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Canon story order questions


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Can we get a sticky showing which quests to do when for normal game progression? I came back to the game having never played Shadow of Revan and with the first 2 KOTFE expansions out. Because of the 200% exp boost, I was 65 well before I even completed my class storyline, and now I have no idea which quests I'm supposed to do first. I cant even go by level really because for some reason in the quest log it just tells me my own level. If anyone could help me out I would appreciate it but I think that a sticky in this section of the forums showing where and when to go would be great.
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You do your story first .


Then you get Ilum .


Then you can do Oricon if you want .


Then Rise of the Hutt cartel come after .


Then you start Shadow of Revan (It start with flashpoints ) .


Then you get Ziost .


And finally you will start Kotfe and you get a warning that you will lose your companions and there is no turning back .


P.S: You don't have to do Ilum and Oricon . Heck you can even skip Shadow of revan and rise of the Hutt . But you won't be able to do the story portion once you have done Kotfe . That's why it's always better to do them first . As for Ilum and Oricon...I usually skip them cose I already done them on 18 toons lol but if you haven't done them , then do them for the story .

Edited by SerraShar
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Basically, regardless of level, it goes:


- Class story

- Ilum (The False Emperor arc)

- Makeb (Rise of the Hutt Cartel)

- Oricon (The Dread War) [can be skipped; it's more of an interlude/its own standalone story, also it ends in two Operations that cannot be soloed]

- Shadow of Revan prelude [four flashpoints that can be soloed]

- Shadow of Revan [the planets Rishi and Yavin IV]

- Ziost (Rise of the Emperor)

- Knights of the Fallen Empire

- Knights of the Eternal Throne


There's a *much* more detailed post explaining that...buried somewhere around here...

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Basically, regardless of level, it goes:


- Class story

- Ilum (The False Emperor arc)

- Makeb (Rise of the Hutt Cartel)

- Oricon (The Dread War) [can be skipped; it's more of an interlude/its own standalone story, also it ends in two Operations that cannot be soloed]

- Shadow of Revan prelude [four flashpoints that can be soloed]

- Shadow of Revan [the planets Rishi and Yavin IV]

- Ziost (Rise of the Emperor)

- Knights of the Fallen Empire

- Knights of the Eternal Throne


There's a *much* more detailed post explaining that...buried somewhere around here...


Oricon come after Makeb ? I always though it was before Makeb .

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from reddit :


Here what get Locked if you skip directly to Kotfe .


Locked Content

The following content will be locked and unavailable if you choose to start the "Knights of the Fallen Empire" story by clicking the purple "Chapter 1" button. You can do this content after October 27 if you don't start the new storyline.

Class story (Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3)

All companion stories so far

"Forged Alliances" storyline

"Shadow of Revan" storyline

Ziost storyline

It is recommended that you complete the Ilum, "Rise of the Hutt Cartel," and Oricon storylines before starting the "Shadow of Revan" storyline, since "Shadow of Revan" depends on those storylines.

Side missions and weeklies will still be available after you start the new storyline.

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If you're in a rush, the core single-players stuff is Ilum -> Makeb (Rise of the Hutt Cartel) -> Forged Alliances Flashpoints (you can select solo-mode for all of them) -> Rishi / Yavin (Shadow of Revan) -> Ziost -> Knights of the Fallen Empire -> Knights of the Eternal Throne.


Oricon can reasonably be considered a 'core' story arc too, set between Makeb and Forged Alliances, but be aware it requires running two Operations (Dread Fortress & Dread Palace) to complete the quest line (basically, it works as a stand-alone story even if you make it your character's only involvement in the Dread War - but for full effect of that storyline you'll want to do KP, EC, SecX, TfB, S&V and the Seeker Droid mission chain first).


If you want to see everything, here's a list of all the post-50 content in chronological order. Make sure you have the "Show Exploration Missions" option toggled On on your map screen or else there will be some missions that aren't available. (Some of the references to Operations being Level 55 or whatnot are now out of date since 4.0 changed how end-game Ops work - but the chronological order still stands.)

Here's a list of all the post-Class Story storylines, based on the chronological order that max-level content was released (which seems to track the in-universe progression).


The Cold War and the Start of the Second Great Galactic War

  • Class & Planetary Quests up through Corellia and the end of your Class Story plus Flashpoints as they become available (all Flashpoints have one-time quests that can be picked up on Fleet as soon as you hit the level for that Flashpoint and most of these quests can also be picked up on the level-appropriate planets)


Ilum and the New Empire

  • Ilum Planetary Quests (starts with quest you should receive automatically once you finish your Class Story)
  • Battle of Ilum Flashpoint (continuing the Ilum quest line) [now available in solo-mode]
  • The False Emperor Flashpoint (concluding the Ilum quest line) [now available in solo-mode]


The Return of the Infernal One

  • Eternity Vault Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)


Prelude to the Hutt Cartel Conflict

  • Karagga's Palace Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet) [briefly foreshadows The Dread War storyline.]


The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak

  • Kaon Under Siege Flashpoint (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)
  • The Lost Island Flashpoint (concluding the one-time quest that started with Kaon)


The Black Hole Crisis

  • Black Hole Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)


The Dread War Begins

  • Explosive Conflict Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet)
  • Terror From Beyond Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet) [because this Operation has been adjusted to level 55 it's worth noting that nothing is glaringly out of order if you do this after Makeb, but it should be done before Scum and Villainy]
  • Section X Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)
  • HK-51 Quest Line (starts with quest picked up in Section X)


Conflict with the Hutt Cartel

  • Scum and Villainy Operation (one-time quest picked up on Fleet) [because it is a level 55 operation, this is something you'll probably end up running after Makeb. Other than a single line of dialogue on the Republic one-time quest (response to "But their leader is dead!" dialogue option), nothing is badly out of place if you do this content after Makeb. This Operation also ties in to The Dread War storyline and should definitely be run if you want to experience that full story.]
  • Makeb Planetary Quest Line (starts with quest picked up on your ship's holo-terminal)
  • Shroud (Macrobinoculars) and Seeds of Rage (Seeker Droid) Quest Lines (each starts with a quest that can either be picked up on Makeb at around the halfway point of the planetary quest line, or on the Fleet once you hit level 52)[seeds of Rage questline also ties in to The Dread War storyline, should definitely be run if you want to experience that full story]


The Fall of Czerka

  • CZ-198 Daily Area (one-time quest picked up on Fleet starts the progression)
  • Czerka Corporate Labs Flashpoint (continuing the CZ-198 one-time quest)
  • Czerka Core Meltdown Flashpoint (concluding the CZ-198 one-time quest)


The Dread War Ends

  • Oricon Planetary Quest Chain (starts with quest that can be picked up either on Fleet or CZ-198)
  • Dread Fortress Operation (continuing the Oricon quest line)
  • Dread Palace Operation (concluding the Oricon quest line)


Forged Alliances

  • Assault on Tython and Korriban Incursion Flashpoints (order is determined based on your faction, one-time quest picked up on fleet)
  • Depths of Manaan Flashpoint (quest to continue the progression picked up on fleet from same droid who gave part I)
  • Rakata Prime Flashpoint (quest to continure the progression picked up on fleet from same droid who gave parts I and II)


Shadow of Revan

  • Rishi Planetary Quest Line (starts with quest picked up from Forged Alliances Droid on Fleet or from terminal on your Ship)
  • Blood Hunt Flashpoint (Rishi Quest Line directs you to it)
  • Battle of Rishi Flashpoint (Rishi Quest Line directs you to it)
  • Yavin IV Planetary Quest Line and Daily Area
  • Temple of Sacrifice Operation (one of two options for how to finish the Yavin IV Quest Line)
  • Ravagers Operation (one-time quest outside the Operation entrance on Rishi) [separate from main quest line with stand-alone plot, can be done anytime after you hit 60 and have been to Rishi]


Rise of the Emperor

  • Ziost Planetary Quest Line (starts with quest picked up on fleet)
  • Ziost Daily Area (planetary quest line leads into it)


Knights of the Fallen Empire

  • Quest Line [Chapters 1-16] (starts with quest picked up on your ship)
  • Star Fortress Flashpoints (on-going quest line leads into them)
  • Recruitment Missions (become available from your Alliance menu after Chapter 9 of the on-going quest line)

Knights of the Eternal Throne

  • Quest Line [Chapters 1-9]
  • Uprisings (available from the Galactic Command interface)


With 4.0, the 'breadcrumb' missions to the Black Hole and to Section X seem to have been pruned out as part of the 'streamlining' they did. All the missions in both areas are still there though, so you can still complete those and can still get HK-51 in SecX, you just have to head to the areas directly instead of picking up the "go there" mission from the Fleet.

Edited by DarthDymond
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