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KOTET chapters - your opinion?


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I hate Charles Boyd. He has done a horrible job at creating this horrible story. It had potential, but the dude cannot write. I love the gameplay in the new expo, but the story fell absolutely short. I just want another expo on parr with the Dread War, even SoR. Doesn't look like it will ever happen though. That is what makes me sad. I loved Ziost, but the sad thing is they new they were going to lead into KotFE story when they wrote it. Could have made so many changes... but alas, there is no chance of them to recant.....


I still will play the game, but I am done with the story. Lore-wise, and I can't believe I am saying this, I am just going to stick with my "Head Canon" <ugh makes me quiver using that word>

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I hate Charles Boyd. He has done a horrible job at creating this horrible story. It had potential, but the dude cannot write. I love the gameplay in the new expo, but the story fell absolutely short. I just want another expo on parr with the Dread War, even SoR. Doesn't look like it will ever happen though. That is what makes me sad. I loved Ziost, but the sad thing is they new they were going to lead into KotFE story when they wrote it. Could have made so many changes... but alas, there is not chance of them to recant.....


I still will play the game, but I am done with the story. Lorewise, and I can't believe I am saying this, I am just going to stick with my "Head Canon" <ugh makes me quiver using that word>


What specifically don't you like about it? (and what did you like about Ziost, etc..?) What would have improved it for you?

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who do that ? my toon or Koth ?


lol I play my Sorc very self centered..so by the time he hit the ground...she is in front of a mirror talking about how the kill was awesome..while Lana in the back is like O_o




Just wondering if there's some jealousy for the fact that Lana and Koth hooked up while they (the characters) were frozen :p


"SHE WAS MINE!" *stab stab slice slice* "And so is the Gravestone!" :)

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Lol he actually does . He tell the Story to Koth in a cutscene after you flirt with Lana . When you come back with her , and she say something like you two having fun , he say 'Oh we arent talking about anything Rishi related'' . And from what Koth said ''That sound like Lana'' ..I'm guessing he told him about it .

Lol, that's brilliant! I don't remember ever encountering that, even though my agent romanced Lana for a bit until Kaliyo came back. Maybe I didn't choose the right flirt. :) Thank you for correcting me!


They write them in a way , but you know..if you ever saw or read some Fanfiction . It's there that the real artist make a certain character grow . And everyone will see it under a different Light . That's the charm of it .

There is something really special about good fanfiction. I love it when the fan author can take someone else's character and be completely faithful to existing material while opening a new window on some side of the character that was either completely unexplored or merely hinted at. I haven't looked for much SWTOR stuff... I read BrightEphemera's Ruth series years ago and loved that, but I just haven't stumbled across anything amazing in the meantime. Any recs?


why would a goody two shoes be distateful ? when usually goody two shoes job is to be tolerant and preachy and trying to turn her to the LS ? LOL I mean , she as a Sith..should be the one who get Irked by a LS behavior . And she isn't .

Lol, I'm talking about me, not my LS Outlander. :D My "canon" outlander is a pure light-sided jedi sage-healer. She's absolutely tolerant and preachy and at times it does bug even Lana, our #1 fangirl. :p


Slight tangent on that front. I've noticed some people complaining about how SWTOR since SoR has been the Lana and Theron show, and how in spite of our characters supposedly being these amazing leaders, we're always forced to do what Lana and Theron say and are ultimately subordinate to them. I don't actually find this to be the case. My consular might've seemed subordinate sometimes, but that's because she made cooperative choices to make Republic and Imperial forces work together towards a larger goal (unless those choices would be DS, in which case she stood her ground). She never let Theron use cooperation as a front for spying against the Empire during SoR. In the Gemini Deception, she saved Republic and Imperial prisoners at the cost of Zakuulan civilians for the sake of Alliance unity, even though she would've preferred to save the civilians instead of the Imps. She painstakingly worked her way up to 20 Influence with the four Alliance specialists, and didn't care if that made her look more like a foot soldier than a commander. My agent, by contrast, in spite of being generally ruthless and efficient in a way that Lana appreciates, let his hatred of the Republic cloud his judgement and often undermined any sense of cooperation between the two sides. He certainly didn't curry favour with characters that have a Republic background like Aygo or Hylo. And in spite of generally acting in favour of the Empire, he made a few choices that even Lana didn't like (such as lying to her about Valkorion and callously ending the romance with her). And you know what? Whether Lana and Theron like him or not, they can't replace him. They're stuck with the Outlander they've got. The "problem" of feeling stuck with those characters was flipped around. It's a bit like Rorschach from Watchmen's "I'm not locked in here with you - you're locked in here with me!"


Being Bullied by the eternal fleet isnt being United under Zakuul . That's not what Unification really is . Unification , True unity is when everyone get over themself and work as one . And they all stand shoulder to shoulder without hatred and without allegiance to this or that but to one cause , one ruler and one banner but for the Good of ALL .

Okay, but how is such unity going to be created? It exists in the Alliance, but the Empire and Republic want to follow their own paths. Will it be war? Somehow just standing as a passive beacon or example doesn't really seem like Lana's style.

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I liked it most of it.


I hated the stupid puzzle thing where you're dressed as a Knight of Zakuul running around doing this and that. Literally spent like 30 minutes on that part trying to figure out how to get to certain areas without using hints, just for fun. I failed.


I enjoyed the playing in the walker lol( it was great in chapter 8), die puny skytroopers die. The big robot was great to.


The ending I'm OKAY with I mean it coulda been done differently but I can see what Bioware wanted to do with it. Instead of continuing on with the Arcann, Vaylin, Valkorian storyline it's time to move onto the rebellious phase after you've seized the throne. I think if they dedicated more time into that storyline the game would have got stale pretty quick. I for one am happy if it goes back to me choking the republic :D

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Just wondering if there's some jealousy for the fact that Lana and Koth hooked up while they (the characters) were frozen :p


"SHE WAS MINE!" *stab stab slice slice* "And so is the Gravestone!" :)


Pfffffff I see a tease there lol Nope ! not gonna work ! :D


He can have the gravestone . well I always though it was a fugly ship , so kinda agree with Vaylin when she said that .


You add the long story of Star wars and how they always give you a ship that end up crashing or stolen and you learn that ''This isn't the Normandy! Don't get attached!'' .


we werent there , so it is hard to be jealouse . If she flirted with him while we were present maybe . But as such it happen when you were snorkling away . 5 years ago before she got you out .


Of course , I dont share . So hands off !!! :D

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There is something really special about good fanfiction. I love it when the fan author can take someone else's character and be completely faithful to existing material while opening a new window on some side of the character that was either completely unexplored or merely hinted at. I haven't looked for much SWTOR stuff... I read BrightEphemera's Ruth series years ago and loved that, but I just haven't stumbled across anything amazing in the meantime. Any recs?


I can recommand stuff that are Mass effect related , and Dragon Age . But with both , the main issue is mostly pairing . I mean if you dont care for a Liara/femshep or Leliana/cousland or Samara/femshep then Alas...I don't have good recommandations .


Slight tangent on that front. I've noticed some people complaining about how SWTOR since SoR has been the Lana and Theron show, and how in spite of our characters supposedly being these amazing leaders, we're always forced to do what Lana and Theron say and are ultimately subordinate to them. I don't actually find this to be the case.

well to be honest , they were a bit right . If you play a full DS in Kotfe it come off as you are a mere puppet to Valk . And everything we have done didnt do squat . No effect !


This was fixed in Kotet though , where you can go on a killing spree .


But the main issue still remain , the fact that the alliance is more like a group of rebel . And peoples probably wanted to turn it into a second Sith Empire or Repb where they can boss everyone .


Okay, but how is such unity going to be created?

if the Dalai-Lama can get Sub by preaching no violence..I think it can be done :D


It exists in the Alliance, but the Empire and Republic want to follow their own paths. Will it be war?

My plan is simple , you kick everyone behind and see how they like it lol War is inevitable . But unlike previous wars , this war may yet be avoided if a new vilain come out and crash the party .


After all , Both Imp and Repb suffered great loss so I dont see them stupidly just throwing their life at us . Unless they plan on joining forces .


Either way , I'm sure a LS character will have to rely on Diplomacy at some point . And DS will have to do some killing before they back off .


Somehow just standing as a passive beacon or example doesn't really seem like Lana's style.

why not ? it isn't like we gain anything rushing to war . She isn't impulsive either.......if we did that , she sure will grab our leash to give us a lecture about waiting and see what happen .

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I can recommand stuff that are Mass effect related , and Dragon Age . But with both , the main issue is mostly pairing . I mean if you dont care for a Liara/femshep or Leliana/cousland or Samara/femshep then Alas...I don't have good recommandations .

That's not really my cup of tea, but offered tea is appreciated tea, so thanks anyway. :o


the alliance is more like a group of rebel . And peoples probably wanted to turn it into a second Sith Empire or Repb where they can boss everyone .

Honestly, I miss being Republic or Imperial, so I can understand why people want something more like that. The very first choice any of us made in this game was our character's faction. All through the story for the first years of the game, we fought for that faction. And now, after all that build-up, it's taken away from everyone. Background seems to matter only a little. For instance, it doesn't matter if you are a humble jedi, loyal to the Republic, who served Saresh on many occasions starting from her early days on Taris. She will still try to kill you, exactly as if you had the darkest Imperial background - exactly as if, for instance, you helped to undo the work she did on Taris for no reason other than "if we can't have Taris, no one can!" :confused:


I wish the Outlander story took an approach more like the Shadow of Revan prelude in this regard. Almost all the SoR content is the same, which saves development money. However, you interface with Theron as a Republic character or Lana as an Imperial character, the order of the first two flashpoints is reversed, and your motive on those two FPs switches from attack to defence depending on your faction. And then, then you get to Shadow of Revan proper, there is one small class-specific quest for everyone. To me, that's enough to make it feel much more tailored to your actual choice of class and faction, without costing the same resource-wise as eight fully-fledged class stories, or even two properly separate faction arcs.


At least in KotET there were a few references to your background from Valkorion. That was something.


My plan is simple , you kick everyone behind and see how they like it lol War is inevitable . But unlike previous wars , this war may yet be avoided if a new vilain come out and crash the party .
I'm not really sure what you mean by "you kick everyone behind"?


why not ? it isn't like we gain anything rushing to war . She isn't impulsive either.......if we did that , she sure will grab our leash to give us a lecture about waiting and see what happen .
To me, Lana seems like a woman of action. She's not impulsive, but she is decisive. She doesn't wait around for things to happen. She takes initiative. If nothing else, that seems fairly clear from the fact that she's the one who succeeds in rescuing the Outlander.


That doesn't mean I think she's going to start a war for no good reason. But I don't see her taking a passive role.

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I'm not really sure what you mean by "you kick everyone behind"?


Boots...meet behind! Behind? meet Boots! I go Minsc on them :D


I mean the repb and Empire . If they want a war with the alliance , then I aint gonna shy away . At least , not on my Sith DS , who plan on taking the galaxy for herself . So if that's what they want...mucho mucho butt kicking will happen .


Honestly, I miss being Republic or Imperial, so I can understand why people want something more like that.


Oddly enough , my character for a reason or another all have tie to the Repb and the empire . But...I dunno . Adapt fast maybe ? cose it didn't bother me .


what bothered me was that one story fit all . what bothered me is the change to Vitiate to Valk . He goes from ''I'm gonna eat this galaxy '' to ''Talk talk talk in your head no stop '' gave me a headech .


the order of the first two flashpoints is reversed, and your motive on those two FPs switches from attack to defence depending on your faction.

True . But even then you could see their poor writing . One fine exemple , is when I was doing the flashpoint (when the repb apparently attacked Korriban ) . I did it first on my LS Sith warrior . Yet the final confrontation with that Jedi assumed I was a DS character .


Of course this isn't a big deal (But it really is!!!) cose it show just how limited the story is (or the writing skill is) .

Edited by SerraShar
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True . But even then you could see their poor writing . One fine exemple , is when I was doing the flashpoint (when the repb apparently attacked Korriban ) . I did it first on my LS Sith warrior . Yet the final confrontation with that Jedi assumed I was a DS character .


Of course this isn't a big deal (But it really is!!!) cose it show just how limited the story is (or the writing skill is) .


I agree. That's not the only spot either. Happens in vanilla story lines too.


I have this LS Warrior and Inquisitor and everyone goes on and on about how they're so dark sided.

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I did it first on my LS Sith warrior . Yet the final confrontation with that Jedi assumed I was a DS character .


You can always dismiss this as Jedi arrogantly assuming that since you're a sith you're a bloodthirsty psycho.


Anyway, the KOTET chapters for me were better than the KOTFE chapters (especially X and XI) but there were alot of missed opportunities.

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I was entertained, it was a good effort and I appreciate how hard it must have been to pull together. Though some things I cringe when I think about doing again on an alt, like the walker stuff or running around Vaylin's palace looking for the non-existent "barracks guard".


Vaylin was better as a secondary character rather than our main antagonist. She was just a little too out there. I don't hate her by any means but she was more intriguing in smaller doses.


Certain parts of the story didn't make perfect sense (Scorpio just wants to be free? She's been free for quite some time and what did she do with it, turn into a crime boss? o_o) But I didn't really care much about those types of things.


I'm more concerned about the missing parts of the story, like all the classes that still have lost loves. I've been patient.. ok not really. But I think *years* is long enough to wait to hear our spouses speak again. Do the va's just not wanna do it? I'd be disappointed to not get the same actor doing the voice but I'd accept a new voice if I really had to.


And my last thoughts are about the future of the game. Assuming there will be more expansions, will all our characters have to go through kotfe and kotet to catch up and get current with whatever new content comes down the pike? (Not to mention the "murder hobo" aspect of the mmo player character. I don't want this commander of the eternal empire thing getting tied around my neck for.. eternity. I want to hide out in the woods until they all forget about me, like Satele did. Hey, give me my LI and and a tent. After all, I did give Quinn like hundreds of them.)

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I was entertained, it was a good effort and I appreciate how hard it must have been to pull together. Though some things I cringe when I think about doing again on an alt, like the walker stuff or running around Vaylin's palace looking for the non-existent "barracks guard".


Vaylin was better as a secondary character rather than our main antagonist. She was just a little too out there. I don't hate her by any means but she was more intriguing in smaller doses.


Certain parts of the story didn't make perfect sense (Scorpio just wants to be free? She's been free for quite some time and what did she do with it, turn into a crime boss? o_o) But I didn't really care much about those types of things.


I'm more concerned about the missing parts of the story, like all the classes that still have lost loves. I've been patient.. ok not really. But I think *years* is long enough to wait to hear our spouses speak again. Do the va's just not wanna do it? I'd be disappointed to not get the same actor doing the voice but I'd accept a new voice if I really had to.


And my last thoughts are about the future of the game. Assuming there will be more expansions, will all our characters have to go through kotfe and kotet to catch up and get current with whatever new content comes down the pike?


While I'm not sure we can trust Scorpio, I get the feeling it was about more than being free. It was about getting home. She just couldn't get home and be free, not with someone else in control.


Of course, that then brings up the question of, why not be honest with the LS Jedi Consular :p

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While I'm not sure we can trust Scorpio, I get the feeling it was about more than being free. It was about getting home. She just couldn't get home and be free, not with someone else in control.


Of course, that then brings up the question of, why not be honest with the LS Jedi Consular :p


She was weird, I dunno. And honestly I don't even care, just glad I didn't give her tents or dirt or whatever gifts she liked.

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I enjoyed the story for what it was-- light "beach read" type entertainment. I'll give the writers major props for making me start to appreciate Vaylin. She and Arcann were woefully underused in KOTFE, but they both came into their own a little-- if you redeemed Arcann. Not that he still made much sense. I enjoyed the Thexan/Vaylin scene for its insights into the Valkorian family dynamics.


Iokath was interesting from a design standpoint, even if it looked a lot like Ilos. The party thing was a lot better executed than the horror of DA:I, but the map design and lack of decent directional arrows made it a navigational nightmare. Gods, the walker, mouse droid, and giant robot sections were the worst gameplay I've had in a long time, along with the last bit of Ch. 9.


Basically, I liked the story. Kind of a lot, actually. The combat, though, and map navigation were awful.


Edit-- loved punching Koth and Saresh with my LS V SW :D That almost made up for the KOTFE mess. Almost.

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Yeah - had a 51 seconds lag spike in the Zord section - as much as I love the idea of piloting a Zord and squishing the enemy underfoot, I would have liked the execution better if it was more stable... but I'd still totally do it again (and again and again) if it behaved :p


The mouse droid was annoying, but not as annoying as trying to pop those power relays before the timer ran out. I will never willing repeat KotET chapter 3, not even for the chance to pop Koth on the nose.

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Yeah - had a 51 seconds lag spike in the Zord section - as much as I love the idea of piloting a Zord and squishing the enemy underfoot, I would have liked the execution better if it was more stable... but I'd still totally do it again (and again and again) if it behaved :p


The mouse droid was annoying, but not as annoying as trying to pop those power relays before the timer ran out. I will never willing repeat KotET chapter 3, not even for the chance to pop Koth on the nose.


Ugh, I forgot about the power relays. At least I only did those twice-- rocket boosts worked in the access corridor. That twelve seconds was all I cleared the relays by on my second pass.

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