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SoR Prelude Cutscene (Male Inquisitor)


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Apparently if you press escape during the cutscene the game decides you saw the whole damn thing and records the mission as completed. As such I missed it. I've taken a look at a few on youtube to see what I missed, but there was one lingering question I had:


When I did SoR on my Bounty Hunter, there was a throwaway line added due to my romance with Mako. I thought it was hilarious, if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about.


Is there any reference to your Inquisitor's romance with Ashara like that? If so, what is it?


Thanks for any help.


Not sure if this would count as spoilers, I apologize if that's the case.

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Happy Ending incoming!


Okay, despite the devs stating there was nothing that could be done, the cutscene seems to replay when starting Chapter 5: Shadow of Revan. I'm not entirely sure why, because I was certain the cutscene was what I skipped out of (It plays before you get the shadow of revan prelude complete screen right? The one where you can choose a reward).


Regardless, having already seen the online one, there IS in fact a difference between my movie and a normal one on a female inquisitor who (due to gender) could not have romanced Ashara. After Ashara says a voice told the inquisitor to go to Rishi, she adds "I don't want you to go," in a pleading voice.


Not as extensive as the Mako addition, but still welcome (despite the many, many problems with the Ashara romance in this game).


If anybody knows how interactions of this nature go for the other classes (male or female) I'd be happy to hear them. A shame Andronikos doesn't get the same treatment - he and my sorc are best buds :D

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If anybody knows how interactions of this nature go for the other classes (male or female) I'd be happy to hear them. A shame Andronikos doesn't get the same treatment - he and my sorc are best buds :D


For Warriors, one of Vette's comments depends on your romance. On my Juggernaut she referenced Jaesa, and on my brother's Marauder she referred to herself. I don't know what she says if the Warrior romanced Quinn or didn't romance anyone.

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For Warriors, one of Vette's comments depends on your romance. On my Juggernaut she referenced Jaesa, and on my brother's Marauder she referred to herself. I don't know what she says if the Warrior romanced Quinn or didn't romance anyone.


My warrior romanced Quinn - Vette didn't mention that at all. What did happen, however, was when Quinn himself appeared in the scene: "Er, sorry, my love--[swift, embarrassed glance at the floor, as if to hide a blush] My lord. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." And the conversation went on as normal from there.

...it's really quite adorable.


I have no idea what happens for Andronikos's romance in the Shadow of Revan prelude, since my own female inquisitor wound up romancing Theron Shan instead of Andronikos. :/ He was concerned about her wanting to head off to Rishi, but that happens regardless of a romance taking place.

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My warrior romanced Quinn - Vette didn't mention that at all. What did happen, however, was when Quinn himself appeared in the scene: "Er, sorry, my love--[swift, embarrassed glance at the floor, as if to hide a blush] My lord. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." And the conversation went on as normal from there.

...it's really quite adorable.


I have no idea what happens for Andronikos's romance in the Shadow of Revan prelude, since my own female inquisitor wound up romancing Theron Shan instead of Andronikos. :/ He was concerned about her wanting to head off to Rishi, but that happens regardless of a romance taking place.


She doesn't mention your romance specifically, but her comment upon you walking into the room (after you have your vision) varies slightly if you romanced Vette or Jaesa. Either that or the Jaesa one is default and Vette makes a special comment if you romanced her. What did Vette say for you?

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She doesn't mention your romance specifically, but her comment upon you walking into the room (after you have your vision) varies slightly if you romanced Vette or Jaesa. Either that or the Jaesa one is default and Vette makes a special comment if you romanced her. What did Vette say for you?


Spoiler'd for...well, mild spoilers. This is the conversation that happens with a female warrior who romanced Quinn.



[The warrior walks into the conference room on board the Fury, where Vette and Broonmark are talking. Vette does a double-take at the warrior's rather disturbed expression]

Vette: Whooooaaa… you look like that time Jaesa tried exoboar soup!

Warrior: [distantly] I had a vision. There was a galaxy neighboring our own, and then…nothing. Every star went dim, both in that galaxy and our own. The end of everything.

Vette: [nervous laughter] S-see? Probably just something you ate. …maybe? I hope??

[Quinn walks past in the background]

Quinn: Another galaxy? Would you say it was a dwarf galaxy? Er, sorry, my lov—my lord. [blushes] I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.

Warrior: A dwarf galaxy sounds right. What do you know?

Quinn: [walking down the steps] There is such a galaxy off the Outer Rim, known as the Rishi Maze.

Vette: Ooh! Rishi? I’ve heard of Rishi. It’s a planet…some kind of pirate resort? Sounds like a real dive. [scuffs her feet shyly, and grins] I’ve kinda always wanted to go.

Broonmark: [blllorp] <We get strange datamails from Rishi. We do not ask for them. Offers of free travel.>

Warrior: You’ve started receiving these…recently?

Broonmark: [blllorp] <Yes. Sith understands. And there is no sender.>

Warrior: [decisive nod] Quinn, set a course. …we’re going to Rishi.



And, for the record, this is the conversation that happens when an inquisitor doesn't romance anybody (I'd assume it's the same for male and female inquisitors, since there is no romance involved).


[The inquisitor and Ashara are in the crew quarters. Quizzy [inquisitor :D], pacing back and forth; Ashara, meditating apparently.]

Quizzy: Reach out with your emotions. Let them guide you.

[Ashara concentrates; starts glowing red]

Quizzy: [satisfied smirk] Yes…that’s it…

[Ashara suddenly sees a vision – Quizzy, totally alone, in a forest or a swamp of some kind. Twisted roots begin to emerge from the ground all around Quizzy, who backs up against a tree, apparently defenseless. Then, the next part of the vision – the roots had totally captured Quizzy, and were twisting around them…Quizzy's expression was one of unendurable pain…and then purple lightning flowed from Quizzy into the vines and back again – then white light—

Ashara collapses with a pathetic little squeak.]

[Quizzy darts forwards; Andronikos hears the noise and came running]

Quizzy: Ashara. Tell me. What did you see?

Ashara: It…it was you. You were in a jungle. Roots and vines, they took you, bound you and-and then…y-you were torn apart.

Quizzy: [in a sort of resigned tone] …you saw the future. One of many possible futures…but a probable one, at the very least.

Ashara: Then I—I heard a voice. A woman. She reached out to me through the force. She told me you had to go to Rishi.

Andronikos: [stops cold] Rishi. You said Rishi? Rishi’s been coming up on the navicomputer. Thought it was some kind of glitch…nothing out there but my kind of people.

Quizzy: That’s no glitch. It’s a message.

Andronikos: …leeeeeeet me guess. You’re thinking of walking straight into a trap.

Quizzy: [smiles] Perhaps it is a trap. What of it? Tell the crew there’s been a change of plans. I should very much like to visit this “Rishi”…




...yeeeees, I do write these things down verbatim. :p

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Vette: Whooooaaa… you look like that time Jaesa tried exoboar soup!


Okay, so Jaesa's romance doesn't get mentioned at all then, since Vette said the same thing to my Juggernaut (who romanced Jaesa). Dang it. Then again, back when 4.0 hit there were cases where people didn't get their letters from their romance during KotFE. I didn't take my Juggernaut through KotFE until months later (after the bug was fixed) but maybe the game wasn't acknowledging his marriage to Jaesa?


Has anyone done this on a Warrior who romanced Jaesa lately and can tell us if the dialogue is different?


For anyone who's interested, Vette's comment if you romanced her goes something like this:



Vette: You look like I did after I tried shaclaw on Voss. I was so sick you had to hold my lekku for a week.


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