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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

heroics only giving 1 alliance crate after level 65


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I'm sure this has been posted before but will you fix the fact that after level 65 heroics only give 1 alliance crate instead of 2. Before level 65 I get 2 alliance crates but once I reach level 66 I start getting only 1 crate. I haven't seen the devs acknowledge the bug, unless i'm the only one experiencing it.
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No, as far as I know everyone has that. Will ask around ingame to make sure. But yea, I am also wandering. A thread about reporting this got deleted, and so far I haven't seen any feedback from the devs about this issue. Presuming this is an issue (I don't see a reason that they would intend for H2's to only reward 1 crate after 65).
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One of my alts that's at level 62 has gotten 2 alliance crates for every heroic that he's done. My main was getting 2 crates while he was level 65 but once he hit 66 only started getting 1 crate. I've reported to CS and in game bug report but I don't think anyone replies to either of those anymore.
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One of my alts that's at level 62 has gotten 2 alliance crates for every heroic that he's done. My main was getting 2 crates while he was level 65 but once he hit 66 only started getting 1 crate. I've reported to CS and in game bug report but I don't think anyone replies to either of those anymore.


Same. Yesterday leveling a 65 and was getting 2 crates, as soon as I hit 66 the next heroic only gave 1.

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The weird thing is that they've always given only 1 crate. Why, suddenly, do levels 60-65 get 2? Like, most people won't even be able to USE them until they finish Chapter 9 of KotFE. I understand that we're talking about Alts just stashing them in Legacy storage to give them to a character who is using them. But if, say, you're JUST starting KotFE they're completely useless until 65 (which is the level most people are by the time they start grinding out Alliance Reputation).


Sounds to me like 65-70 should have gotten 2.

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