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Regal Tauntaun Makes Me A Headless Freak


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Whenever I mount my Regal Tauntaun, my toon loses her head and grows a 3rd vestigial arm which sprouts my scalp. When I dismount I return to normal. When I remount I am again horribly disfigured. Also, my toon returns to normal when I ride my Regal Tauntaun forward but, stays disfigured if I ride it backward.







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Its not just regal tauntaun. I have 2 characters so far, one Jedi Consular and one Imp agent that on mounting any 2 legged creature turn into mutants. :eek: So far its 2 out of 3 characters. I think I'm afraid to look at the rest! I've tried tundra tauntaun, orobird, and kybuck.


oh dear. I dared look. 4 characters are freaks. All females. Wonder why my males are immune?! :rak_02:

Edited by RebelJedaii
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