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How about RNG Subscription?


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Since it's rng dependend if we get a meaningful reward for our playtime we pay for, Bio should introduce rng subscriptions too, I guess?


So every month they roll if they get money from me? How does that sound, Eric? No?

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RNG sub is equivalent to RNG gear?


So what's the RL equivalent to server access?


It is if RNG gear keeps us from playing the group activities or to their most challenging which we pay a sub for. But that requires you to actually play the game. We pay a sub for endgame group content, not so we can play Chance Time.

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It is if RNG gear keeps us from playing the group activities or to their most challenging which we pay a sub for. But that requires you to actually play the game. We pay a sub for endgame group content, not so we can play Chance Time.


Don't bother trying to engage this guy with reasoned arguments. He's admitted he's a troll. He also admitted he doesn't even play this game anymore because a change in BH animations made the game 'unplayable' in his opinion, and that he just keeps subbing to troll the forums. He's not worth your time. :)

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Don't bother trying to engage this guy with reasoned arguments. He's admitted he's a troll. He also admitted he doesn't even play this game anymore because a change in BH animations made the game 'unplayable' in his opinion, and that he just keeps subbing to troll the forums. He's not worth your time. :)


Another fan. Apparently I'm worth all of your time.

Edited by Swtorevolution
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Good idea but what do you want from Eric? He is a small fish in the pool,its the sharks way above him that decide on such a stuff.


Yeah, that's something that bothers me on here sometimes... people saying nasty things about the EAWare employees who transmit the information given from on high here to us plebs on the forums. There's nothing Eric or Tait can do about the situation; they're just the messengers. They may hate the 5.0 situation as much as we do, but it's not like they could say so openly without risking losing their jobs. They don't deserve any personal flak for this.

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Yeah, that's something that bothers me on here sometimes... people saying nasty things about the EAWare employees who transmit the information given from on high here to us plebs on the forums. There's nothing Eric or Tait can do about the situation; they're just the messengers. They may hate the 5.0 situation as much as we do, but it's not like they could say so openly without risking losing their jobs. They don't deserve any personal flak for this.


Perhaps he can be a messenger in two directions?

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Few days under the bridge equals a long time in Human time,troll. There is a possibility that some people will never get set bonus gear at all,cause RANDOMNESS ,you know. But at least this mess gives trolls food. Btw ,bon appetit.
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Few days under the bridge equals a long time in Human time,troll. There is a possibility that some people will never get set bonus gear at all,cause RANDOMNESS ,you know. But at least this mess gives trolls food. Btw ,bon appetit.


Why do you need set bonuses so much? Why are you incapable of playing this game without set bonuses?


Honestly the way you people carry on about set bonuses, one would think you could finish the game with ilvl0 gear as long as it had set bonuses.

Edited by Swtorevolution
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Why do you need set bonuses so much? Why are you incapable of playing this game without set bonuses?


In PvP as long as no one had set bonuses, and the same gear level it would be fine... but instead we're going to get a situation where people through chance have full set bonus advantage over everybody else, max level gear and some won't. In Operations, the harder the content, the tighter any requirements get beyond knowing your rotation- those bonuses are crucial- as they get in a way in certain HM flashpoints.


You wouldn't know because you don't play because of a silly animation. I act like a brat over the paid mount they ruined but at least I'm still an active player.

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Why do you need set bonuses so much? Why are you incapable of playing this game without set bonuses?


Honestly the way you people carry on about set bonuses, one would think you could finish the game with no stats at all as long as it had set bonuses.


I have fool set bonus that allows me to argue with you on forum, but certain game content was tuned for groups with full set bonus gear. Without that gear most of the noobz ,me included,cant manage that content. Which makes me sad.

Doesnt it make you sad? Are trolls ever sad? How much is the rent under the bridge? Isnt it cold ,draughty and damp?

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I have fool set bonus that allows me to argue with you on forum, but certain game content was tuned for groups with full set bonus gear. Without that gear most of the noobz ,me included,cant manage that content. Which makes me sad.

Doesnt it make you sad? Are trolls ever sad? How much is the rent under the bridge? Isnt it cold ,draughty and damp?


It's helped me carry people through the old tactical flashpoints... it's hard to find the motivation to run them as Veteran right now. You don't get charged for living under a bridge but if you're in a nice area, they send the nice police officers to clear you out...

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In PvP as long as no one had set bonuses, and the same gear level it would be fine... but instead we're going to get a situation where people through chance have full set bonus advantage over everybody else, max level gear and some won't. In Operations, the harder the content, the tighter any requirements get beyond knowing your rotation- those bonuses are crucial- as they get in a way in certain HM flashpoints.


You wouldn't know because you don't play because of a silly animation. I act like a brat over the paid mount they ruined but at least I'm still an active player.


My Merc's set bonus gives him 2% extra damage for 15 seconds and an auto-crit every minute. Whoopdy doo. I can definitely get along fine without either of those.

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Got any evidence to back that up? Because I don't believe you.


Check that famous swtor post 2.8 DP NIM run that was done with people that had no set bonus. It was done by famous swtordevolution guild first,half an hour after release. But of course pyro animation more than compensated for lack of set bonus.

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Check that famous swtor post 2.8 DP NIM run that was done with people that had no set bonus. It was done by famous swtordevolution guild first,half an hour after release. But of course pyro animation more than compensated for lack of set bonus.


So proof that set bonuses aren't necessary for anything and unsubscribing over WAITING LONGER FOR SET-BONUS GEAR, (not to be mistaken for NO SET-BONUS GEAR) is irrational whinging.

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So proof that set bonuses aren't necessary for anything and unsubscribing over WAITING LONGER FOR SET-BONUS GEAR, (not to be mistaken for NO SET-BONUS GEAR) is irrational whinging.



Irrational whinging is demanding impossible proof (for an example prove that you are not annoying bot plz-see?impossible) and not understanding simple fact that in random system wait for 6 pieces of st bonus can be I N F I N I T E

Like my patience. And intellect.

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Irrational whinging is demanding impossible proof (for an example prove that you are not annoying bot plz-see?impossible) and not understanding simple fact that in random system wait for 6 pieces of st bonus can be I N F I N I T E

Like my patience. And intellect.


If you can't prove that set-bonuses are needed then they aren't needed. They're called bonuses for a reason.


And irrational whinging is indeed quitting a game because you cant stand to wait to get what you want.

Edited by Swtorevolution
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