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Merc super cancer 5.0!!!!!!


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Valek and mol'ra are tanks both in solos and group. I would guess the top two sins on TRE are tanks as well, but I don't play there. Sin tank is the strongest tank in most situations, while deception is a tier 2 dps spec. Comparing dps classes to tank classes is not a great method of ascertaining balance. I view sins as being one of the easiest classes to kill from a marksman perspective, and outside of that, rarely see sin dps doing well in solos or ranked.


The nature of solo ranked also exasperates and rewards the skill differential between tanks/heals more than it does dps. Meaning, both valek and mol are very good and there's only a small pool of tanks that would be on the other side, most not anywhere near their level. Thus, somewhat easier to gain rating. Carrying 1 bad dps is possible, carrying a bad healer or tank against a highly skilled counterpart is unlikely.



Besides going of ranking atm is biased. Because of the presence of other bugs profiting certain people and classes more than other, Notably Assassin tanks with double benefits from stances that does not affect all the players (He has 120% armor, 20% dmg reduction etc) Can affect any advanced class with cylinder or form/stance. Some sin dps have it, marau etc.. the sins in the lead of TRE have the bug, Easiest to spot on sin tanks (they have 15-16k+) Armor.


So the whole season 8 is a crap storm between that and hackers and wintrading happening on motf. Hardly accurate to comment on class representation / balance and skill. When most of the players have an unfair advantage over others.


#Butpleasebuffptsurival :p

Edited by Siniaera
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Sigh. again, you're just showing *participation*. You're not showing performance at all.




By showing statistics derived from the top 20% of mercs, it inherently shows performance. Especially when you compare the top 500 from another class.


You could look at 500 people from any class, at any time. That doesn't measure participation. A million people could of played, a thousand people could of played, the 500 doesn't refer at all to participation in the slightest. Looking at the top 500, and how they relate to other classes, shows performance.


You don't like the top 500? You think that's bottom of the barrel and doesn't count? Lets look at the top 200 then. The top 200 mercs are ranked 742 or above. Of the top 742 players in solo ranked 27% of them are mercs. In a game of equals, it should be closer to 12.5. %. Every time the rank stats update mercs take a bigger percentage.


You're getting side tracked and unbalanced. Lets take a deep breath, and keep going. Do you have any solid data that shows mercs are performing to balanced expectations?

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Mercs still melt if dps is smart like that have to be when attack jugg, but it is bs they have 2 dcd that that just heal to fullor keep healing them selves up to 70% for duration of it with no rate limit + base healing. I expect the DCD healing to be nerfed like juggs DCD healing was nerfed. And one of the DCD is reflect/heal DCD and the reflect ignores targets that have immunity to damage in pve at that which make it broke in pve is current exploited to the max by everyone and bw still hasnt fixed that. Edited by Kyuuu
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Saying something doesn't make it true, you know. No matter how many times you repeat it.




You're completely missing the point. The *range* is what matters. At the top end (of the entire playerbase), many classes perform better than mercs. Heck the top sorc is over 1k rating higher than the top merc. At the darkest depths of 'rank 500', the difference is statistically insignificant. Seriously, it's like <82 rating for most of them.




Sigh. again, you're just showing *participation*. You're not showing performance at all.


If you had an even number of players participating in an even number of matches , you might have some kind of point (IF we ignore the fact that balance should never be based on anything but top-tier potential). But the only interesting thing you have demonstrated is that mercs are currently playing more ranked.


If I take 100 foozles, and 500 woggles, and they each tickle rabbits with the same degree of skill across their respective populations, then the top 20% of rabbit ticklers are going to have more woggles than foozles. Despite the fact that woggles are no better at tickling rabbits.


You've made a huge deal of this idea that 'the top 500 mercs are ranked XXX or above' in comparison with other classes. But when I've pointed out that this ranking difference equates to a *miniscule* rating difference, you've accused me of focusing on individuals lol. Seriously, check it out. Player ranked 2000 with 1283 rating. Player ranked 3000 with 1245 rating. It's *utterly meaningless*. It's literally a single win/loss difference. And you've staked your entire argument on it. But Chucky! They're better than a thousand other players!


Just lol.


#buff operatives

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Are people seriously trying to say a class isn't OP by standards of solo rating lol. I almost cried when I saw someone saying PT has a higher rating than a merc in solo so merc is fine. That PT is a tank. Tanks have the easiest time gaining rating in solo ranked if they're good


You people are seriously unbelievable. That's the sad fact that's all that's left in this game. Stupid people.


Merc is OP and removing Trauma Regulators will fix that.



Edited by Gabzizzle
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how come mercs don't have Taunts and guard?


and why is the CD on electro net so long? it should be about 10 seconds IMO...I hate having to run around after people because my net is on CD.


and while you're at it B-ware, why does concussive missile have a channel time? it should be insta cast and ignore the white bar ffs

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Why? What class other than mercs is overperforming by such a huge margin?


Really…the assassin is way overpowered. As evidence ask 10 different players on a one to one…skill not factored in…in a duel between assassin and commando who will win? I suggest that 10 out of 10 players will argue that the assassin will win. The reason: over the top armor, protection, & defense; 3 stuns; ninja speed; and intense DPS.

Edited by apinson
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Been playing Merc since launch, had to suffer through years of "kill the merc first". Had to adapt, pick my fights, know when to use my cooldowns. Other classes have had better defensive cooldowns for a very long time.


Now my class abilities are on par and I'm no longer that "free lunch". However, I have fought skilled/veteran players of other classes and they have learned to adapt to my new abilities and they are just a big a threat as before but at least I have a chance to win that fight, if i'm on top of my game.


My advice, learn to watch for when we pop our cooldowns, i can't heal to full if you aren't trying to go Ham on me with your dps. Instead stun me, flash bang me or switch targets. I had to learn to adapt to survive the past few years on my Merc, My advice is ADAPT and LEARN about your opponents class, know their cooldowns and when they are most likely to use them.

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Been playing Merc since launch, had to suffer through years of "kill the merc first". Had to adapt, pick my fights, know when to use my cooldowns. Other classes have had better defensive cooldowns for a very long time.


Now my class abilities are on par and I'm no longer that "free lunch". However, I have fought skilled/veteran players of other classes and they have learned to adapt to my new abilities and they are just a big a threat as before but at least I have a chance to win that fight, if i'm on top of my game.


My advice, learn to watch for when we pop our cooldowns, i can't heal to full if you aren't trying to go Ham on me with your dps. Instead stun me, flash bang me or switch targets. I had to learn to adapt to survive the past few years on my Merc, My advice is ADAPT and LEARN about your opponents class, know their cooldowns and when they are most likely to use them.


another casual noob... pls just nerf merc /signed

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I am the first to admit that I do not believe myself to be a super awesome PvP player, I do alright sure but not Great. But:

I'd like to thank this thread for letting me know how to destroy the current Merc build and what to look for to stop them from Healing to Full. I spent the entire warzone killing the mercs by using the methods housed within this thread. Granted it was cringe worthy watching others smash them when they have their shields up but I simply waited it out and unleashed upon them. So thank you thread :D (Interestingly I used the AOE move cyclone slash and still saw reflected appear so not to sure if the AOE damage is non reflectable as I've read. I will need to investigate this further.

I do not play ranked arenas or anything mainly unranked pvp on a Guardian tank in full defensive tank with mitigation gear. Unless I have a pocket healer my survivability is actually not that great. So when others say that Tanks in full mitigation gear are getting focused down faster they are not wrong. The issue many have and I have seen is that mercs face tank 3-4 dps far better than an actual tank can I have seen it numerous times.

Do they need a nerf into oblivion? No.

They need a simple tweak here or there to perhaps more appropriate levels.

Will they receive a nerf into oblivion? Probably given BW's track record.

P.S. The best way I've found is wait until they are just about to pop the shield at roughly 30-40% or so since they usually wait until then i've noticed, and then use some form of stun (Backhand Hilt Strike or

Force Stasis in my case) and then unload upon them.

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enet is just the thing to make you find another game to play. it's clearly the class which doesn't need this utility now.


i can't support anymore this uber class totally OP, numerous mercs anywhere, numerous are so bad backpedaling but can still win because it's so op.

Edited by Thaladan
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Season 8 already started. And I think people have made fair complaints. Merc was in a pretty solid place in 4.0. Definitely seem over-tuned now. The devs do too much at once and don't take everything into account. They changed/added/removed a lot of abilities, buffed some classes (like merc here) and made everything now either a ranged class or a melee class. Too much change and not enough thought to balance i think maybe. Still too early to fully tell though with people still trying to get a baseline of gear i think.


Merc was in a god awful place in 4.0. I dont know what you are talking about. Their defensives were garbage and they were the punching bag -every- match.

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Merc was in a god awful place in 4.0. I dont know what you are talking about. Their defensives were garbage and they were the punching bag -every- match.


This so much this. If any class needed a serious buff from last expansion for PvP, it was mercs. They got solid upgrades to survival, however they can still be easily killed by those who know there class well and know there rotation (people who don't pull decent DPS numbers it won't matter, because they simply won't kill a merc).

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This so much this. If any class needed a serious buff from last expansion for PvP, it was mercs. They got solid upgrades to survival, however they can still be easily killed by those who know there class well and know there rotation (people who don't pull decent DPS numbers it won't matter, because they simply won't kill a merc).




Stop hitting it during reclect and bubble phase, and that is their 2 heal to full DCD's gone ...

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Stop hitting it during reclect and bubble phase, and that is their 2 heal to full DCD's gone ...


And when exactly do you stop hitting a PT?


I already know the answer - when he's dead.


The lengths people go to in order to justify this is just absurd.

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