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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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Don't worry, were almost at 1k posts then the most important aspect of this thread, like all threads, will be gone.

Doubt it. It went in circles so many times by now that I'm sure it's capable of 10-12 pages more.


Somebody else will get angry at OP, and somebody else will get confused to jump in and agree with it. Not like Aowin is about to give up. That's what MLG pro trolling looks like :p

Edited by Frenesi
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Doubt it. It went in circles so many times by now that I'm sure it's capable of 10-12 pages more.


Somebody else will get angry at OP, and somebody else will get confused to jump in and agree with it. Not like Aowin is about to give up. That's what MLG pro trolling looks like :p


Never said this this thread was going to die, but just that the best aspect will be gone in a little while....


I better not wake up now and find crazy CT sniping the 1000th post again..... Took me a fortunate server merge to get me the 2000th spot in that infamous game is dying thread....


PS: Are you on Harb? That name looks awfully familiar ...

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Never said this this thread was going to die, but just that the best aspect will be gone in a little while....


I better not wake up now and find crazy CT sniping the 1000th post again..... Took me a fortunate server merge to get me the 2000th spot in that infamous game is dying thread....


PS: Are you on Harb? That name looks awfully familiar ...


Do you get a cookie for the 1000th post?

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Has it occured to you that some of our views might well be the reason why they will be making some tweaks?


Unless you work for BWA, you actually have no idea what views they share with whom. You are continuously dishonest with your commentaries by acting like you know what they want and think ...considering your signature that dishonestly seems rather hypocritical.


None of your views are affecting any of the immediate updates with Galactic Command. The only tweaks BioWare is making thus far are increasing the CXP gain in uprisings and flashpoints as well as increasing CXP gain from golds to 2 CXP. Otherwise, the system remains as is. BioWare has repeated multiple times that it will not make any changes in terms of how Galactic Command works until the system has been in place for a longer period of time (months based on Ben's remarks). Again, BioWare is going to monitor the situation and then it will determine what exactly should happen, if anything.


I don't need to assume what BioWare wants. It's rather explicit from every single Producer Live Stream what BioWare's goals are. BioWare isn't hiding anything. Everything you need to know is there if you actually listen.

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None of your views are affecting any of the immediate updates with Galactic Command. The only tweaks BioWare is making thus far are increasing the CXP gain in uprisings and flashpoints as well as increasing CXP gain from golds to 2 CXP. Otherwise, the system remains as is. BioWare has repeated multiple times that it will not make any changes in terms of how Galactic Command works until the system has been in place for a longer period of time (months based on Ben's remarks). Again, BioWare is going to monitor the situation and then it will determine what exactly should happen, if anything.


I don't need to assume what BioWare wants. It's rather explicit from every single Producer Live Stream what BioWare's goals are. BioWare isn't hiding anything. Everything you need to know is there if you actually listen.

lol there you go again. we keep saying it's not the Galactic Command that is the issue here, it's the Crate RNG that's pissing people off. especially the aspect where it makes people unequal based on nothing else but LUCK that one really stinks the most.

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Red eclipse. And none of my chars are named that way :p




One of these days im going to find out that one of my forum combatants or forum goers are going to be one of my guildies or friends... unfortunately.. that isn't today.


Do you get a cookie for the 1000th post?


Ill let you know when I get it.

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lol there you go again. we keep saying it's not the Galactic Command that is the issue here, it's the Crate RNG that's pissing people off. especially the aspect where it makes people unequal based on nothing else but LUCK that one really stinks the most.

I admire your patience to teach someone something over and over who already knows it and wont admit cos of reasons.

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lol there you go again. we keep saying it's not the Galactic Command that is the issue here, it's the Crate RNG that's pissing people off. especially the aspect where it makes people unequal based on nothing else but LUCK that one really stinks the most.


When I refer to "Galactic Command," I'm also including the RNG component. RNG is not changing either and won't be for the foreseeable future, which will be quite a few months according to Ben. I am quite aware what your issue with the system is, even if you continue to suggest otherwise. Again, you can complain as much as you want. BioWare is not changing course and it won't change course until months of data has been accumulated and the team decides what to do next. That could work in your favor or it could work against you. We will know in a few months, assuming you are still here.

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When I refer to "Galactic Command," I'm also including the RNG component. RNG is not changing either and won't be for the foreseeable future, which will be quite a few months according to Ben. I am quite aware what your issue with the system is, even if you continue to suggest otherwise. Again, you can complain as much as you want. BioWare is not changing course and it won't change course until months of data has been accumulated and the team decides what to do next. That could work in your favor or it could work against you. We will know in a few months, assuming you are still here.

well since i didn't vanish in the last 5 years i'm unlikely to vanish now, but that really depends on how much of grinding same old content me and my friends can take. i'm not really complaining either. i'm venting my frustration =) 49 boxes = exactly one upgrade. i'm pretty sure even you can understand how this would annoying / frustrating / irritating and also very lame because seriously. LUCK as key factor? 0.o that just doesn't even sound logical. like.... AT ALL :eek::eek:

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When I refer to "Galactic Command," I'm also including the RNG component. RNG is not changing either and won't be for the foreseeable future, which will be quite a few months according to Ben. I am quite aware what your issue with the system is, even if you continue to suggest otherwise. Again, you can complain as much as you want. BioWare is not changing course and it won't change course until months of data has been accumulated and the team decides what to do next. That could work in your favor or it could work against you. We will know in a few months, assuming you are still here.


Yup because Bioware has their own "metrics" as we have seen in past. Would be interesting to see how many will be playing this game in next coming months. I can already see huge drop around end of january. Cartel Packs are not selling well and prices dropping. The casuals who just play and dont care about gearing are not target people who will buy CM items. Hence when CM income drops drastically then we know Bioware is in serious trouble because subs are not holding to keep this game going.

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i mean .. in THEORY this is NOT a bad system, not really. but it needs new content to work well. because any grind is painful. but grind based on 2-5 year old content? now that's just retarded lol. i wouldn't mind doing it while having a new planet to explore, a new w/z map to learn, some flashpoints of not a raid.... as it is though, it's really not interesting at all. at least not to the population of this game that have already finished this all stuff several times over. so i don't see some minor increase in CXP rate as a good way to solve it, though it is a good step in necessary direction lol:D

P.S.: yay first post on page #100 :D:D

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well since i didn't vanish in the last 5 years i'm unlikely to vanish now, but that really depends on how much of grinding same old content me and my friends can take. i'm not really complaining either. i'm venting my frustration =) 49 boxes = exactly one upgrade. i'm pretty sure even you can understand how this would annoying / frustrating / irritating and also very lame because seriously. LUCK as key factor? 0.o that just doesn't even sound logical. like.... AT ALL :eek::eek:


For the record, I've also opened 49 command crates and have only received one set piece thus far. Would I like more? Of course. Is it ruining my game experience? No, not at all. I can only speak for myself, but I do not play SWTOR to constantly worry about gear. Obtaining the top tier gear will come in time as it always does. I play SWTOR to enjoy myself. Whether that's doing PvP, flashpoints, selling items on the GTN, or something else, that's what keeps my interest in the game. When I do happen to get something useful in a command crate, it's that much more meaningful.

Edited by Aowin
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For the record, I've also opened 49 command crates and have only received one set piece thus far. Would I like more? Of course. Is it ruining my game experience? No, not at all. I can only speak for myself, but I do not play SWTOR to constantly worry about gear. Obtaining the top tier gear will come in time as it always does. I play SWTOR to enjoy myself. Whether that's doing PvP, flashpoints, selling items on the GTN, or something else, that's what keeps my interest in the game. When I do happen to get something useful in a command crate, it's that more meaningful.


that's EXACTLY what i'm talking about htough. for me personally this component that keeps my interest is MISSING. why?... because i'm a RAIDER.

i might enjoy doing a bit of PvP now and then, or a few fps. but right now it's like this: you have to do stuff all the time or you don't get any CXP... and all that stuff to do is OLD and done 40 times+

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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Yup because Bioware has their own "metrics" as we have seen in past. Would be interesting to see how many will be playing this game in next coming months. I can already see huge drop around end of january. Cartel Packs are not selling well and prices dropping. The casuals who just play and dont care about gearing are not target people who will buy CM items. Hence when CM income drops drastically then we know Bioware is in serious trouble because subs are not holding to keep this game going.


Nothing but speculation. SWTOR is a F2P MMO with a premium membership (subscription) option. Lets assume you are correct and a majority of players were to unsubscribe (not happening, but lets go with it). BioWare reels in plenty of revenue from F2P folks who go preferred when they spend money via the CM to either unlock or get additional benefits for their account. Subscribers are a piece of the pie, but not the entire experience.


SWTOR has not be a purely subscription-based MMO late 2012. I wouldn't be surprised if most players who spend money on the CM just buy packs to put them on the GTN and make credits. I doubt any of those players would likely leave as they have too much fun over-inflating prices on the auction house and making a killing.

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None of your views are affecting any of the immediate updates with Galactic Command. The only tweaks BioWare is making thus far are increasing the CXP gain in uprisings and flashpoints as well as increasing CXP gain from golds to 2 CXP. Otherwise, the system remains as is. BioWare has repeated multiple times that it will not make any changes in terms of how Galactic Command works until the system has been in place for a longer period of time (months based on Ben's remarks). Again, BioWare is going to monitor the situation and then it will determine what exactly should happen, if anything.


I don't need to assume what BioWare wants. It's rather explicit from every single Producer Live Stream what BioWare's goals are. BioWare isn't hiding anything. Everything you need to know is there if you actually listen.


Not sure if it's arrogance or if your'e just simply delusional that you actually think you can know someone else's mind but it's really just amazing that you are that far removed from reality. You have no choice but to assume what they want because you cannot know. No one can, unless you are actually part of the team making the decisions. Insisting that you can have such knowledge is just preposterous.


But I'll humour you and give you a couple of quotes from the transcript on dulfy.net to let you know what I am referring to and you seem to want to ignore next to everything else that doesn't seem to fit your views.


Future updates will try to address the concrete goals in Galactic Command – like giving you the option to work on a specific gear but nothing specific yet.


Nothing specific planned for alt characters, we are looking at options like legacy perks to make it more alt friendly.


Now, these are two examples of what I mean when I talk about them listening to other views.


Do with it what you want but those are definitely signs they are willing to take a few steps away from the current total RNG and accomodate players such as myself. I will resub if they do something that I find reasonable. It's up to them whether that will be next month in 6 months or 2 years.

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Nothing but speculation. SWTOR is a F2P MMO with a premium membership (subscription) option. Lets assume you are correct and a majority of players were to unsubscribe (not happening, but lets go with it). BioWare reels in plenty of revenue from F2P folks who go preferred when they spend money via the CM to either unlock or get additional benefits for their account. Subscribers are a piece of the pie, but not the entire experience.


SWTOR has not be a purely subscription-based MMO late 2012. I wouldn't be surprised if most players who spend money on the CM just buy packs to put them on the GTN and make credits. I doubt any of those players would likely leave as they have too much fun over-inflating prices on the auction house and making a killing.


yeah, but those f2p folks can't reach cap level and GC is not available to them. soooo ain't that a fail for hte system? 0.o

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that's EXACTLY what i'm talking about htough. for me personally this component that keeps my interest is MISSING. why?... because i'm a RAIDER.

i might enjoy doing a bit of PvP now and then, or a few fps. but right now it's like this: you have to do stuff all the time or you don't get any CXP... and all that stuff to do is OLD and done 40 times+


I wouldn't say you are a "raider" as much as someone who is only interested in doing Master Operations and believes they need the best gear to do so. If you were just a raider, you'd be happy to do the nine operations in the game on story mode and veteran mode. That is obviously not a good description of what you are.


I've already heard various scenarios of players actually being able to kill master operation bosses in their current gear. It's not as if you need the higher tier gear sets, you just want it. I'll use Hard Mode Blood Hunt as an example. During the DvL event, I was able to tank the flashpoint with ease using 208 gear and augments.


Many "raiders" or "expert PvEers" will claim you could only do Hard Mode Blood Hunt if you had 220 gear or 224 gear, otherwise it's impossible. In fact, I actually had trouble initially getting a group because players claimed my gear wasn't good enough. Obviously, that was not the case. Having 220 gear or 224 gear would have certainly made the experience easier, but it wasn't at all necessary if you possess a certain level of skill, competency, and know the mechanics of each encounter.


The same applies to operations, as there were those who were able to complete Nightmare Explosive Conflict in entirely Rakata gear when it first released while others had to get the new Conquest gear in order to compensate for their lack of skill and ability.


I'm not suggesting you aren't good at your class and I'm not suggesting you don't know all the mechanics of these operations. However, I do believe you will likely agree that having BiS gear is a luxury more than it is a necessity.

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Not sure if it's arrogance or if your'e just simply delusional that you actually think you can know someone else's mind but it's really just amazing that you are that far removed from reality. You have no choice but to assume what they want because you cannot know. No one can, unless you are actually part of the team making the decisions. Insisting that you can have such knowledge is just preposterous.


But I'll humour you and give you a couple of quotes from the transcript on dulfy.net to let you know what I am referring to and you seem to want to ignore next to everything else that doesn't seem to fit your views.


Future updates will try to address the concrete goals in Galactic Command – like giving you the option to work on a specific gear but nothing specific yet.


Nothing specific planned for alt characters, we are looking at options like legacy perks to make it more alt friendly.


Now, these are two examples of what I mean when I talk about them listening to other views.


Do with it what you want but those are definitely signs they are willing to take a few steps away from the current total RNG and accomodate players such as myself. I will resub if they do something that I find reasonable. It's up to them whether that will be next month in 6 months or 2 years.


I'm just going to assume you don't listen to the Producer Live Streams. The team was talking about doing these "adjustments" before 5.0 even launched. They were well aware of potential pitfalls and were considering these changes well before your "feedback." Again, this is a system BioWare has been working on for many months. No, you have not had an actual impact on anything BioWare is doing thus far.

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yeah, but those f2p folks can't reach cap level and GC is not available to them. soooo ain't that a fail for hte system? 0.o


GC is incentive for them to subscribe, which they will or will not. That is entirely up to those players.

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