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Watchman PvP


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Let's talk about some good ol pvp.


Before the 5.0 patch I was loving my combat spec and ripping people up in PvP. Since the changes and change to our blade dance, I have been struggling with warzone overall damage and kills. I kept switching between concentration, combat, and watchman to feel out my dps in warzones.


No surprise that my damage from Watchman has easily surpassed the other two specs.


Here is what I see wrong with the other two.


No sustained or good burst AoE in combat or concentration.


Concentration I feel is very strong right now in bursting targets down, but doesn't provide any aoe pressure like watchman. Does anyone remember the days when you could almost half health shot people as concentration with one buffed up force sweep? After applying the buffs through other attack mind you. When did they nerf force sweeps damage to the ground? Combat could do some sick AoE damage but you would lose all single target burst. Which you usually need while focusing down the healer or anyone.


Now Watchman. What I love about watchman is that all I have do is cast my two dots on the main target and force sweep. Done. Nothing else I need to do to apply PRESSURE on the enemy team. Why is it so simple? Can we bring back the simplicity of aoe pressure from concentration and fix the overall rotation of combat? Lance is not cutting it in replacement of blade dance. Blade barrage is fun n all, but my PvP burst has suffered greatly from the change.


I would love yall's opinion on the 3 specs in pvp specifically. Which one is your favorite and why? Please share any insight on combat or concentration. Maybe I am doing it wrong. How do other sents/maras top charts in warzones because I've seen it happen. Once I've seen a mara do 400k dmg in a warzone when the 2nd place did only 200k.




Teach me master.

Edited by Kyliin
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I just resubbed for KOTET and played some lvl 70 warzones as fury mara and it feels fun and fluid as before, topping damage is not a problem, as long as there are no dot specs - though for some strange reason anni maras I met did not do significantly more, maybe because of different talents (I am using http://dulfy.net/2014/10/13/swtor-disciplines-calculator-swtor_miner/?link=dGEBAABGAwECGgEFCAoNEBYX). I feel like with this my mobility is ridiculous, double jump is not really necessary - I usually close gap with predation than jump. Pressuring healers and killing them seems manageable, as long as they aren't pvp guild premade combo. For doing damage all you need is uptime and burst and I think its not a problem for us right now.
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I just resubbed for KOTET and played some lvl 70 warzones as fury mara and it feels fun and fluid as before, topping damage is not a problem, as long as there are no dot specs - though for some strange reason anni maras I met did not do significantly more, maybe because of different talents (I am using http://dulfy.net/2014/10/13/swtor-disciplines-calculator-swtor_miner/?link=dGEBAABGAwECGgEFCAoNEBYX). I feel like with this my mobility is ridiculous, double jump is not really necessary - I usually close gap with predation than jump. Pressuring healers and killing them seems manageable, as long as they aren't pvp guild premade combo. For doing damage all you need is uptime and burst and I think its not a problem for us right now.


Does your gear greatly change your damage output? I am a fresh 70 still trying to finish up my story quests. Still on Rishi. I know the command point thing is new, haven't really invested into it a lot. I still feel like I do better damage overall as watchman in my current gear than I do with any of the 2 other specs.

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