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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your fans and subscribers would like answers.


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Has it ever occurred to you that your perspective is completely, utterly, totally and absolutely wrong?


Here are the facts:


- A lot of people on the forums have been unhappy for a while. Everyone who posts is a subscriber, hence a customer

- When you have customer complaints you obviously have to triage based on 'is this valid' and 'how much will it cost to address issue x' vs the budge you have

- Most of the people who were here at launch and complaining the game wasn't WOW in space are gone.

- Most of the people who were saying (insert game here) would kill SWTOR are also gone.

- Most of the people who post now are PLAYING THE GAME, unless you're actually stating there are people willing to pay $$$ to whine about games they don't play, in which case you aren't even lucid and we can all ignore you.

- Many issues that have been outstanding for years still aren't fixed.

- NOT A SINGLE ISSUE that has been fixed was done without literally YEARS of thousands of people complaining.

- Positive feedback has only resulted in features being removed or nerfed for no reason.

- Bioware has continued to repeat the line that they are responsive to the customer.

- Bioware has a very poor track record of actually being repsonsive to the customer.


Perhaps you think the point of the forums is merely to discuss the game. I have news for you. What you think other subscribers should or should not post doesn't matter to anyone, certainly not to Bioware.


5.0 has a lot of issues people have problems with. We can either push that out into the open and hope Bioware takes note, or we can pretend there are no problems and KEEP LOSING SUBS until the game is no longer profitable.


Some of us already watched this sort of death spiral with SWG and the NGE and really, really would not like to repeat that again, especially since we're still playing because we LIKE the game.


Bottom line: Unless you are going to pay my sub you don't get to decide what I can or cannot say, or if I'm 'whining'. Don't like the topics? DON'T READ THEM. GO PLAY THE GAME.

WOW! Absolutely brilliant reply!!! Especially the part clearing up WHO current complaints are coming from.

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Why do you think the developers are, in any way, obliged to have an open discussion with people on the forum when all they do is moan and whine? I mean, have you looked at the recent posted topics? People are acting like someone stole their Christmas candy and replaced it with coal.


If I were a developer, I'd rather ask people who were actually playing the game, like right now, instead of all those who sit and constantly cry on the forum about every single little detail they find fault with.


see this is why we cant have nice things

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