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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ben - "RNG is exciting"


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RNG is exciting in the same way that opening a Christmas from your Aunt is exciting.....


It might be socks,

It might be an ugly sweater,

It might be underwear.


You're just hoping for the least worst option and you're excited to get socks because at least it's underwear.


strangely, those three items would be preferable to the last three things RNG gave me in a Command pack.

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You need to calm down, realise its a game, an entertainment and stop calling for people to lose their livelihoods. Look at yourself for a moment.

I'm a HUGE Packers fan...I've been calling for Dom Capers head for 3 years now...that's just a game too right? Football is just entertainment as well? Whatever your entertainment may be, it's ok to be passionate about it.

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