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CXP Booster are a scam


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It's flat out P2W. It's also flat out *really bad* P2W, as in you'd have to be really stupid or really rich (not mutually exclusive) to P 2 W with this scheme. And I do mean 'scheme" as in "scam" (so as to keep on point with the OP), especially with the 10>1 CXP nerf (making CXP boosters give +0 XP).


I guess that makes it more like P2L, which is pretty much what a sub is now...

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We can all do the math. 1x0.25 is rounded down to 1. Heroics will be ripping you off. For that fact I refuse to spend my monthly allowance on that, that and they're expensive. 25% is not a lot and the crates you receive may not have what you want/need. (yes I know, I don't think BW smells of roses and that's shocking to some. I had unsubbed for a time and I usually trust that people are telling me the truth until they prove otherwise. I'm finally losing my optimism. I don't mind GC, or RNG crates, but I think some adjustments are definitely, urgently needed. )
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In fact, the way it is now, should be for F2P where they have passes that they can buy. Subs should have a 25% or 50% boost automatically applied with a 10% higher chance of dropping the good stuff at every level.


^ Thank you! This is a system made for Preferred, and is like low schematic chance or less XP, few companions working on crew skills, we should be getting the subscriber boost- not the F2P grind.

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This reaction is exactly why I posted this. If your not happy with your situation, work harder and spend more money on it. In trying to defend BW and the RNG gearing system, you just clarified why I've declared this as a SCAM, in your own words.


That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

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Most MMO publishers (there are some noble exceptions) have been pulling this sort of scam for years now - pacing progression in such a way that customers are tempted to purchase a shortcut. It's hardly new.


So on that basis why on earth are so many here on this thread wailing & crying "oh woe is me" at the horror that Bioware & EA are doing the same? Either accept the game, warts and all or just give up, leave and go and play something where the "Store" doesn't feature in core gameplay. Simples when you think about it.


The difference is that we are *already paying for the content* with our subscriptions! Selling boosts for subscription-only content is *sleazy*.

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The difference is that we are *already paying for the content* with our subscriptions! Selling boosts for subscription-only content is *sleazy*.


Maybe they are planning to do away with the sub model finally? All this seems to be the direction they are heading.

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Maybe they are planning to do away with the sub model finally? All this seems to be the direction they are heading.


Hm? With the name change, gated content and widescale pass retirement, it seems they're making the subscription model stronger not weaker.

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I bought a stack of these CXP boosts in a moment of weakness and I wish I hadn't wasted the CCs. The boost is marginal at best and really not worth the money.


This is not a game breaker.


It's not weakness. You merely saw something you wanted and took it, consequences be damned. That is strength of conviction.

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It's not really a scam, unless the boost is not lasting for the full amount of time or giving you the correct amount of boost. As long as it is doing both of those things its giving you everything promised.


It is particularly distasteful though, to sell an increase in cxp points mere days after nerfing the legitimate gaining of points through heroic mobs because some people were gaining ranks at a faster rate than they wanted.

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The boosters, in a literal sense, are not a scam.


The scam is paying for a sub, and thinking you have the same opportunities for end game progression as everyone else. The scam, is the pretense that SWTOR is a game of equals, when one group of people is automatically 25% better than the rest of the subscribers.


This system has about as much integrity as a mobile game.

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The boosters, in a literal sense, are not a scam.


The scam is paying for a sub, and thinking you have the same opportunities for end game progression as everyone else. The scam, is the pretense that SWTOR is a game of equals, when one group of people is automatically 25% better than the rest of the subscribers.


This system has about as much integrity as a mobile game.


Are you for real, man?


Everybody who subs can get the same gear. And the boosts don't do anything to help the roll. Nice try, but nothing extra is being put into anyone's hands (or cargo holds) with these.

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Oh, they're totally a scam. But not the P2W type of scam.


An item that rewarded you with a concrete chance of rewards -- like a bonus to data crystals earned when that was the system -- would be P2W.


This? This is pay to gamble. Some people (who oddly enough, can't actually back up their lies with screenshots) are claiming to have full sets of 230 gear by CR 8 and other such flat out lies. But most of us have yet to see a single piece of Set gear, and mostly one piece of 230 trash that doesn't even match up to my augmented gear from pre 5.0.


Subs get 600 CC (or 500 +100 for security key) so they can buy three of these useless trinkets and more rapidly acquire useless pets , decorations, companion gifts and green trash gear.


I personally think its hilarious.

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Are you for real, man?


Everybody who subs can get the same gear. And the boosts don't do anything to help the roll. Nice try, but nothing extra is being put into anyone's hands (or cargo holds) with these.


I'd say that 25% more isn't "nothing extra" but I know, maths iz hrd.

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Then I suggest you go challenge yourself to mow more lawns so you can afford the booster to get the gear for the activities that are such an integral part of your gameplay experience. More drive, less cruise control.


hmm...so if anyone has an opinion that is different than your own, then they are the ones that need to change...fascinating....a bit too introverted for my liking, but hey it's your world you go on keeping on.....the rest of us will gladly welcome you into reality when you decide to leave that little bubble you call life...

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hmm...so if anyone has an opinion that is different than your own, then they are the ones that need to change...fascinating....a bit too introverted for my liking, but hey it's your world you go on keeping on.....the rest of us will gladly welcome you into reality when you decide to leave that little bubble you call life...


I have a tendency to put people like that on ignore.


If a person posting


a) is always rude, yet claims anyone acting rude towards him or her is 'immature'

b) never can actually provide a reasonable answer to any challenges to their ideas but claims others are 'trolling'

c) has a long posting history of never , ever criticizing anything BW has done


There is no point engaging in conversation with them.

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In fact, the way it is now, should be for F2P where they have passes that they can buy. Subs should have a 25% or 50% boost automatically applied with a 10% higher chance of dropping the good stuff at every level.


See, that system, I could get behind. Where subscribers automatically got the CXP boost and a better chance at gear because they were already paying money into the system, and people who were not paying into the system already would have to purchase boosters to temporarily get the same boost as subscribers.


That is a system that rewards subscribers and encourages F2P/Preferred players to subscribe, rather than one that gives us the RNG grind of F2P Asian MMOs and makes us pay a monthly fee for the privilege of rolling a die over and over only to get absolute garbage 95% of the time.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Funny. I had The 230 Eternal commander helm, chest and boots along with the schematic for the boots by command rank 9. I must be favored greatly. :o


You obviously have a golden horse shoe up your ***, bcuz this is not the experience of most. Most are getting maybe one set bonus piece by 15-20.

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