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How much have you lost from rollbacks?


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Well ladies and gentlemen, since we are obviously not going to get anything back from the two rollbacks that afflicted our server, i think it would be a nice idea to vent some anger and frustration by just posting everything you lost, and laugh and point those who lost more than you did, and overall, have a good time.


Well, since im the one posting this thread, i should be the first one to post what i lost:


-10+ Mil creds (when i went to sleep i have more than 80 succesfull gtn sales, when i woke up it went down to 10, at least this time the items i put on the gtn are still there, sadly someone already undercut me)


-3-4 gc ranks, along with 2 nonset pieces, and 4 schematics.


-Bionalysis, first time it went from 300 to 84, and now from 600 to 300.


-Conquest and wzs quest progress, 10kish conquest points and 5-6 wzs wins.


I would count myself among the lucky few who didnt lose much, if it wasnt for the fact that i lost more than 6-7 hours that i spent on grinding, and that im not a gtn god that makes 10 mil creds every 2 hours, to me 10 mil is half of the maximun i ever had (not to mention that now with the inflation is almost impossible for someone like me to actually go and buy the sets from the new pack)

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300-400 crafting levels between alts, 8 command ranks between alts, about 4mil creds and lost a lot of patience with the game. Also a few high priced decos I had purchased, they're gone too. They must be legitimately trying to kill the game at this point by getting subs to leave, I don't know.
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300-400 crafting levels between alts, 8 command ranks between alts, about 4mil creds and lost a lot of patience with the game. Also a few high priced decos I had purchased, they're gone too. They must be legitimately trying to kill the game at this point by getting subs to leave, I don't know.


Damn thats bad, mostly the gc ranks...tho i havent seen this kind of thing happen before, i know that around mid 2015 the server had the same problem, and we still dont have an official reason as to why these 2 rollbacks happen at all...lets hope we dont get anymore rollbacks lol

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In true fashion I centered a binge play session during the rollback period. I got caught up in the narrative and by the time I looked at the clock it was 3 am and I said fk it and continued to 6.


Logged in and I was right back before I started my session altogether it was like I perfectly timed it. All in all just lost quite a few hours of gameplay only benefit is that I know a decision I made is going to piss Koth right the **** off.


Now I have the post loss depression and also second guessing my canon decisions for this character knowing the outcome. Tangible losses was 1 of the crate rolls actually had a decent offhand in it and couldn't have made more than 700k cred, also lost a cool looking appearance robe top and bottom from the command crates.

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Went to bastion can't warzone and solo not on any toon not using galactic command but really, my lag is higher but I have no problem moving around or playing. Spam bots are the only things that post except on a few planets. All we need is 1 or 2 guilds who want to play an you would get top 10 on all planets plus I have my stronghold so I didn't lose it I just activated it, however no cheats and no exploiters are wanted or welcomed. Don't be coming back in massive force since you left the game is playable. I just want a few more people to warzone with. Or play follow the bonus.
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How many of you were exploiting and that is why you we rolled back on your game play. Rewards or benefits gain by doing the wrong thing are taken away. Now some who didn't have a case for bioware however while the exploiter cheaters and the lag and the people going to harbinger because everywhere else is dead. Just going to kill harbinger.
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i was doing story line 4.0 and got 100% of it gone 6+ hrs of gaming + all my GTN items and all my mail

and was knocked back to 9 CP after earning up to a wopping 11cp total so why was i hit by the roll back im still wondering that and Bio ware has not said ship yet

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It happened to me twice. I don't really want to play anymore, everyone time i do anything it gets rolled back. millions in gear gone, now all of the prices are different, tons of crafted materials gone, gc rank reduced and gear from it gone. There hasn't been a response yet. I knew it was waste for me to resubscribe to this game. To lose hours of progress is a massive bug for a game. They immediately stopped the presses to stop people from leveling their galactic farm rank but it has been days and still no response on this issue...Its pretty ridiculous.
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This game takes minimal effort to accumulate credits, level and to obtain crappy gear. If a small rollback has become a hindrance to you, play a crappy console game and not a MMO.


Easy or not, time is time, losing 1 or 2 230 pieces is not so bad (in fact i lost like 3, but it took me a while to notice xD), the problem is losing those hours if you where playing, in my case i played for the straight 6ish hours of rollback, meaning that i actually "didnt play" at all...and well..not everyone has the same credit making skills as you may have, it took me years to finally learn a way to make 15-20 mil a day with the gtn, and i mostly avoid it because i would have to grind over and over to make that money xD.

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Everyone who is hit with a roll back, if the entire server was hit. That would mean something happened to the information and it resettled back to last safe saved. But if one or two people are not affected or are affected, what are you doing, what are you grinding, what are you losing. Are you playing the games as you are supposed to or are you exploiting the game and running missions like ops to dread palace and only spending an hour fighting bestie and leaving.
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Everyone who is hit with a roll back, if the entire server was hit. That would mean something happened to the information and it resettled back to last safe saved. But if one or two people are not affected or are affected, what are you doing, what are you grinding, what are you losing. Are you playing the games as you are supposed to or are you exploiting the game and running missions like ops to dread palace and only spending an hour fighting bestie and leaving.


Im actually having a hard time understanding whay your posts are about, are you...idk, calling everyone who lost something exploiters?


Also, i dont know much about the bestia farm as i havent done it, but i hardly think that it is an exploit, i mean, everyone on general chat tries to get a group to farm Bestia, and if it is an exploit bw would have to ban like, half the server or something...and exploiters usually try not to...you know...let everyone know that they are exploiting lol

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Pretty much, falls under two things, they are rolling back what everyone is doing because your breaking the galactic command points rules or it's the volume of people on the server. So it's either everyone is getting rolled back and it's the number of people on the server, or it's a large selection of people but not everyone, that is from exploiting.


Basically I moved from harbinger before the roll backs, my only toon there is basically there for chat and for stronghold in case something happens and I lost it. On bastion there are a few people nothing that pops for groups but really if your getting roll backs from the server usage, basically might as well use the 90 cc and leave for a different server. Exploiting or not if it's the server population size, it's not going to stop.

Edited by WilliamBeckket
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Pretty much, falls under two things, they are rolling back what everyone is doing because your breaking the galactic command points rules or it's the volume of people on the server. So it's either everyone is getting rolled back and it's the number of people on the server, or it's a large selection of people but not everyone, that is from exploiting.


Basically I moved from harbinger before the roll backs, my only toon there is basically there for chat and for stronghold in case something happens and I lost it. On bastion there are a few people nothing that pops for groups but really if your getting roll backs from the server usage, basically might as well use the 90 cc and leave for a different server. Exploiting or not if it's the server population size, it's not going to stop.


Dunno, i mean, the server has a big pop (by swtor standars), but it shouldnt be enough to cause a server crash..and i think the exploit from the GC was already fixed, and those who used it punished, unless there is another exploit going around..at least this time they got the exploiters faster than other times..

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