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Musco opens 4 crates at level 90+ ZERO set gear


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Right. I have over 40 toons on harbinger, 30 some are 65. 3 are raid ready, optimized/set bonus. Just 3. I do have pvp sets for some others but yeah. Those three are the only ones that ever see hm+ ops (Their clones and mirrors on off occasions). Why waste time gearing others? Even when gearing was so easy in 4.0, I just didn't see the point.



Even gearing 3 is going to be a chore with GC.


On whether BW is unethical IF they introduce a cxp booster they will well and truly step over the line.

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But how much gear do you need for all 30+ alts? Do they all need to be raid ready? Ranked pvp ready? Are you planning to do hard mode uprisings on every single one of them? Are all 30+ of them currently in 208/224 gear right now with set bonuses?


I think some people are losing a bit of perspective here. And honestly, unless you are planning nim operations right from the start then gearing your toons should be just something that happens as you play. If you are desperate, buy or craft the gear, it will be more than adequate for what you will need I'm sure.

I believe the point is that they made an event that forced you to make alts if you wanted to participate. Then made a system that goes backwards in terms of accommodating alts. It is, at the very least, a case of left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.


Whether you "need" good gear for all your alts is beside the point.


Yes, it has been said, but usually in amongst often threads and posts. No dedicated threads seem to be going. I'm sure if we had a few dozen of those going and were as vocal as Trumps "crooked Hilary" campaign, Bioware would take notice. Especially if people googled the word crooked and swtor pops up in the search results.


Crooked Bioware and crooked swtor.

I see your point, but dedicated threads like that would probably just get deleted.

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Even gearing 3 is going to be a chore with GC.


On whether BW is unethical IF they introduce a cxp booster they will well and truly step over the line.


Oh yeah, I definitely agree, unless they did some rebalancing, since the livestream, I'm still very much pessimistic about it. Just thought that gearing 30 toons was excessive even now.

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Whether you "need" good gear for all your alts is beside the point.


No it's exactly the point.


Gear is something you have to assist you with game activities. If you want to do HM ops you need good gear. If you just do the stories then quest greens are probably adequate. If you are gearing all your toons just for the sake of gearing them then I don't know what to say....yes it will probably take you a while to get them all in bis gear.

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But how much gear do you need for all 30+ alts? Do they all need to be raid ready? Ranked pvp ready? Are you planning to do hard mode uprisings on every single one of them? Are all 30+ of them currently in 208/224 gear right now with set bonuses?


I think some people are losing a bit of perspective here. And honestly, unless you are planning nim operations right from the start then gearing your toons should be just something that happens as you play. If you are desperate, buy or craft the gear, it will be more than adequate for what you will need I'm sure.


Ranked pvp

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No it's exactly the point.


Gear is something you have to assist you with game activities. If you want to do HM ops you need good gear. If you just do the stories then quest greens are probably adequate. If you are gearing all your toons just for the sake of gearing them then I don't know what to say....yes it will probably take you a while to get them all in bis gear.

I'm not even thinking about BiS gear at this point. Getting mid-range is going to be time-consuming enough.

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I believe the point is that they made an event that forced you to make alts if you wanted to participate. Then made a system that goes backwards in terms of accommodating alts. It is, at the very least, a case of left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.


Whether you "need" good gear for all your alts is beside the point.


I see your point, but dedicated threads like that would probably just get deleted.


Exactly, its also a principle thing. Its the underhanded way they took money to have more alts so you could do an event that most people needed to create alts for. Then they make it impossible to gear them in the expansion.


You are probably right about them deleting them. But if the threads kept reappearing, then it would send a msg.

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But how much gear do you need for all 30+ alts? Do they all need to be raid ready? Ranked pvp ready? Are you planning to do hard mode uprisings on every single one of them? Are all 30+ of them currently in 208/224 gear right now with set bonuses?


I think some people are losing a bit of perspective here. And honestly, unless you are planning nim operations right from the start then gearing your toons should be just something that happens as you play. If you are desperate, buy or craft the gear, it will be more than adequate for what you will need I'm sure.

As it stands right now, I feel encouraged to play only a single character. Simply imagining the grind of 300 ranks of CXP on multiple charactres is exhausting, let alone actually doing it. And, since I'll likely have only one character with decent gear, I probably won't play the game as much.


BUT, let's flip this around:


1. Pretend that Bioware changed the command rank system to be legacy wide.

2. The total amount of time to get to rank 300 for a single character would be the same as getting to rank 300 split across multiple characters.

3. At that point, having invested all that time and energy, further playing would be required on each individual alt to gear them up. But you wouldn't be starting at rank 1.


Under those circumstances I would personally feel encouraged to play more. I like my different alts. Sometimes I'm in the mood for tanking. Sometimes for melee dps. Sometimes for ranged. Sometimes healing.


Do you believe it would be a bad thing if Bioware implemented CXP ranks legacy wide?

Edited by Khevar
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Do you believe it would be a bad thing if Bioware implemented CXP ranks legacy wide?


Nope, many of my complaints would vanish if it was legacy wide whilst being kept at 300 levels. Similar systems have worked account wide in other games. Only issue would still be the wide gap that will occur between geared and ungeared players in pvp, a way to overcome that would be to use bolster. There would also still be the possible cxp booster but that would assume less significance.

Edited by Morrolan
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Nope, many of my complaints would vanish if it was legacy wide whilst being kept at 300 levels. Similar systems have worked account wide in other games. Only issue would still be the wide gap that will occur between geared and ungeared players in pvp, a way to overcome that would be to use bolster. There would also still be the possible cxp booster but that would assume else significance.

I agree. I would be going in a lot more motivated if I could swap alts without starting from 0.

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Nope, many of my complaints would vanish if it was legacy wide whilst being kept at 300 levels. Similar systems have worked account wide in other games. Only issue would still be the wide gap that will occur between geared and ungeared players in pvp, a way to overcome that would be to use bolster. There would also still be the possible cxp booster but that would assume else significance.


That gear gap is going to happen regardless. Pvp players will ultimately earn less CXP than pve players. Which means pve guys should nearly always have a gear advantage.

Even when new people start the game or lvl up to 70 in a few months there will be a gear gap.

So having legacy wide CXP will not have anymore affect on a gear gap than not having it legacy wide. The only difference is people will be able to use their alts.

If the don't tune Bolster correctly or the gear gap is too big, then pvp will no longer be about skill, but how many hours you have put into getting gear.

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That gear gap is going to happen regardless. Pvp players will ultimately earn less CXP than pve players. Which means pve guys should nearly always have a gear advantage.

Even when new people start the game or lvl up to 70 in a few months there will be a gear gap.

So having legacy wide CXP will not have anymore affect on a gear gap than not having it legacy wide. The only difference is people will be able to use their alts.

If the don't tune Bolster correctly or the gear gap is too big, then pvp will no longer be about skill, but how many hours you have put into getting gear.

Yeah, if there is not bolster to compensate for the obvious PvE issue, I'm just going to be. :confused:

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Pvp players will ultimately earn less CXP than pve players.

It seems to me that it's more likely that a player that focuses on PvP is going to ultimately earn more than a player that focuses on PvE.


Warzones tend to be shorter than most PvE activities that give similar CXP, they don't suffer from weekly lockouts (like operations do), and you'll still gain CXP even if you lose.


What makes you think the PvP player will earn less?

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Yeah, if there is not bolster to compensate for the obvious PvE issue, I'm just going to be. :confused:


Wait what? What obvious PVE issue? Has it been determined that there is a massive discrepancy in earning cxp from doing pvp as opposed to doing pve? Is there a dev post anywhere or is this just more doom and gloom pessimism? The only thing I have read is Eric saying the FASTEST way to earn cxp is via HM ops and RANKED PVP. Yep, pvp.


And as for this mythical pvp gear gap, Eric clearly said the crafted gear has almost the same rating as bis gear, just no set bonus. So if by some chance you are behind the gear curve for pvp, just lash out with the millions of credits you guys no doubt stockpiled and buy whatever gear you need from the gtn.


Seriously, it feels like you people are looking for ways to be constantly disappointed.

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It seems to me that it's more likely that a player that focuses on PvP is going to ultimately earn more than a player that focuses on PvE.


Warzones tend to be shorter than most PvE activities that give similar CXP, they don't suffer from weekly lockouts (like operations do), and you'll still gain CXP even if you lose.


What makes you think the PvP player will earn less?

Either way, if there isn't proper bolster, we're going to see issues with people who get lucky with gear drops and dominate with it.

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Are you interested in responding to my post here? My question in it was directed to you specifically.


Aplogies, I meant to respond but obviously got sidetracked :(


I would love legacy wide cxp, but I'm not sure how they could implement it. Say a fresh alt just hit level 70, but your main has a cxp level of 100. Does that mean your alt gets 100 command crates in the mail? Seems a little unrealistic.


How about a legacy cxp boost similar to the legacy xp boosts for warzones, flashpoints etc you can buy with credits? You would still need to earn cxp, but you would get it at a much faster rate, so less grinding - faster catch up.

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Wait what? What obvious PVE issue? Has it been determined that there is a massive discrepancy in earning cxp from doing pvp as opposed to doing pve? Is there a dev post anywhere or is this just more doom and gloom pessimism? The only thing I have read is Eric saying the FASTEST way to earn cxp is via HM ops and RANKED PVP. Yep, pvp.


And as for this mythical pvp gear gap, Eric clearly said the crafted gear has almost the same rating as bis gear, just no set bonus. So if by some chance you are behind the gear curve for pvp, just lash out with the millions of credits you guys no doubt stockpiled and buy whatever gear you need from the gtn.


Seriously, it feels like you people are looking for ways to be constantly disappointed.

Obvious being PvEers coming into PvP with BiS gear and compensating for lack of skill with gear. Used to happen in another game I played, where the PvP management made this game look like heaven. With proper bolster, it would largely be a non-issue. With expertise it is a non-issue, but expertise is being removed.


What you call looking for ways to be disappointed is what I call foresight. If I wanted to be disappointed, I would root for a terrible sports team. No, I just have this thing about seeing flaws in how things will/can play out.


You have no idea how much I wish I could look at this expansion and say, "What is there to be concerned about?" That's the place I love to be in, because my mind can relax knowing that someone else thought of the important stuff and I don't need to say a word about it. But as long as I have the time to kill and it interests me, I might as well say what's on my mind.

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I would love legacy wide cxp, but I'm not sure how they could implement it. Say a fresh alt just hit level 70, but your main has a cxp level of 100. Does that mean your alt gets 100 command crates in the mail? Seems a little unrealistic.

No, I think it would best work like this:


1. Legacy Galactic Command rank is 100.

2. New alt reaches level 70.

3. New alt does content that generates CXP.

4. Hits legacy rank 101 while playing new alt.

5. New alt gets command crate at that tier.


This way, any character I play would push my overall command rank forward, but I would still have to run content with the character in question to receive gear rewards for him/her.

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Obvious being PvEers coming into PvP with BiS gear and compensating for lack of skill with gear. Used to happen in another game I played, where the PvP management made this game look like heaven. With proper bolster, it would largely be a non-issue. With expertise it is a non-issue, but expertise is being removed.


What you call looking for ways to be disappointed is what I call foresight. If I wanted to be disappointed, I would root for a terrible sports team. No, I just have this thing about seeing flaws in how things will/can play out.


You have no idea how much I wish I could look at this expansion and say, "What is there to be concerned about?" That's the place I love to be in, because my mind can relax knowing that someone else thought of the important stuff and I don't need to say a word about it. But as long as I have the time to kill and it interests me, I might as well say what's on my mind.


Well I'm in that happy place where I'm wondering what all the concern is about :)


As I've said constantly, if your worried about gear, buy what you need from the gtn. It might just be that finally, after all these years, being a synthweaver might actually be worthwhile for once :p

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No, I think it would best work like this:


1. Legacy Galactic Command rank is 100.

2. New alt reaches level 70.

3. New alt does content that generates CXP.

4. Hits legacy rank 101 while playing new alt.

5. New alt gets command crate at that tier.


This way, any character I play would push my overall command rank forward, but I would still have to run content with the character in question to receive gear rewards for him/her.


I think I see what your saying. If my main is getting tier 2 gear from being command level 100, then my alts would get tier 2 gear from any command crate opened thereafter? I'd be very happy with that.

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