueless.


that could be a reading, yeah...we could all make up anything, since we don't actually know.

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Exactly. He may be on orders to say that the RNG is exciting and to push that. If that is the case, then replacing Ben with another puppet will not change anything. Now if that is his actual opinion and he is pushing that RNG is actually exciting then he has no business being in that position as that is an utterly clueless statement and no one representing your game to your fans should ever appear that clueless.


From what I have been given to understand, from their past livestreams and interviews they've given to gaming websites, this whole RNG system is Ben's (and maybe Charles') baby. I think he honestly believes this is a great idea.


Now, you're right, maybe it isn't Ben, maybe it's someone else. My reaction is the same. When it comes right down to it, SOMEONE had to think this was a great idea, and has to be willingly ignoring all evidence to the contrary because they refuse to admit they made a huge mistake. Whoever that person was? Deserves to be fired.

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Exactly. He may be on orders to say that the RNG is exciting and to push that. If that is the case, then replacing Ben with another puppet will not change anything. Now if that is his actual opinion and he is pushing that RNG is actually exciting then he has no business being in that position as that is an utterly clueless statement and no one representing your game to your fans should ever appear that clueless.


Given he's the producer, he gives the orders on the game

He would have signed the RNG off

He'll have to explain to EA why it failed


He probably will lose his job when the game goes pop.


Which is a shame as he seems like a likeable guy.


Just utterly clueless

Edited by ScottishDrunk
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I think if it ever gets to a point where they don't face their customers, like they are doing each and every week at the moment, especially given some of the history between the community-team/developers/producer and "various subsets of the customers" (which to be honest gave them every right to not be anywhere near as open as they are) THEN we might be in trouble.


While they are talking, they are also listening - whether they are listening as much to your specific concerns as much as you would necessarily like is another thing, but while they keep showing up then they are on the right side of any imaginary line that might signify anything, for me.

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I almost puked on my keyboard when he said that. The main problem here is that most players will just quit. We will all complain for like a week or so but then people will just quit.


This happened with F2P when they decided to introduce their garbage gambling packs. People complained, they ignore them and then there was a MASS exodus.


Same with dyes, etc. Etc.

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I almost puked on my keyboard when he said that. The main problem here is that most players will just quit. We will all complain for like a week or so but then people will just quit.


This happened with F2P when they decided to introduce their garbage gambling packs. People complained, they ignore them and then there was a MASS exodus.


Same with dyes, etc. Etc.


You are still here. So it can't be too bad.

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You need to calm down, realise its a game, an entertainment and stop calling for people to lose their livelihoods. Look at yourself for a moment.


Football's just a game. Soccer's just a game. Go ahead and change the game to some sort of arbitrary RNG scoring and see what happens. I'm sure telling the angry fans to calm down and realize it's just a game will help settle things down.

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To Ben and Whomever it May Concern,


You're a damn fool if you think RNG is exciting in a game.


So glad I quit my subscription. If you continue with this crap fest "play as we intend you to play" attitude, you won't have to worry about server mergers as no one will be playing... not even the Chinese credit farmers, since no one will be playing.


Whomever thought up this is one dumb gamer... or maybe that's the problem, they aren't a gamer, but a numbskull accountant that thinks they can fool players into playing a game that stinks.


Good Luck Fools... Thanks for the live stream today. You've given me good reason to not waste time with your game OR give you money anymore.

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You actually said this on the stream


80-90% (I'm feeling generous) of the time people open a box they get junk that they scrap


That's not exciting, it's dissappointing.


You are making your players dissappointed 80-905 of the time.


You utterly missed the point of what chat was saying about RNG, and cherry picked question about changes to it, ignoring the calls for removal


Are you so fond of your baby that you can see no evil in it?


Is pride blinding your judgement?


Yeah i think Ben should be paid by a coin Toss. Like EA flips a coin - it's heads - Looks like you don't get money this month Ben.

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