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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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The only way to defend RNG and the lolcrates is


A) you are a dev

B) you are a dev's family

c) you don't play this game

Until explanation is given, this pretty much covers all there is to know here. Well said Groncho.

Edited by BoySaber
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Aowin, FFS, where exactly in my post did i say ANYTHING about loot tables AT ALL?!?!?!?:D:D:D:D:D:D


#2: a guild is not NECESSARY to raid, it just makes it a little easier to find people to do so with that's all. (is it just me, or am i repeating the things i just said just ONE POST ago?)


yes, having nothing new to do for 2 years in a row. that's how enjoyable it is and loot that's so random that it depends on RNG. what exactly is enjoyable about htis? that we have to do the same dailies as 2 years ago? same warzones? same ops? same heroics? this is nothing but catering to new players. and i wouldn't mind at all ... if there was something new that would take a while to clear / explore and so on.... as it is the only new this we have is the GC. 4.0 they talked about new content and we got what? star fortress. 5.0 they keep saying new group stuff and we get what? uprisings. these things that are not really that engaging in the least. maybe the first - second time you do them. Chapters that are the same no matter what race you are, what sex you are, what class you are. Meaning every time you do them after the first one it gets more and more boring, because there in no difference. Even a great story will turn boring if you do it enough times.

You say GC is not bad and it's not. but RNG for command crates - YES IT IS BAD. it took me 44 crates to get 1 piece of SB... for my healing spec at that, though i'm mainly a dps. sooo. 44*12 = 528, if my RNG holds i'll need an average of 528 crates out of max 300 to get 2 sets of 6piece set bonus.... PER gear tier..... which is way more than the max GC level of 300. and that's not counting left side gear. or enhancements for min/maxing both sets lol.:eek::eek::eek:

there has to be a way for people not to be forced to grind the same old content over and over just to get their gear. it's frankly quite insulting.


I think you need to take a step back and cool off for a bit. You are in the heat of passion of this new gear progression and it's upsetting you tremendously. Things will get better. BioWare is monitoring the situation and if necessary they will act accordingly. I have opened 44 crates myself and have only received one set piece. I'm not outraged over it. Truth be told, I'm not really that concerned. My gear will get better over time and the rest will work itself out. I think if you worry so much about your gear, which is what is happening, you are going to drive yourself nuts with this new system.

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I think you need to take a step back and cool off for a bit. You are in the heat of passion of this new gear progression and it's upsetting you tremendously. Things will get better. BioWare is monitoring the situation and if necessary they will act accordingly. I have opened 44 crates myself and have only received one set piece. I'm not outraged over it. Truth be told, I'm not really that concerned. My gear will get better over time and the rest will work itself out. I think if you worry so much about your gear, which is what is happening, you are going to drive yourself nuts with this new system.

jeeeezuz you should go work with Tait and Ben on the streams, you'll fit right in. :D:D thing is, 4.0 was the only expansion ever where i managed to get a full BiS set of gear, ever. because i've never been part of a nim team before then. and i was happy when it finally happened after 4 years of playing. because my rng always sucked and by the time my gear was good enough for me to try nim content, i couldn't find a team that would take me in. so OF COURSE i don't like the situation where i'm forced into a grind that 1) will take months (or longer depending on how much time i have to play and how bad RNG f*cks me over) 2) is still the same old content that i grew bored with already,


and you are so good and zeroing in on one part that u ignore everything else. we've told you. explain this RNG is perfect for SWTOR. explain this statement. instead all you do is avoid it lol. you might not be enraged my getting crap out of 44 boxes. in fact you might enjoy free orange shells, who knows. but people are all different. and in a lot of cases people do indeed take offense at having to suffer through so much waste of time to get to what they need to go back to them nim ops. cause not everyone is good enough to do them in 230 gear, though i'm sure some are.

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He cannot explain it because that explanation does not exist. That's why he talks about other things. I asked multiple times providing valuable reason because I wanted to learn that explanation. He just chose to either repeat what said or talk about other things. He has no explanation to give, despite of how he named his own thread, he goes off topic. Edited by BoySaber
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jeeeezuz you should go work with Tait and Ben on the streams, you'll fit right in. :D:D thing is, 4.0 was the only expansion ever where i managed to get a full BiS set of gear, ever. because i've never been part of a nim team before then. and i was happy when it finally happened after 4 years of playing. because my rng always sucked and by the time my gear was good enough for me to try nim content, i couldn't find a team that would take me in. so OF COURSE i don't like the situation where i'm forced into a grind that 1) will take months (or longer depending on how much time i have to play and how bad RNG f*cks me over) 2) is still the same old content that i grew bored with already,


and you are so good and zeroing in on one part that u ignore everything else. we've told you. explain this RNG is perfect for SWTOR. explain this statement. instead all you do is avoid it lol. you might not be enraged my getting crap out of 44 boxes. in fact you might enjoy free orange shells, who knows. but people are all different. and in a lot of cases people do indeed take offense at having to suffer through so much waste of time to get to what they need to go back to them nim ops. cause not everyone is good enough to do them in 230 gear, though i'm sure some are.


RNG is meant to slow progression. Nothing more. Nothing less. It's accomplishing it's goal quite effectively, as nobody is fully decked out in BiS gear yet. We are only over a week into the expansion, and so far I think the gear progression is reasonable. Most players have 230 gear by now. Lucky folks have a few set pieces. The ones who play SWTOR 24/7 have even reached tier 2. I don't see anything unreasonable or severely damaging with how RNG has been performing so far. When 5.0 has been released for a month or two, then it will really be interesting to see how gear progression is panning out for the average player.


If you take a step back and recognize how little time has actually passed since this expansion released, you may find your expectations and outrage to be a bit over the top and unreasonable.


For the record, I predominantly PvP, so gear is far more important for me than for any other activity in the game. That being said, I'm not overly concerned given nobody is in a position to truly get far ahead gear-wise.

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For the record, I predominantly PvP, so gear is far more important for me than for any other activity in the game. That being said, I'm not overly concerned given nobody is in a position to truly get far ahead gear-wise.


With bolster in regs, you don't really need that good gear.


And what it matters if someone gets gear faster than some other or some get their gear as loot drops from harder content and other grind rng boxes. Other than jealousy?

On the other hand, In prog team it matters if some players have extremely bad luck with RNG. They are dropped from the team since they can't pull their own weight.

Edited by keimox
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RNG is meant to slow progression. Nothing more. Nothing less. It's accomplishing it's goal quite effectively, as nobody is fully decked out in BiS gear yet. We are only over a week into the expansion, and so far I think the gear progression is reasonable. Most players have 230 gear by now. Lucky folks have a few set pieces. The ones who play SWTOR 24/7 have even reached tier 2. I don't see anything unreasonable or severely damaging with how RNG has been performing so far. When 5.0 has been released for a month or two, then it will really be interesting to see how gear progression is panning out for the average player.


If you take a step back and recognize how little time has actually passed since this expansion released, you may find your expectations and outrage to be a bit over the top and unreasonable.


For the record, I predominantly PvP, so gear is far more important for me than for any other activity in the game. That being said, I'm not overly concerned given nobody is in a position to truly get far ahead gear-wise.


yeah i'm sorry, but i'm not gonna be happy about a system that relies purely on LUCK. this takes any sort of pleasure out of downing the same bosses (if they were new it'd be different of course) over and over. because after hours of wiping and FINALLY killing it we'd see them shinies and now what? it's just not rewarding enough. it's frankly depressing. and not just because i feel it's slow, but maybe at the MOMENT the difference is not big. you say by now everyone is mostly in 230ies? well i have exactly one piece of 230 gear, how about that. clearly i'm not part of the majority. and then what have everyone in 240ies and myself in mostly 230 simply my LUCK sucks? just where is the fairness in this ****? 0.o and no if you think in a while it will fade away, it won't it will only GET WORSE. because the longer i grind the same **** over and over with no reward to show for it, the more annoying it gets. and it's not gonna stop any time soon. i just wonder how many of us will get to the end of this sh*t show

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With bolster in regs, you don't really need that good gear.


For one, bolster is not nearly as effective as you think it is. Secondly, who said anything about regs? I've largely been doing ranked arenas, which requires the best gear you can possibly get your hands on. As I said, gear matters more for my purposes than for any other activity in the game. The smallest differences in stats can be the difference between life and death.

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With bolster in regs, you don't really need that good gear.


And what it matters if someone gets gear faster than some other or some get their gear as loot drops from harder content and other grind rng boxes. Other than jealousy?

On the other hand, In prog team it matters if some players have extremely bad luck with RNG. They are dropped from the team since they can't pull their own weight.

see, the way i see it, this is a game. my hobby, thing i do to unwind and relax. and with this forced grind and RNG it's not allowing me to do that. because every box that fails to provide results means i have to do MORE of this damn grind. it's not because i'm jealousy of some guildie that is more lucky. it's because this type of system is NOT FUN. and boring due to lack of new stuff to do in long term.

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yeah i'm sorry, but i'm not gonna be happy about a system that relies purely on LUCK. this takes any sort of pleasure out of downing the same bosses (if they were new it'd be different of course) over and over. because after hours of wiping and FINALLY killing it we'd see them shinies and now what? it's just not rewarding enough. it's frankly depressing. and not just because i feel it's slow, but maybe at the MOMENT the difference is not big. you say by now everyone is mostly in 230ies? well i have exactly one piece of 230 gear, how about that. clearly i'm not part of the majority. and then what have everyone in 240ies and myself in mostly 230 simply my LUCK sucks? just where is the fairness in this ****? 0.o and no if you think in a while it will fade away, it won't it will only GET WORSE. because the longer i grind the same **** over and over with no reward to show for it, the more annoying it gets. and it's not gonna stop any time soon. i just wonder how many of us will get to the end of this sh*t show


Other than green gear, which is 228, all other gear that drops in command crates (blue, orange, and purple) are 230 rating. I find it incredibly hard to believe you have not seen quite a few pieces that were either blue or orange. Out of the 44 command crates I've opened, I only have two green (228) pieces left. Everything else I'm wearing is either blue, orange, or purple. I'm assuming you must believe only purples, which have the set piece, are at a 230 rating. That would be factually incorrect.

Edited by Aowin
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The smallest differences in stats can be the difference between life and death.


same can be applied to prog raiding. where the smalled change in stats make you do that little bit DPS more that might what's stopping your group from clearing the boss. and here's the thing. if before your group could help you get the pieces that could help you that little stat increase, now you run the chance of being dropped because your RNG is too bad and you can't keep up with the lucky ones. so they might swap you out with a more lucky guy. this used to be based on SKILL, now there is also RNG to contend with. in my opinion that is just complete crap.

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For the record, I predominantly PvP, so gear is far more important for me than for any other activity in the game. That being said, I'm not overly concerned given nobody is in a position to truly get far ahead gear-wise.


Yea, right. It's not like YOU are in a position to get far ahead gear-wise over somebody who comes in, let's say, half-a-year later. Although, I believe somebody already told you that. And you conveniently ignored it. As usual.

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Other than green gear, which is 228, all other gear that drops in command crates (blue, orange, and purple) are 230 rating. I find it incredibly hard to believe you have not seen quite a few pieces that were either blue or orange. Out of the 44 command crates I've opened, I only have two green (228) pieces left. Everything else I'm wearing is either blue, orange, or purple. I'm assuming you must believe only purples, which have the set piece, are at a 230 rating. That would be factually incorrect.

the blue pieces that i've had drop are implants. or an earpiece. gear pieces are always green. and in fact since i'm in BiS 224s, the greens are **** and the blue never are for right piece and have **** stats. in fact purple 230 implants are much worse than blue ones for wutever reason.

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Other than green gear, which is 228, all other gear that drops in command crates (blue, orange, and purple) are 230 rating. I find it incredibly hard to believe you have not seen quite a few pieces that were either blue or orange. Out of the 44 command crates I've opened, I only have two green (228) pieces left. Everything else I'm wearing is either blue, orange, or purple. I'm assuming you must believe only purples, which have the set piece, are at a 230 rating. That would be factually incorrect.


All the orange gear is a empty shell utilized only for look and trash which is a guaranteed drop for each crate. Not sure where your getting "orange" from.

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For one, bolster is not nearly as effective as you think it is. Secondly, who said anything about regs? I've largely been doing ranked arenas, which requires the best gear you can possibly get your hands on. As I said, gear matters more for my purposes than for any other activity in the game. The smallest differences in stats can be the difference between life and death.


Bolster is just good enough if rng gearing is great.

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All the orange gear is a empty shell utilized only for look and trash which is a guaranteed drop for each crate. Not sure where your getting "orange" from.


Incorrect. The actual gear with stats can be green, blue, orange, or purple. If you don't believe me, just ask anybody on the game. I have five orange pieces that are 230 rating. The shell you are referring to is a separate item in the command crate that's not related. I'm just going to assume you are incredibly unlucky or you've barely opened any command crates.

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Incorrect. The actual gear with stats can be green, blue, orange, or purple. If you don't believe me, just ask anybody on the game. I have five orange pieces that are 230 rating. The shell you are referring to is a separate item in the command crate that's not related. I'm just going to assume you are incredibly unlucky or you've barely opened any command crates.

eeee nope, never seen an orange piece with actual insides in the crates. only blue and green crap. and useless fluff of shells, rep tokens adn so on

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Incorrect. The actual gear with stats can be green, blue, orange, or purple. If you don't believe me, just ask anybody on the game. I have five orange pieces that are 230 rating. The shell you are referring to is a separate item in the command crate that's not related. I'm just going to assume you are incredibly unlucky or you've barely opened any command crates.


...Where's that triple facepalm picture when you need it.


I never said that there isn't green, blue, or purple gear, but simply that there is no "orange" rated gear and that it's just a shell. I've opened 54 crates too, but only rank 45 due to the rollbacks.

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Thanks for the answer! I keep reading how "fast" gearing was before but didn't really see any numbers.


So, people are probably going to hate me saying this but.... If it took ~8 weeks min in the old system, and if BW was looking to slow down gear progression (I understand this is pure conjecture), could it be that the current drop rates are actually WAI?


If they wanted to make the progression maybe half as fast, more like 16 weeks, wouldn't that mean that people would have at most one piece of new gear right now? With the next piece two weeks out?


I'm not defending the current indeterminate time it would take to fill out a full BiS set. But from the standpoint of right now--one week into a seemingly slower progression--is anyone really that far behind yet? I'm sure it's frustrating to open a bunch of crates and not get an upgrade, but maybe we're really only supposed to see one of those pieces drop once every couple of weeks, which is why some haven't seen any yet. So there's still a few weeks before anyone is significantly behind where they "should" be if the system was slower version of the old system. Hopefully those few weeks will see some adjustments made.


I'm only on my 8th crate I think so I'm surely way behind those that are grinding them out. Glad to at least be on the path now though.


I can see the angle you're looking at it from, but the pace of gear acquisition can be controlled via lockouts, caps on incoming and outgoing currencies without even a single hint of RNG, the studio has unlimited amount of tools and ways at their disposal to control it, but they took the worst possible way with this.

RNG is like a wild beast, inside its cage(them looking at their models) it behaves much like you would expect and want, but released into the population, all sorts of variables occur that you just cannot control. Just look at each time i highly desirable item comes out in the RNG boxes on the CM, some spend hundreds of dollars, opening hundreds of packs to try and obtain it, and never do, and someone else uses their stipend and buys a couple of boxes and wins it. Or the legacy gear that comes from the heroic box hand ins, and the shear amount of people having no luck after 12 months of getting a particular set together.


When guilds and groups decide to work together for goals, they do it in a controlled way, working out the approx time they will be geared to take on the next level of content. This system means they all look at each other and shrug their shoulders to the question is asked of when they will be ready, and its that uncertainty, that some find unacceptable.

Also, unlike a lot of other decisions in the past that have alienated certain groups, I've seen a much broader spectrum with this, with many casuals that have encountered rng in other games not wanting any part of it, as well as raiders and pvp players.

In summary, slowing down acquisition is fine, its how these games work, keeping the carrot out there for people to go after. But its the uncertainty of it all that most have a problem with.

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...Where's that triple facepalm picture when you need it.


I never said that there isn't green, blue, or purple gear, but simply that there is no "orange" rated gear and that it's just a shell. I've opened 54 crates too, but only rank 45 due to the rollbacks.


As I said, you are incorrect. Read my post again.


There is green, blue, orange, and purple gear pieces with stats. Just because you have not seen an orange stated piece does not mean it doesn't exist. Again, log on your server right now and ask in general chat. They will inform you of what you clearly do not know. You obviously will not believe me due to your position and bias on this issue.

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As I said, you are incorrect. Read my post again.


There is green, blue, orange, and purple gear pieces with stats. Just because you have not seen an orange stated piece does not mean it doesn't exist. Again, log on your server right now and ask in general chat. They will inform you of what you clearly do not know. You obviously will not believe me due to your position and bias on this issue.


Its actually blue (prototype modifications) in orange shell. And besides enhancements those are as much junk as rep tokens, green gear and empty orange shells.

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Just to add something to the current 'whats better gear' conversation.


If this thing is supposed to be casual friendly, which is the premise of the original argument, now suggesting that the knowing to rip blue enhancements out of orange gear because it gives a bit of a boost is kind of negating it.


Many casuals in this game do not even get the concept of using interrupts, any pug group can tell you that, they are not going to get the nuances of gear. They will be looking at what they get, looking at the comparison with what they have, all green numbers means its better, red means it isn't.


The OP seems to be now arguing to use this you need to know at least some detailed gearing info, after arguing its great because its newbie and casual friendly. The two are not compatible for a big chunk of the player base.


But what do I know, I've only been playing these games since Everquest launched, I didnt have reliable internet during the meridian 59 days.

Edited by Voblat
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