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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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RNG is here for one simple reason, to slow progression. Read that over a few more times as I have stated this in many posts throughout this thread's life. RNG is here for one simple reason, to slow progression. You cannot deny that RNG is not achieving what it was created to do quite effectively. Whether you like it or not is an entirely different issue.


So it's taken you 90 pages to state the obvious? Of course it slows progresion. But it's not perfect for SWTOR. Read that a few more times. In fact, read almost everyones post because almost everyone disagrees with you.


Each and every one of your points have been looked at and pretty much invalidated. Almost nobody agrees with you.

Edited by DarthWoad
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So it's taken you 90 pages to state the obvious? Of course it slows progresion. But it's not perfect for SWTOR. Read that a few more times. In fact, read almost everyones post because almost everyone disagrees with you.


Each and every one of your points have been looked at and pretty much invalidated. Almost nobody agrees with you.


Apparently it's impossible for him to conceive that there are other ways to slow progress outside of RNG.


Also it doesn't slow progress for everybody, some get lucky and their progress can be quite fast. So aside from slowing down most people it actually creates a gear inequality. That's the part that makes RNG a bad proposition in my book.


But he doesn't seem to be interested in a reasonable conversation anyway.

Edited by Tsillah
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Apparently it's impossible for him to conceive that there are other ways to slow progress outside of progress.


Also it doesn't slow progress for everybody, some get lucky and their progress can be quite fast. So aside from slowing down most people it actually creates a gear inequality. That's the part that makes RNG a bad proposition in my book.


But he doesn't seem to be interested in a reasonable conversation anyway.


Yup. He will either redirect you to something else not related with issue or ignore you since you made valid point. And the cycle will continue as long we post here.

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RNG is here for one simple reason, to slow progression. Read that over a few more times as I have stated this in many posts throughout this thread's life. RNG is here for one simple reason, to slow progression. You cannot deny that RNG is not achieving what it was created to do quite effectively. Whether you like it or not is an entirely different issue.


Apparently slowing down the ability to defeat three-year-old content is what this community has so desperately needed.

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i feel i've spent so many braincells trying to make him understand out point of view that i'm not stopping half-way... though it might be an unobtainable goal though:eek::eek:


Give up now. He does not want to understand.


Can't force him anyway. He's got his point of view and that's how it is. The issues that result from this RNG system are all over the place. Look at the forum. If someone then wants to maintain that it's the players' fault for not swallowing on (galactic) command, then that's his prerogative no matter how strange this viewpoint may be.

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Give up now. He does not want to understand.


Can't force him anyway. He's got his point of view and that's how it is. The issues that result from this RNG system are all over the place. Look at the forum. If someone then wants to maintain that it's the players' fault for not swallowing on (galactic) command, then that's his prerogative no matter how strange this viewpoint may be.


But we are so close to 1k posts! We can't give up now!


Time to start preparing 1000-get pictures :rak_09:

Edited by Frenesi
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But we are so close to 1k posts! We can't give up now!


Time to start preparing 1000-get pictures :rak_09:


Well, I wouldn't want to suggest trolling him instead of trying to make him understand, but I suspect we will hit those 1000 posts even without any of that.


The cool trivia question would be how many of the 1000 posts are his... I bet he could make 10% just by himself.

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Well, I wouldn't want to suggest trolling him instead of trying to make him understand, but I suspect we will hit those 1000 posts even without any of that.


The cool trivia question would be how many of the 1000 posts are his... I bet he could make 10% just by himself.

just 84 more :eek:WE CAN DO IT!!!!!:D:D:D

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Reread my posts before you go on a tirade. I'm not referring to loot tables in operations at all. I'm referring to the fact that whether you happen to find a raiding guild that will take you through operations to get top tier gear is luck. Not everybody will be so fortunate. Others will be left behind and have no recourse for even having access to such content. That is why Galactic Command and RNG were implemented to counteract that ugly reality.


As I told the previous poster, not all servers are equal and most do not have competent guilds that are looking to take newcomers under their wings. You are making a lot of broad assumptions about the environment people are in and what opportunities you believe they have. Try to put yourself into another player's shoes instead of assuming how things are based on your own personal experience.


What you fail to realize is no one is guaranteed access to a raid guild for an infinite amount of reasons. This means that only a select few will have this opportunity and benefit. The rest? They get left behind and never have any opportunity for better gear or to engage in harder content. That is where the "chance" factor, which is random (making the obvious comparison to RNG), comes into play.


No one ever said veterans don't matter. All BioWare is doing is helping the little guy. You shouldn't have any issue with that at all. It leads to a more balanced game and a more fulfilling experience.


It isnt luck, it is an IQ test. There are guilds constantly posting "<guild name> recruiting now. we raid, pvp, do random flash points etc etc. pst" It isnt that hard. there is no luck involved. You might be unable to figure out how to read chat but that isnt a swtor problem.

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It isnt luck, it is an IQ test. There are guilds constantly posting "<guild name> recruiting now. we raid, pvp, do random flash points etc etc. pst" It isnt that hard. there is no luck involved. You might be unable to figure out how to read chat but that isnt a swtor problem.


Well, there are some extremely anti-social people. I really don't like making persistent friendships in such games, so I'm not a big fan of guilding either.


Still, it's purely my choice to not get involved with guilds - not some outside restriction I can complain about.

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For one, bolster is not nearly as effective as you think it is. Secondly, who said anything about regs? I've largely been doing ranked arenas, which requires the best gear you can possibly get your hands on. As I said, gear matters more for my purposes than for any other activity in the game. The smallest differences in stats can be the difference between life and death.


Ranked pvp gives entirely too much GXP. they need to add lockouts like ops have. Why should you have unlimited access to the content you like when others dont?

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Ranked pvp gives entirely too much GXP. they need to add lockouts like ops have. Why should you have unlimited access to the content you like when others dont?

shhhhhh BW just needs to bump up everything else to that level lol

though... some actual new maps for w/z, daily areas, H2+, fps and ops would be awesome too.... what with how grindy this whole system is.:D:D

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It isnt luck, it is an IQ test. There are guilds constantly posting "<guild name> recruiting now. we raid, pvp, do random flash points etc etc. pst" It isnt that hard. there is no luck involved. You might be unable to figure out how to read chat but that isnt a swtor problem.


Any relationship to the gearing system now being better than before because before "you might not get into a progression guild" is ludicrous and grasping at straws solely to promote this thread.


I can't recall ONE single post ever about someone complaining as that being an issue. i.e. "I really want to do HM raiding but no guild will take me and thus I cannot get gear, please change the gearing system".


It's not even a point of contention. When will people in this thread realise they are being trolled or has the troll become the trolled?

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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