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You guys should try beta testing


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It's been beta tested. However, I think the popularity of beta testing has fallen because of lack of operations to be tested.


There was closed testing on the PTS, by invite only with an NDA. So it has been tested, but the fact remains that a test server is not the same as the live servers. Unexpected things will always happen when the server goes live, so yeah in that sense the early access is another buffer for testing the live servers.

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maybe they should test a little more, cause every update brings the same problems then the update before that.


Can't be that many players have problems with the final Chapter 9 with a normal goldie Mob.


Vaylin isn't well balanced in my view

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There was closed testing on the PTS, by invite only with an NDA. So it has been tested, but the fact remains that a test server is not the same as the live servers. Unexpected things will always happen when the server goes live, so yeah in that sense the early access is another buffer for testing the live servers.


^^ This.


Huge code base + many interdependencies = test escapes no matter how hard or long you test. Live servers are always a different environment from test, and so things that did not show in test might in live servers.


That said... in my view.. they have always been lacking in testing... even back in the open and close betas before launch. I don't know if they are the worst in the industry, but they certainly are not at the top of the list.

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Well they need to replace their beta testers cause they suck or bioware is just ignoring the bugs they are reporting.


In large consumer serving systems...... believe it or not..... not all bugs are show-stoppers for a release. Each one has to be looked at for impact, and not all impacts would halt a release.


The common term is "mission critical" and it's a high bar for military, banking, commerce, etc... but not consumer games.


And no.. I am not defending their testing process and methods (See my above post), but I am also not making snarky assertions in an attempt to grind axe on studios forehead.

Edited by Andryah
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Yeah, if you are bugged by bugs, try to wait a few weeks, the content will be still new to you (surprise!).

Nobody wants bugs, neither me, but this is not an airplane or a hospital application that needs to be bulletproof on day one.

Stay away from early access, as a sound advice.

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That said... in my view.. they have always been lacking in testing... even back in the open and close betas before launch. I don't know if they are the worst in the industry, but they certainly are not at the top of the list.

I feel that 2.0 had a decent test run.


While the closed invite-only testing included Makeb and the story, the fully-open testing included the boost to 55, the new abilities, the new HM flashpoints, crafting additions / changes, etc.


During the time leading up to the release of 2.0, I would be on the PTS server frequently, and it was full enough that group finder pops were quick, and the fleet would have multiple instances.


On top of that, the PTS forum was filled with feedback. And not only whining, but actual well-worded bug reports.

Edited by Khevar
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I would give some speech about how hard it is to catch all bugs, but considering this game's reputation for fixing one thing and breaking another, it doesn't seem like a speech they are worthy of. They are more worthy of the, "Get your **** together, please" speech.


I mean, in what other game would it be so unsurprising for a basic part of a new interface to be broken to the point of being exploitable at the click of a button? (e.g. the planetary missions button on GC that they had to temporarily disable). How do you even miss something that obvious? The part that galls me is not that it happened, but that it didn't remotely take me by surprise.

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Yeah, if you are bugged by bugs, try to wait a few weeks, the content will be still new to you (surprise!).

Nobody wants bugs, neither me, but this is not an airplane or a hospital application that needs to be bulletproof on day one.

Stay away from early access, as a sound advice.


For people that are bug-intolerant, absolutely sage advice. :)


I don't expect anyone to embrace your advice however. They would rather plow in, bash their heads on bugs, not even bother to see if there is a work around.. and come running to the forum to encourage more group-rage at the studio.

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