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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BIO Please give us a real option to boot afks


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lmao trix, last week you cry about not getting any or too less cxp in pvp in the gen for. now it should be ok to cut cxp on losses???:o

now at least i know one thing:

you're just typing to be present, hot air all around, pls stay on the pvp for, somebody might care for your hot air.:rolleyes:

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no rewards for the losing side is no solution.

this will frustate that much players and keep new

ones away. so some weeks later you will need to

beg the people again, listing for wz.


i think there is a different option, by rewarding medals,

not matches.


maybe you get 20 cxp for playing the match.

you get 50 cxp for each earned medal, until

you have 8 and another 50cxp for a mvp.

if you win, you get an additional bonus, maybe

another 100 cxp, or better something scaling.


so if you join a game, by doing nothing,

you only get 20 cxp. with a friend, who gives

you the mvp, you will get 70.


if you lose, but playing the game, you will

get 420cxp. maximum you could earn 770 cxp,

if you could get every cxp, for a lose.

this will encourage a better climate,

because the most won't give a flamer a mvp,

but maybe someone who helps others.


if you win, would get also 120 cxp, if the

group carries you, maximum 520 without

a mvp.

Edited by fabsus
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no rewards for the losing side is no solution.

this will frustate that much players and keep new

ones away. so some weeks later you will need to

beg the people again, listing for wz.


i think there is a different option, by rewarding medals,

not matches.


maybe you get 20 cxp for playing the match.

you get 50 cxp for each earned medal, until

you have 8 and another 50cxp for a mvp.

if you win, you get an additional bonus, maybe

another 100 cxp, or better something scaling.


so if you join a game, by doing nothing,

you only get 20 cxp. with a friend, who gives

you the mvp, you will get 70.


if you lose, but playing the game, you will

get 420cxp. maximum you could earn 770 cxp,

if you could get every cxp, for a lose.

this will encourage a better climate,

because the most won't give a flamer a mvp,

but maybe someone who helps others.


if you win, would get also 120 cxp, if the

group carries you, maximum 520 without

a mvp.


Absolutely not.

Get rid of rewards for losses. Medals are useless, they serve no real purpose in the Warzones.

The losing team is exactly that, THE LOSING TEAM. Nothing more, nothing less.

People carry their own weight, stop the sandbaggers.

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Absolutely not.

Get rid of rewards for losses. Medals are useless, they serve no real purpose in the Warzones.

The losing team is exactly that, THE LOSING TEAM. Nothing more, nothing less.

People carry their own weight, stop the sandbaggers.



But please keep some of the credit rewards. I don't want to go negative because of the medpacs/adrenals I've used because I got surrounded by a bunch of bads.

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But please keep some of the credit rewards. I don't want to go negative because of the medpacs/adrenals I've used because I got surrounded by a bunch of bads

It's no shame to admit you love Reps. Just don't mention you're over 12.



What if you're in your 40s ?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I don't even PVP that often but no rewards for the losing side at all is just ridiculous. That is 100% the end of PVP in the games current state...



Who will want to queue for PVP, play 10-15 minutes and get nothing. Why risk it when you can instead do any other content and be guaranteed rewards specifically command XP.

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I don't even PVP that often but no rewards for the losing side at all is just ridiculous. That is 100% the end of PVP in the games current state...


Who will want to queue for PVP, play 10-15 minutes and get nothing. Why risk it when you can instead do any other content and be guaranteed rewards specifically command XP.


I'd rather not have those people in PvP that only play it for the rewards. In fact, I would very much like them out of it.

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Really need some kind of an option like this for the leeches coming to do rated for easy cxp. :/ I liked it more with long queues. The incentive to play rated should be prestigeous gear and other in-game fluff. Not make it the quickest way to level up in their poorly though-out end-game system. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I'd rather not have those people in PvP that only play it for the rewards. In fact, I would very much like them out of it.


Sort of in agreement. I don't mind people playing for rewards, as long as they pvp specific to be used in pvp for pvp advantage and you only get the reward from a win.


Once Bioware started adding things to pvp for the pve people to collect things to be used out side of pvp, the system went to crap.

The intention may have been to increase the amount of people pvping, but the result was a watering down of skilled players or people even wanting to be there to start with. All it did was promote afkers or people who did not try or even care if they won or lost. Actually this caused even more dedicated Pvpers to leave the game than normal player attrition would have.

As usual it was a half baked idea by the Devs that was never fully thought through to conclusion and so it didn't work.

It could have easily been tweaked to say, "you only get xyz if you win.. if you lose you get nothing". This would have atleast made them try.

I don't mind newbies and the actual base idea to get more people to pvp had merit. The implementation was what took a good intention and turned it to crap.


Now this new CXP system is just another repeat, but on a much larger scale. No thought as to how it affects the actual quality of the games or the enjoyment of the players.

The easiest solution was to keep the old pvp gearing system just for pvp, Allow CXP to be farmed for pve content, but only if it was a win. That way people would be required to try.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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You could have the CXP earned in a match scale by medals, up to 8 which gets you what you get now. Not hard at all for someone who's trying to get 8 unless you get matched against a brick wall of an enemy team (matches that are that one sided are rare in my experience) and you'd at least get a token effort from Farmers
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No rewards for a loss is crap and should not even be considered.

I am a PVEr, but I recently got into pvp. I'm far from the best at it and I have a lot to learn where pvp is concerned, especially learning 1v1 match ups but generally speaking I'm a good player. Most matches I score well in medals/objectives etc. I do ranked and unranked and I enjoy it and give it everything I've got. It's something fun and different from my normal PVE scene. But oh gosh. No rewards for a loss? With the current "matchmaker" system? No thanks. And incentives for winning are just human nature. If you get beat there's already a desire to get better, to learn more about PVP so you can start winning. And more incentives are exists with the dailies and weeklies. Granted, you go through those pretty quick if you're doing some dedicated pvp. Obviously the afker doesn't care but don't punish the learning player, make the afker jump through enough hoops for pvp to give cxp that afking isn't worth the time (aka my above suggestion). All this would to is exasperate the frustrations over poor matchmaking and (somewhat less valid) premades.


Do you really want to waste 20 minutes of your life and get nothing because Bioware didn't want to give your team a healer in regs?

Edited by ZambedosNB
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